path: root/miralib
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authorJakob Kaivo <>2022-03-04 12:32:20 -0500
committerJakob Kaivo <>2022-03-04 12:32:20 -0500
commit55f277e77428d7423ae906a8e1f1324d35b07a7d (patch)
tree5c1c04703dff89c46b349025d2d3ec88ea9b3819 /miralib
import Miranda 2.066 from upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'miralib')
-rw-r--r--miralib/ex/kate.pdfbin0 -> 58803 bytes
104 files changed, 7440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/miralib/.version b/miralib/.version
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e21d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/.version
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/miralib/COPYING b/miralib/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd23d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+The Miranda system is Copyright (c) Research Software Limited,
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
diff --git a/miralib/auxfile b/miralib/auxfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c3b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/auxfile
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/aux /a print this list of auxiliary commands
+/cd [dirname] change directory (defaults to home directory)
+/count (/nocount) statistics following each evaluation (default off)
+/dic report size of dictionary for storing names etc
+/editor report name of text editor used by ?? and /e commands
+/editor PROG *change resident editor to PROG (see below)
+/find id(s) like `?ids' but look under original names of aliases
+/gc (/nogc) enable garbage collection reports (default off)
+/heap report size of heap
+/heap SIZE set heap to SIZE cells
+/hush (/nohush) control prompts and other feedback (default on)
+/list (/nolist) *control listing of script when compiling (default off)
+/miralib report absolute pathname of the directory miralib
+/(no)recheck *control busy checking for script updates (default off)
+/settings /s print current settings of controllable options
+/version /v print version information
+/V more detailed version information
+||... lines beginning in `||' are ignored (comment facility)
+commands marked (*) are sticky, i.e. remembered for subsequent sessions
+if you don't like the resident editor choose another - recommended editors
+include - vi, joe, pico, nano, emacs - for more info see /man section 31(5)
+/recheck enables a check for update of any relevant source file before
+each evaluation, instead of only after /e[dit] - appropriate if an
+editor window is kept open alongside the mira session window.
diff --git a/miralib/ex/README b/miralib/ex/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a68794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/README
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+This directory contains a (fairly random) collection of simple scripts
+written in Miranda. To try one out (eg fibs.m) say
+ mira fibs
+as a UNIX command - or if you are already inside a Miranda session, say
+ /f fibs
+to make (e.g.) fibs.m your current script. To get into this directory,
+while in a Miranda session, say
+ /cd <ex>
+Each script has some explanatory comments in it. To read the current
+script from within a Miranda session say
+ /e
+which invokes the editor on the current script. The scripts are listed
+in groups, with some more advanced examples towards the end. The ones
+marked (*) may be useful as libraries.
+ack.m the ackermann function
+divmodtest.m tests properties of div and mod
+fibs.m tabulates fibonacci numbers
+hanoi.m solves the problem `towers of hanoi'
+powers.m prints a table of powers
+primes.m infinite list of prime numbers
+pyths.m generates pythagorean triangles
+hamming.m prints hamming numbers
+queens.m all solutions to the eight queens problem
+queens1.m finds one solution to the eight queens problem
+quicksort.m Miranda definition of quicksort
+selflines.m curiosity - a self describing scroll of lines
+stack.m defines stack as an abstract data type
+treesort.m Miranda definition of treesort
+parafs.m Enumerates isomers of alkanes in pictorial form
+graphics.m Rectangular graphics package used by parafs.m
+keith.m Checks that floating point overflow is trapped
+barry.m Math calculations that stress the garbage collector
+bigscript.m Tests gc during compilation
+makebig.m Creates bigscript.m of any chosen size
+edigits.m infinite decimal expansion of the digits of `e' (literate script)
+rational.m package for doing rational arithmetic (*)
+refoliate.m a tree problem (literate script)
+topsort.m topological sort
+matrix.m matrix package (*)
+set.m defines set as an abstract data type (*)
+kate.lit.m a Miranda script that is also a LaTeX source file
+genmat.m parameterised version of matrix package (*)
+just.m text formatting program
+mrev (executable) Miranda version of the UNIX `rev' command
+box.m (executable) program for reboxing Miranda comments
+box symbolic link to box.m
+polish.m testbed for unify.m
+unify.m package for doing 1st order unification (*)
diff --git a/miralib/ex/ack.m b/miralib/ex/ack.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a743eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/ack.m
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+||defines ackermann's function, beloved of recursion theorists. Example
+|| ack 3 3
+||should yield 61, after doing a huge amount of recursion. Can only be
+||called for small arguments, because the values get so big.
+ack 0 n = n+1
+ack (m+1) 0 = ack m 1
+ack (m+1) (n+1) = ack m (ack (m+1) n)
+ack m n = error "ack applied to -ve or fractional arg"
diff --git a/miralib/ex/barry.m b/miralib/ex/barry.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f93af80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/barry.m
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+||from Barry Brown, Sierra College -- Aug 2009
+||the critical case is test5, below
+|| Given a number, return the next number in the Collatz sequence
+collatz :: num -> num
+collatz n = n div 2, if (n mod 2 = 0)
+ = 3*n+1, if (n mod 2 = 1)
+|| Given a number, return the whole Collatz sequence starting with that
+|| number. Note that it does not include the '1' on the end, but that's OK
+|| since we're only interested in the length.
+collatzseq n = takewhile (>1) (iterate collatz n)
+|| Given a number, return a tuple with the starting number and the
+|| length of the Collatz sequence. We'll find the maximum tuple using the
+|| next function. The number returned will be 1 less than the actual
+|| Collatz sequence length, but that's OK for our purposes. One one of them
+|| will be the longest.
+collatzpair n = (n, #(collatzseq n))
+|| Given two tuples, return the greater based on the second term.
+maxtuple :: (*,**)->(*,**)->(*,**)
+maxtuple x y = x, if (snd x > snd y)
+ = y, otherwise
+test1 = map collatzpair [1..9]
+test2 = foldr maxtuple (1,0) (map collatzpair [1..9])
+test3 = foldr maxtuple (1,0) (map collatzpair [1..999])
+test4 = foldr maxtuple (1,0) (map collatzpair [1..9999])
+test5 = foldl maxtuple (1,0) (map collatzpair [1..999999]) ||segfaults, ok with foldl
diff --git a/miralib/ex/box b/miralib/ex/box
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..be14d99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/box
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+box.m \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/miralib/ex/box.m b/miralib/ex/box.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..87d404c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/box.m
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#! /home/dat/mira/states/src/miranda/mira -exec
+|| Contributed by John Cupitt, University of Kent
+||A while ago Steve Hill (I think) appealed for useful Miranda programs
+||-- well, here is the greatest productivity aid for Miranda hackers
+||since ball-point pens. A 'vi' type filter to *rebox your comments*!!
+||Amazing. It turns dull, unexciting notes like:
+|| Given a node in the tree,
+||examine the branches and chose the exit with the
+|| highest score.
+|| Given a node in the tree, examine the branches and chose the exit ||
+|| with the highest score. ||
+||Any comments welcome -- my Miranda is not as hot as it could be ...
+|| Box up Miranda comments. A filter from stdin to stdout
+|| do_box :: [char] -> [char] ||
+|| - Strip ||s, reformat, rebox. ||
+main = [Stdout (do_box $-)]
+|| Reboxing done in a pipeline of five stages. ||
+|| - Split the input into lines ||
+|| - Strip '||'s from input ||
+|| - Lex the input, breaking into tokens ||
+|| - Rejig tokens to produce fmted type output ||
+|| - Output tokens as [char] with a box drawn around them ||
+|| Formatting rules: ||
+|| - Lines starting '||-' are deleted ||
+|| - Leading & trailing '||' removed ||
+|| - Lines starting with a tab are not reformatted ||
+|| - Blank lines are 'new paragraph' ||
+|| First a few types and useful little functions. ||
+|| Useful constants
+outWid = 68 || Width of the text in our boxes
+boxWid = 72 || Size of the box we draw
+|| A token
+tok ::= Word [char] | Newpara | Line [char]
+|| Useful character classifier
+whitespace :: char -> bool
+whitespace ch
+ = True, if ch = '\n' \/ ch = '\t' \/ ch = ' '
+ = False, otherwise
+|| An edge of a box boxWid across
+edge :: [char]
+edge = "||" ++ (rep (boxWid-2) '-') ++ "||\n"
+|| Find the length of a line containing tabs
+len :: [char] -> num
+len str
+ = len' 0 str
+ where
+ len' n []
+ = n
+ len' n (a:rest)
+ = len' (n+tab_space) rest, if a = '\t'
+ = len' (n+1) rest, otherwise
+ where
+ tab_space
+ = 8 - (n mod 8)
+|| Useful when doing output --- only attach first param if its not [].
+no_blank :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [[char]]
+no_blank a b
+ = a : b, if a ~= []
+ = b, otherwise
+|| The main function. Call from a shell script in your /bin directory ||
+|| looking something like: ||
+|| #! /usr/bin/mira -exec ||
+|| main = [Stdout (do_box $-)] ||
+|| %include "../mira/box/box.m" ||
+do_box :: [char] -> [char]
+do_box input
+ = edge ++ rejig input ++ edge
+ where
+ rejig = re_box . format . lex_start . strip_start . split
+|| The first stage in processing. Split the input [char] into lines as ||
+|| [[char]]. ||
+|| Split the text into a list of lines
+split :: [char] -> [[char]]
+split input
+ = split' [] input
+ where
+ split' sofar (a:input)
+ = sofar : split input, if a = '\n'
+ = split' (sofar ++ [a]) input, otherwise
+ split' sofar []
+ = no_blank sofar [] || No extra blank lines!
+|| The next stage ... strip old '||'s from the input. Remove: ||
+|| - Lines starting '||-' ||
+|| - Strip leading '||'s ||
+|| - Strip trailing '||'s & trailing spaces ||
+|| At the start of a line:
+strip_start :: [[char]] -> [[char]]
+strip_start ([]:input)
+ = [] : strip_start input || Keep blank lines
+strip_start (('|':'|':line):input)
+ = strip_start' line
+ where
+ strip_start' ('-':rest)
+ = strip_start input || Strip '||---||' lines
+ strip_start' rest
+ = strip_rest rest input || Strip leading '||'
+strip_start (line:input)
+ = strip_rest line input || Pass rest through
+strip_start []
+ = []
+|| Scan along the rest of the line looking for trailing '||'s to strip.
+strip_rest :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [[char]]
+strip_rest line input
+ = strip_rest' (rev line) input
+ where
+ strip_rest' ('|':'|':rest) input
+ = strip_rest' rest input || Strip trailing ||
+ strip_rest' (x:rest) input
+ = strip_rest' rest input, if whitespace x
+ strip_rest' line input
+ = (rev line) : strip_start input
+|| Efficient(ish) reverse
+rev list
+ = rev' [] list
+ where
+ rev' sofar (a:x)
+ = rev' (a:sofar) x
+ rev' sofar []
+ = sofar
+|| The next stage ... Break the input into Word, Newpara and Line ||
+|| tokens. Newpara for blank lines and line starting with space; Line ||
+|| for lines starting with a tab. ||
+|| At the start of a line.
+lex_start :: [[char]] -> [tok]
+lex_start ([]:input)
+ = Newpara : lex_start input || Preserve blank lines
+lex_start (('\t':rest):input)
+ = Line ('\t':rest) : lex_start input || Don't format tab lines
+lex_start (line:input)
+ = lex_rest (strip_ws line) input || Lex to eol
+lex_start []
+ = []
+|| In the middle of a line. Try to take words off the front of what we
+|| have so far.
+lex_rest :: [char] -> [[char]] -> [tok]
+lex_rest [] input
+ = lex_start input
+lex_rest sofar input
+ = Word wd : lex_rest (strip_ws rest) input
+ where
+ (wd, rest)
+ = break_word sofar
+|| Strip ws from the start of the line
+strip_ws (a:input)
+ = (a:input), if ~whitespace a
+ = strip_ws input, otherwise
+strip_ws []
+ = []
+|| Break the word from the front of a line of text. Return the remains
+|| of the line along with the word.
+break_word :: [char] -> ([char], [char])
+break_word (a:line)
+ = ([a] ++ rest, tag), if ~whitespace a
+ = ([], (a:line)), otherwise
+ where
+ (rest, tag)
+ = break_word line
+break_word []
+ = ([],[])
+|| Almost the last stage ... Turn [tok] back into [[char]]. Format ||
+|| onto outWid character lines. ||
+format :: [tok] -> [[char]]
+format input
+ = format' [] input
+ where
+ format' sofar (Word wd:rest)
+ = format' (sofar ++ " " ++ wd) rest, if #sofar + #wd < outWid
+ = sofar : format' (" " ++ wd) rest, otherwise
+ format' sofar (Newpara:rest)
+ = no_blank sofar ([] : format rest)
+ format' sofar (Line line:rest)
+ = no_blank sofar (line : format rest)
+ format' sofar []
+ = no_blank sofar []
+|| The final stage. Box up a list of formatted lines. Try to be clever ||
+|| about using tabs on the ends of lines. ||
+|| Draw a box boxWid across.
+re_box :: [[char]] -> [char]
+re_box (line:rest)
+ = "||" ++ line ++ padding ++ "||\n" ++ (re_box rest)
+ where
+ padding
+ = rep n_tab '\t'
+ n_tab
+ = (boxWid - line_length + 7) div 8
+ line_length
+ = len ("||" ++ line)
+re_box []
+ =[]
diff --git a/miralib/ex/divmodtest.m b/miralib/ex/divmodtest.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b5e03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/divmodtest.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+||This script defines tests for three properties of div and mod, each
+||checked over a small range of values including various combinations
+||of signs. Each test should yield the result True, or there is
+||something wrong with the arithmetic on your machine!
+test1 = and [a div b = entier (a/b) | a,b <- [-15..15]; b~=0]
+test2 = and [b*(a div b) + a mod b = a | a,b <- [-15..15]; b~=0]
+test3 = and [ ok a b | a,b <- [-15..15]; b~=0]
+ where
+ ok a b = 0 <= a mod b < b, if b>0
+ = b < a mod b <= 0, if b<0
diff --git a/miralib/ex/edigits.m b/miralib/ex/edigits.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..216757f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/edigits.m
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+> ||note that this is a literate script
+Programming example - generating the digits of `e'
+We wish to write a program to generate the (decimal) digits of `e', as
+an infinite string. Fact - the value of `e', the base of natural
+logarithms, is given by the series
+e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ...
+where by n! we mean the factorial of n, = n*(n-1)...*2*1. Now, we can
+choose to represent fractional numbers using a peculiar base system, in
+which the weight of the i'th digit after the point is 1/i! (so note that
+the `carry factor' by which we must multiply a unit from the i'th digit
+when carrying it back to the i-1'th is i). Written to this funny base,
+`e' is just
+ 2.1111111111............
+so the string we require may be obtained by converting fractional part
+of the above numeral from the `funny base' to decimal. Thus
+> edigits = "2." ++ convert (repeat 1)
+The function `convert' takes for its argument a fraction in the funny
+base (here represented as an infinite list of numbers) and returns its
+value in decimal, as an infinite list of digits. The algorithm for
+converting a fraction from another base to decimal, is as follows: (i)
+multiply all digits by ten, and renormalise, using the appropriate carry
+factors (ii) the whole number part of the result gives the first decimal
+digit (iii) repeat the process on the fractional part of the result to
+generate the remaining digits. Thus
+> convert x = mkdigit (hd x'):convert (tl x')
+> where x' = norm 2 (0:map (10*) x)
+> mkdigit n = decode(n + code '0'), if n<10
+It remains to define the function `norm' which does renormalisation. A
+naive (and almost correct) definition is
+ norm c (d:x) = d + e' div c: e' mod c : x'
+ where
+ (e':x') = norm (c+1) x
+However, this is not a well-founded recursion, since it must search
+arbitrarily far to the right in the fraction being normalised before
+printing the first digit. If you try printing `edigits' with the above
+as your definition of norm, you will get "2." followed by a long
+We need a theorem which will limit the distance from which a carry can
+propagate. Fact: during the conversion of this fraction the maximum
+possible carry from a digit to its leftward neighbour is 9. (The proof
+of this, left as a (not very hard) exercise for the mathematically
+minded reader, is by induction on the number of times the conversion
+algorithm is applied.) This leads us to the following slightly more
+cautious definition of `norm'
+> norm c (d:e:x) = d + e div c: e' mod c : x', if e mod c + 9 < c
+> = d + e' div c : e' mod c : x', otherwise
+> where
+> (e':x') = norm (c+1) (e:x)
+Our solution is now complete. To see the results, enter mira with this
+file as the current script and say
+ edigits
+Hit control-C (interrupt) when you have seen enough digits.
+[Note: If nothing happens until you interrupt the evaluation, this may
+be because the output from Miranda to your terminal is being
+line-buffered, so the characters are not appearing on your screen as
+Miranda prints them, but being saved up until there is a whole line to
+print. Output from the computer to your terminal should not be line
+buffered when Miranda is running - ask someone how to disable the line
+buffering, if this is the case.]
diff --git a/miralib/ex/fib.m b/miralib/ex/fib.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d84d33f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/fib.m
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+||fib n computes the n'th fibonacci number
+||by using /count you can estimate the asymptotic limit of (fib n/time to compute fib n)
+fib n = 1, if n<=2
+ = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2), otherwise
diff --git a/miralib/ex/fibs.m b/miralib/ex/fibs.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c805d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/fibs.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+||This program tabulates the values of `fib i' a function for computing
+||fibonacci numbers, in a list `fibs'. Because the function is memoised
+||(i.e. it uses table lookup when it recurses) it runs in linear time.
+||To see the fibonacci numbers say.
+|| test
+fibs = map fib [0..]
+fib 0 = 0
+fib 1 = 1
+fib (n+2) = fibs!(n+1) + fibs!n
+test = layn (map shownum fibs)
+||P.S. There is a more direct way of defining fibs, using a list comprehension
+|| fibs = [a | (a,b) <- (0,1), (b,a+b) .. ]
+||this also runs in linear time
diff --git a/miralib/ex/genmat.m b/miralib/ex/genmat.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27c2f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/genmat.m
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+||The matrix package again, but this time parameterised over an arbitrary
+||element type, with a zero, a unit and four functions of arithmetic.
+||Example - to instantiate this package with numbers as the element type,
+||in another script, say:-
+|| %include <ex/genmat> { elem==num; zero=0; unit=1;
+|| plus=+; minus=-; times=*; divide=/; }
+||However another possibility would be to use the package to do matrix
+||calculations over rationals (as defined in <ex/rat>) thus:-
+|| %include <ex/genmat>
+|| { elem==rational; zero=mkrat 0; unit=mkrat 1;
+|| plus=rplus; minus=rminus; times=rtimes; divide=rdiv; }
+%export matrix idmat matadd matsub matmult prescalmult postscalmult
+ mkrow mkcol det adjoint inv
+%free { elem::type; zero,unit::elem;
+ plus,minus,times,divide::elem->elem->elem;
+ }
+matrix == [[elem]]
+idmat :: num->matrix ||identity matrix of given size
+idmat n = [[delta i j|j<-[1..n]]|i<-[1..n]]
+ where
+ delta i j = unit, if i=j
+ = zero, otherwise
+matadd :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+matadd x y = map2 vadd x y
+ where
+ vadd x y = map2 plus x y
+matsub :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+matsub x y = map2 vsub x y
+ where
+ vsub = map2 minus
+matmult :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+matmult x y = outer inner x (transpose y) ||*
+inner x y = summate (map2 times x y)
+outer f x y = [[f a b|b<-y]|a<-x]
+||*note that transpose is already defined in the standard environment
+summate = foldl plus zero
+prescalmult :: elem->matrix->matrix ||premultiply a matrix by a scalar
+prescalmult n x = map (map (times n)) x
+postscalmult :: elem->matrix->matrix ||postmultiply a matrix by a scalar
+postscalmult n x = map (map ($times n)) x
+||we need both the above because element multiplication may not be
+mkrow :: [elem]->matrix ||make vector into matrix with a single row
+mkrow x = [x]
+mkcol :: [elem]->matrix ||make vector into matrix with a single column
+mkcol x = map (:[]) x
+det :: matrix->elem ||determinant, of square matrix
+det [[a]] = a
+det xs = summate [(xs!0!i) $times cofactor 0 i xs|i<-index xs], if #xs=#xs!0
+ = error "det of nonsquare matrix", otherwise
+cofactor i j xs = parity (i+j) $times det (minor i j xs)
+minor i j xs = [omit j x | x<-omit i xs]
+omit i x = take i x ++ drop (i+1) x
+parity i = unit, if i mod 2 = 0
+ = zero $minus unit, otherwise
+adjoint :: matrix->matrix ||adjoint, of square matrix
+adjoint xs = transpose[[cofactor i j xs | j<-index xs] | i <- index xs]
+inv :: matrix->matrix ||inverse, of non-singular square matrix
+inv xs = transpose[[cofactor i j xs $divide h | j<-index xs] | i <- index xs]
+ where
+ h = det xs
+||The above is a literal transcription of the mathematical definition of
+||matrix inverse. A less naive version of the package would rewrite
+||this to use Gaussian elimination.
diff --git a/miralib/ex/graphics.m b/miralib/ex/graphics.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca2f09a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/graphics.m
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+||package for developing rectangular pictures composed of ascii characters
+||DT Jan 84
+||all pictures are conceived as lying in an infinite plane with origin at (0,0)
+||and filled with blanks except where non-blank chars have been specified
+query * ::= FAIL | SUCCEED *
+||generic union type, often useful -- should probably be in library
+picture ::= MKPIC (num,num)! [[char]] | EMPTYPIC
+||MKPIC holds a figure with its north west corner at the given coordinates
+frame :: picture->(num,num,num,num)
+||returns (left,right,low,high) of smallest rectangle containing the figure
+frame(MKPIC (x,y) a) = (x,x+#a!0-1,y-#a+1,y)
+||it is an error to apply frame to the empty picture
+printpic :: picture->[char] ||prints pic with frame north west justified
+printpic EMPTYPIC = []
+printpic (MKPIC (x,y) a) = concat[p ++ "\n" | p <- a]
+printpic1 :: picture->[char] ||likewise, right shifted 8
+printpic1 EMPTYPIC = []
+printpic1 (MKPIC (x,y) a) = concat[" "++p ++ "\n" | p <- a]
+alignpic :: num->num->picture->[char]
+||prints picture as seen looking south east from the given cooordinates --
+||only parts of the figure onside from this position appear of course
+alignpic x y EMPTYPIC = []
+alignpic x y (MKPIC (x1,y1) a)
+ = newlines (y-y1) ++ concat a1, if y>y1
+ = concat(drop (y1-y) a1), if y<y1
+ = concat a1, otherwise
+ where
+ a1 = [drop (x-x1) p ++ "\n" | p <- a], if x>x1
+ = [spaces (x1-x) ++ p ++ "\n" | p <- a], if x<x1
+ = [p ++ "\n" | p <- a], otherwise
+translate :: num->num->picture->picture ||move picture x right and y up
+translate x y EMPTYPIC = EMPTYPIC
+translate x y (MKPIC (x1,y1) a) = MKPIC (x+x1,y+y1) a
+rotate :: num->picture->picture
+||rotate the picture by n*pi/2 radians anticlockwise about (0,0)
+rotate 0 = id
+rotate 1 = reflect 3.reflect 2 ||result from group theory
+rotate 2 (MKPIC (x,y) a) =
+ MKPIC (-(x+#a!0-1),-(y-#a+1)) (reverse (map reverse a))
+rotate 3 = reflect 2.reflect 3 ||group theory
+rotate n = rotate (n mod 4) ||other values of n
+reflect :: num->picture->picture
+||reflect about a line inclined at n*pi/4 to the x axis
+reflect 0 (MKPIC (x,y) a) = MKPIC (x,-(y-#a+1)) (reverse a)
+reflect 1 = reflect 3.rotate 2 ||group theory
+reflect 2 (MKPIC (x,y) a) = MKPIC (-(x+#a!0-1),y) (map reverse a)
+reflect 3 (MKPIC (x,y) a) = MKPIC (-y,-x) (transpose a')
+ where a' = map(map f)a
+ f '-' = '|'
+ f '|' = '-'
+ f etc = etc
+reflect n = reflect (n mod 4) ||other values of n
+composepic :: [picture]->query picture
+||tries to combine the given list of pictures to yield a composite picture
+|| -- fails if any parts of the figures overlap
+composepic = foldr apic (SUCCEED EMPTYPIC)
+compositions :: [[picture]]->[picture]
+||finds all possible ways of composing a picture (with no overlaps) with
+||one component from each of the given picture lists
+||this will probably be more useful in practice than composepic
+compositions [] = [EMPTYPIC]
+compositions (xx:etc) = f[apic1 x r // x <- xx; r <- compositions etc]
+ where
+ f [] = []
+ f (FAIL:x) = f x
+ f (SUCCEED a:x) = a: f x
+overlaypic :: [picture]->picture
+||similar to the above but allows pictures earlier in the given list to hide
+||details of later ones, so the result is always a picture
+overlaypic = foldr opic EMPTYPIC
+apic :: picture->query picture->query picture ||picture addition
+p $apic FAIL = FAIL
+EMPTYPIC $apic q = q
+MKPIC (x1,y1) a $apic SUCCEED (MKPIC (x2,y2) b)
+ = FAIL, if xx=FAIL
+ = SUCCEED (MKPIC (x,y) (f xx)), otherwise
+ where
+ x = min[x1,x2]
+ y = max[y1,y2]
+ xx = pointwiseadd a1 b1
+ a1 = sidepad (x1-x) (-rjut) (toppad (y-y1) a)
+ b1 = sidepad (x2-x) rjut (toppad (y-y2) b)
+ rjut = x1+#a!0-x2-#b!0
+ f(SUCCEED c) = c
+apic1 :: picture->picture->query picture ||picture addition mark2
+p $apic1 EMPTYPIC = SUCCEED p
+EMPTYPIC $apic1 q = SUCCEED q
+MKPIC (x1,y1) a $apic1 MKPIC (x2,y2) b
+ = FAIL, if xx=FAIL
+ = SUCCEED (MKPIC (x,y) (f xx)), otherwise
+ where
+ x = min[x1,x2]
+ y = max[y1,y2]
+ xx = pointwiseadd a1 b1
+ a1 = sidepad (x1-x) (-rjut) (toppad (y-y1) a)
+ b1 = sidepad (x2-x) rjut (toppad (y-y2) b)
+ rjut = x1+#a!0-x2-#b!0
+ f(SUCCEED c) = c
+opic :: picture->picture->picture ||picture superposition
+p $opic EMPTYPIC = p
+EMPTYPIC $opic q = q
+MKPIC (x1,y1) a $opic MKPIC (x2,y2) b
+ = MKPIC (x,y) (pointwiseoverlay a1 b1)
+ where
+ x = min[x1,x2]
+ y = max[y1,y2]
+ a1 = sidepad (x1-x) (-rjut) (toppad (y-y1) a)
+ b1 = sidepad (x2-x) rjut (toppad (y-y2) b)
+ rjut = x1+#a!0-x2-#b!0
+sidepad n r a = [spaces n ++ p ++ spaces r | p <- a]
+toppad n a = f n
+ where
+ f n = a, if n<=0
+ = spaces (#a!0):f (n-1), otherwise
+pointwiseoverlay :: [[char]]->[[char]]->[[char]]
+pointwiseoverlay a b = f a b
+ where
+ f [] b = b
+ f a [] = a
+ f (p:a) (q:b) = g p q:f a b
+ g [] q = q
+ g p [] = p
+ g (c1:p) (c2:q) = c2:g p q, if c1=' '
+ = c1:g p q, otherwise
+pointwiseadd :: [[char]]->[[char]]->query [[char]]
+pointwiseadd a b = SUCCEED c, if and [~member z clashchar | z<-c]
+ = FAIL, otherwise
+ where
+ c = f a b
+ f [] b = b
+ f a [] = a
+ f (p:a) (q:b) = g p q:f a b
+ g [] q = q
+ g p [] = p
+ g (c1:p) (c2:q) = c2:g p q, if c1=' '
+ = c1:g p q, if c2=' '
+ = clashchar:g p q, otherwise
+clashchar = '\0' ||assumed not to be present in any normal picture
+pic :: num->num->[[char]]->picture
+||takes a rectangular array of chars and turns it into a picture with its north
+||west corner at the given x y position
+pic x y a = EMPTYPIC, if and[p=[]|p<-a]
+ ||covers both a=[] and elements a all []
+ = pic x (y-1) (tl a), if and[c=' ' | c<-hd a]
+ ||strip blank rows
+ = pic (x+1) y (map tl a), if and[hd p=' ' | p <- a]
+ ||strip blank cols
+ = MKPIC (x,y) a, otherwise
+ ||what about east and south trimming? -- fix later
+||we have assumed given a rectangular and not containing control chars, we
+||ought perhaps to check this when a picture is formed -- fix later
+newlines n = rep n '\n'
+closure :: (*->[*])->[*]->[*];
+||takes the closure of a set under a pointwise function that returns
+||increments to the set
+closure f s = g s s
+ where
+ g r t = [], if t=[]
+ = t ++ g(r ++ t)(mkset[x|x<-concat(map f t);~member r x]),
+ otherwise
diff --git a/miralib/ex/hamming.m b/miralib/ex/hamming.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ebb6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/hamming.m
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+||this is a problem described by Dijkstra in his book, A Discipline of
+||Programming, and attributed by him to Dr Hamming, of Bell Labs.
+||Print in ascending order all numbers of the form
+|| 2**a.3**b.5**c a,b,c all >=0
+||the solution here is based on a method using communicating processes.
+||ham is the list of numbers, to see them, say
+|| ham
+||hit control-C (interrupt) when you have seen enough!
+ham = 1 : foldr1 merge [mult 2 ham, mult 3 ham, mult 5 ham]
+ where
+ mult n x = [n*a|a<-x]
+ merge (a:x) (b:y) = a : merge x y, if a=b
+ = a : merge x (b:y), if a<b
+ = b : merge (a:x) y, if a>b
+||Note that there is a function called `merge' in the standard
+||environment, but unlike the one defined above it does not remove
+||duplicates from the lists being merged.
diff --git a/miralib/ex/hanoi.m b/miralib/ex/hanoi.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b927ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/hanoi.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+||This script generates a solution to the well known `Towers of Hanoi'
+||problem. To see the moves (for a game with 12 discs) say
+|| soln
+soln = title++hanoi 12 "A" "B" "C"
+hanoi 0 a b c = []
+hanoi (n+1) a b c = hanoi n a c b
+ ++ move a b ++
+ hanoi n c b a
+move a b = "move the top disc from "++a++" to "++b++"\n"
diff --git a/miralib/ex/just.m b/miralib/ex/just.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dca373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/just.m
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+||Text formatting program (DT)
+||Reformats text to a specified width, with line-fill
+%export just
+||To try this out from within a Miranda session, say e.g.
+|| just 60 (read "file")
+||where "file" contains some text you want to reformat.
+||You could also make it into a UNIX filter -- see the example `mrev'.
+|| in this program we move between three different representations of ||
+|| text - as a flat list of characters, including spaces and newlines ||
+|| - as a list of lines (containing spaces but not newlines) ||
+|| - and as a list of list of words. ||
+text == [char]
+line == [char]
+word == [char]
+just::num->text->text ||the main function
+just n = n) words.lines
+||lines is defined in <stdenv> - it breaks a string into lines,
+||removing the newline characters
+||make each paragraph into one long line, by joining adjacent
+||non-blank lines
+paras (a:b:x) = paras ((a++b):x), if a~=[]~=b
+ = a:paras (b:x), otherwise
+paras (a:[]) = a:[]
+paras [] = []
+||reformat a paragraph to width n
+reformat n [] = "\n" ||the empty paragraph represents a blank line
+reformat n x = lay(justify n (partition n x))
+||lay is defined in <stdenv> - it is the inverse of lines
+justify n para = map(fill_line n)(init para)++[unwords(last para)]
+||break a paragraph into lines, with as many words as will fit in width
+||n on each line (except the last)
+partition n [] = []
+partition n x = x1 : partition n rest
+ where
+ (x1,rest) = grab [] x
+ grab y (w:x) = grab (w:y) x, if sum(map(#)y)+#y+#w <= n
+ = (reverse y,w:x), otherwise
+ grab y [] = (reverse y,[])
+fill_line :: num->[word]->line
+||make words into a line of length n exactly, by inserting enough spaces
+fill_line n words
+ = (concat.concat) (transpose [words,mkspaces (w-1) (n-sw)])
+ where
+ w = #words
+ sw = sum(map (#) words)
+mkspaces :: num->num->[[char]]
+||return s spaces broken into n groups
+mkspaces n s = map f [1..n], if n mod 2=0 ||see note
+ = map f [n,n-1..1], otherwise
+ where
+ f i = rep (s div n + delta) ' '
+ where
+ delta = 1, if i<=s mod n
+ = 0, otherwise
+||note: we put the extra spaces in sometimes from the left and sometimes
+||from the right, depending on the parity of n. This is to avoid
+||visually unbalancing the text by having all the extra spaces towards
+||one margin. Using the parity of n to decide this is arbitrary.
+words :: line->[word]
+||break a line into words
+words = filter (~=[]) . foldr (breakon ' ') [[]]
+unwords :: [word]->line
+||join words to make a line, inserting one space as separator
+unwords = foldr1 (insert ' ')
+insert :: *->[*]->[*]->[*]
+insert a x y = x ++ [a] ++ y
+breakon :: *->*->[[*]]->[[*]]
+breakon c a x = []:x, if a=c
+ = (a:hd x):tl x, otherwise
+||These definitions of `words' and `unwords' are due to Richard Bird, see
+||Bird and Wadler (1988), page 91.
diff --git a/miralib/ex/kate.lit.m b/miralib/ex/kate.lit.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7deb3cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/kate.lit.m
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+\title{{\tt kate.lit.m} --- KaTify text}
+\author{J. Cupitt}
+\date{July 21st, 1989}
+% turn off para indents
+% put some space between paras
+%An example of a Miranda literate script that is also a LaTeX source
+%file. Note that the lines of formal program text are surrounded by
+%LaTeX verbatim directives. Contributed by John Cupitt, of the
+%University of Kent.
+There is a group on USENET called \verb"", dedicated to the
+singer Kate Bush. A running joke in this group is to pretend fanatical
+devotion to Kate And Her Works --- this reaches an extreme form in some
+posters, who capitalise all the Ks and Ts in their articles in reference both
+to KaTe herself and to the Knights Templar. This Miranda\footnote{Miranda is a
+trademark of Research Software Ltd.} script can be used as a {\sc
+Unix}\footnote{UNIX is a trademark of AT\&T in the USA and other
+countries.} filter to prepare your articles for posting to \verb"gaffa".
+The main function is called \verb"kate" and is at the end.
+Do some simple maps on text. We do:
+ c,C,k & $\rightarrow $ & K \\
+ t & $\rightarrow $ & T \\
+ qu,Qu & $\rightarrow $ & Kw \\
+ ck & $\rightarrow $ & K \\
+ ch,Ch & $\rightarrow $ & Khe
+We also look for Kommon words that can be easily swapped for something with
+more ks and ts.
+The dictionary we use to look for common words. This is very small at the
+moment! I should perhaps find a thesaurus and fix this up properly.
+> kateMap
+> = [(["interpose", "insert"],
+> "interject"),
+> (["frequent", "general", "usual", "normal"],
+> "common"),
+> (["program", "file"],
+> "script"),
+> (["name"],
+> "appelation"),
+> (["however"],
+> "though"),
+> (["serve"],
+> "officiate"),
+> (["intersperse"],
+> "punctuate")
+> ]
+First map. Very easy!
+> swapCase :: [char] -> [char]
+> swapCase ('c':'k':x) = 'K':swapCase x
+> swapCase ('c':'h':x) = 'K':'h':'e':swapCase x
+> swapCase ('C':'h':x) = 'K':'h':'e':swapCase x
+> swapCase ('c':x) = 'K':swapCase x
+> swapCase ('C':x) = 'K':swapCase x
+> swapCase ('k':x) = 'K':swapCase x
+> swapCase ('t':x) = 'T':swapCase x
+> swapCase ('q':'u':x) = 'K':'w':swapCase x
+> swapCase ('Q':'u':x) = 'K':'w':swapCase x
+> swapCase (a:x) = a: swapCase x
+> swapCase [] = []
+Second map. We loop down the input again, chopping out words. Each one gets
+put through tryMap.
+> swapWords :: [char] -> [char]
+> swapWords [] = []
+> swapWords inp
+> = punk ++ tryMap word ++ swapWords tail
+> where
+> punk = takewhile ((~) . letter) inp
+> start = dropwhile ((~) . letter) inp
+> word = takewhile letter start
+> tail = dropwhile letter start
+Try to map a word through the KaTe thesaurus we defined earlier. We try to be
+clever about what we swap. For example, we want \verb"insert" to be mapped to
+\verb"interject", and \verb"inserting" to be mapped to \verb"interjecting".
+This isn't always the most sensible way to do it \ldots
+> tryMap :: [char] -> [char]
+> tryMap word
+> = word, if maps = []
+> = hd maps, otherwise
+> where
+> maps = [ to ++ drop (#x) word |
+> (from, to) <- kateMap; x <- from;
+> x $isprefix word ]
+Test for first argument a prefix of the second argument.
+> isprefix :: [*] -> [*] -> bool
+> isprefix a b = take (#a) b = a
+And our entry point. We just pipe stuff first through swapWords, then through
+> kate :: [char] -> [char]
+> kate = swapCase . swapWords
diff --git a/miralib/ex/kate.pdf b/miralib/ex/kate.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..606a4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/kate.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/miralib/ex/kate.tex b/miralib/ex/kate.tex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..8da0f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/kate.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+kate.lit.m \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/miralib/ex/keith.m b/miralib/ex/keith.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b743de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/keith.m
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+> ||this tests that floating point overflow is handled correctly
+Date: Mon, 16 Apr 90 17:15:03 CST
+Sorry for the delay in sending my bignum problem, I've been out of town.
+> keith n = (shownum n) ++ " " ++ (shownum ((log (sumterm n))/n)) where
+> sumterm n = sum (map prodterm [0..entier (n/2)]) where
+> prodterm p = prod (map term [0..p-1]) where
+> term j = x*(x-1)/((p-j)^2) where
+> x = n-(2*j)
+> prod = foldr (*) 1
+> lim = lay (from 1) where from n = (keith n):(from (n*2))
+******** This is the execution:
+ (We believe the results up to n=256 are correct).
+Miranda lim
+1 0.0
+2 0.549306144334
+4 0.736109744792
+8 0.876176116589
+16 0.966470019952
+32 1.021895160467
+64 1.054884461071
+128 1.07405223475
+256 1.084981322415
+should trap floating point overflow here
diff --git a/miralib/ex/makebug.m b/miralib/ex/makebug.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b32d4bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/makebug.m
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+> makebug size = [Tofile "/tmp/big.m" (big_def size)]
+> big_def n = "big_list\n=[\n" ++ lay (rep n " \"hello\",") ++ " \"hello\"]\n"
+This tests garbage collection during compilation. First turn on gc
+reports by saying
+ /gc
+To generate /tmp/big.m of chosen size say, e.g.
+ makebug 10000
+to get mira to compile the result say
+ /f /tmp/big
+Saying this repeatedly (or /f %) will force recompilations
+Or from the command line after quitting mira
+ rm /tmp/big.x #to force recompilation
+ mira -make -gc /tmp/big
+If the heap becomes corrupted you will see strange type errors or
+"impossible event" messages. From Rick Morgan at Durham, May 1990.
diff --git a/miralib/ex/matrix.m b/miralib/ex/matrix.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46abbaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/matrix.m
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+||very simple matrix package (DT)
+||note that to include this in one of your own scripts, you can say
+|| %include <ex/matrix>
+%export matrix idmat matadd matsub matmult scalmult mkrow mkcol det
+ adjoint inv
+matrix == [[num]]
+idmat :: num->matrix ||identity matrix of given size
+idmat n = [[delta i j|j<-[1..n]]|i<-[1..n]]
+ where
+ delta i j = 1, if i=j
+ = 0, otherwise
+matadd :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+matadd x y = map2 vadd x y
+ where
+ vadd x y = map2 (+) x y
+matsub :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+matsub x y = map2 vsub x y
+ where
+ vsub = map2 (-)
+matmult :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+matmult x y = outer inner x (transpose y) ||*
+inner x y = sum (map2 (*) x y)
+outer f x y = [[f a b|b<-y]|a<-x]
+||*note that transpose is already defined in the standard environment
+scalmult :: num->matrix->matrix ||multiply a matrix by a scalar
+scalmult n x = map (map (*n)) x
+mkrow :: [num]->matrix ||make vector into matrix with a single row
+mkrow x = [x]
+mkcol :: [num]->matrix ||make vector into matrix with a single column
+mkcol x = map (:[]) x
+det :: matrix->num ||determinant, of square matrix
+det [[a]] = a
+det xs = sum [xs!0!i*cofactor 0 i xs|i<-index xs], if #xs=#xs!0
+ = error "det of nonsquare matrix", otherwise
+cofactor i j xs = (-1)^(i+j) * det (minor i j xs)
+minor i j xs = [omit j x | x<-omit i xs]
+omit i x = take i x ++ drop (i+1) x
+adjoint :: matrix->matrix ||adjoint, of square matrix
+adjoint xs = transpose[[cofactor i j xs | j<-index xs] | i <- index xs]
+inv :: matrix->matrix ||inverse, of non-singular square matrix
+inv xs = transpose[[cofactor i j xs/h | j<-index xs] | i <- index xs]
+ where
+ h = det xs
+||The above is a literal transcription of the mathematical definition of
+||matrix inverse. A less naive version of the package would rewrite
+||this to use Gaussian elimination.
+||a few test matrices (these are not exported from the script, but will
+||be in scope if this is your current script)
+a = [[1,2],[3,4]]
+b = [[1,1,1],[1,2,3],[2,4,8]]
+c = [[0,1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,0],[3,4,0,1]]
+i2 = idmat 2
+i3 = idmat 3
+i4 = idmat 4
+test = matmult b (inv b)
diff --git a/miralib/ex/mrev b/miralib/ex/mrev
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..85b3dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/mrev
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#! /usr/bin/mira -exec
+main :: [sys_message]
+main = map f (tl $*), if # $* > 1 ||$* is equivalent to argv
+ = [Stdout (revlines $-)], otherwise ||no files, use stdin ($-)
+f :: [char]->sys_message
+f fil = Stderr ("mrev: cannot open "++fil++"\n"), if badfile
+ = Stdout (revlines (read fil)), otherwise
+ where
+ badfile = ~ member (filemode fil) 'r'
+revlines :: [char]->[char]
+revlines = reverse.lines
+||The usage of this command (from a UNIX shell) is
+|| mrev [file] ...
+||If no files given, takes data from stdin. This is a Miranda version
+||of the UNIX command `rev' which reverses each line of its input.
+||This example is a template for turning any Miranda function of type
+||[char]->[char] into a UNIX filter. Replace `revlines' in the above
+||text, by your chosen function.
diff --git a/miralib/ex/parafs.m b/miralib/ex/parafs.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be6af05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/parafs.m
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+||program for printing isomers of the alkanes -- D.A.Turner
+||say `output' to run
+mol ::= H | C[mol] ||new type -- alkane molecules and radicals
+c p = C (sort p) ||place subcomponents in a standard order
+molecules n = mkset [ mk_molecule x | x <- radicals n ]
+mk_molecule(C p) = canonical_orientation (C(H:p))
+radicals 0 = [H]
+radicals n = (map rads [1..])!(n-1) || make rads a memo function
+rads n = mkset [ c[x,y,z] | i <- [0..(n-1)div 3]; j <- [i..(n-1-i)div 2];
+ x <- radicals i; y <- radicals j; z <- radicals(n-1-i-j) ]
+canonical_orientation x = min (closure reorientations [x])
+reorientations (C p) = [ invert (p--[x]) x | x <- p; x ~= H ]
+ where
+ invert p (C q) = c (c p:q)
+output = concat (map out [1..])
+out n = title n ++ concat(map prettyprint (molecules n))
+title n = "isomers of " ++ prefix!(n-1) ++ "ane\n"
+prefix = ["meth","eth","prop","but","pent","hex","hept","oct","non",
+ "dec"] ++ [show i++"-"|i<-[11..]]
+||below this line is concerned with drawing pictures of the molecules
+%include "graphics.m"
+prettyprint x = printpic1 (hd (molpics x)) ++ "\n"
+molpics (C p) = compositions ([centre]:map f [1..# p] )
+ where
+ f i = map (reflect (direction!(i-1))) (subpics i)
+ subpics i = [q1|q<-molpics (p!(i-1));
+ q1<-shift(translate 1 0 q),shift q1..]
+molpics H = [pic 0 0 ["H"]]
+direction = [1,-1,0,2]
+shift p = translate 1 0 (overlaypic[bond,p])
+bond = pic 0 0 ["-"]
+centre = pic 0 0 ["C"]
diff --git a/miralib/ex/polish.m b/miralib/ex/polish.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21e58a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/polish.m
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+||very simple testbed for Miranda unification package, "unify.m"
+||The expressions to be unified here are strings written in (forward)
+||polish notation, such as "*+12-xy" - meaning (1+2)*(x-y). The
+||operators are + - * / with single letter variables, and single digit
+||constants. We provide bindings for the free identifiers of "unify.m"
+||corresponding to this syntax.
+%include "unify.m"
+ { expr==[char]; operator==char; var==char;
+ isvar=isvar; getvar=getvar; putvar=putvar;
+ rator=rator; rands=rands; construct=construct;
+ }
+isvar e = letter (hd e)
+getvar = hd
+putvar = (:[])
+rator = hd
+rands (c:[]) = [], if digit c
+rands (c:e) = [a,b], if member "+-*/" c & e2=[]
+ = error "illegal string", otherwise
+ where
+ (a,e1) = get e
+ (b,e2) = get e1
+ get [] = error "illegal string"
+ get (c:x) = ([c],x), if letter c \/ digit c
+ = ([c]++a++b,x2), otherwise
+ where
+ (a,x1) = get x
+ (b,x2) = get x1
+construct c xs = c:concat xs
+test = unifyexprs "*+x3/7x" "*+1y/z1" ||the result should be "*+13/71"
+test1 = unifyexprs "*+x3/7x" "*+1y/y1" ||not unifiable
diff --git a/miralib/ex/powers.m b/miralib/ex/powers.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..019a139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/powers.m
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+||prints a table of powers 2 to 5 of the numbers 1 to 20
+||to see the table, say
+|| output
+output = title ++ captions ++ concat (map line [1..20])
+title = cjustify 60 "A TABLE OF POWERS" ++ "\n\n"
+captions = format "N" ++ concat (map caption [2..5]) ++ "\n"
+caption i = format ("N^" ++ shownum i)
+format = rjustify 12
+line n = concat [format (show(n^i)) | i<-[1..5]] ++ "\n"
diff --git a/miralib/ex/primes.m b/miralib/ex/primes.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a7c5df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/primes.m
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+||The infinite list of all prime numbers, by the sieve of Eratosthenes.
+||To see the list, just say `primes', or if you prefer
+|| lay(map show primes)
+||will print them one per line. Hit control-C (interrupt) to stop.
+primes = sieve[2..]
+sieve (p:x) = p:sieve[n|n<-x;n mod p~=0]
diff --git a/miralib/ex/pyths.m b/miralib/ex/pyths.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8301e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/pyths.m
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+||Finds all pythagorean triangles (right triangles with integer sides)
+||Note the use of a diagonalising list comprehension, with `//' instead
+||of `|'. To see the triangles, say
+|| output
+output = lay (map show pyths)
+pyths = [(a, b, intsqrt (a*a+b*b)) // a <- [3..]; b<-[a+1..]; is_sq (a*a+b*b)]
+intsqrt x = entier (sqrt x)
+is_sq y = (intsqrt y) ^ 2 = y
diff --git a/miralib/ex/queens.m b/miralib/ex/queens.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ed5734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/queens.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+||this generates all solutions to the 8 queens problem -- say
+|| solns
+||and it will print the solutions one per line - all 92 of them. This
+||is a good program for testing the garbage collector. Say `/gc' to
+||switch on garbage collector diagnostics.
+solns = layn(map show (queens 8))
+queens 0 = [[]]
+queens (n+1) = [q:b|b<-queens n;q<-[1..8];safe q b]
+safe q b = and[~checks q b i|i<-index b]
+checks q b i = q=b!i \/ abs(q-b!i)=i+1
+||Note that the function `queens n' returns a list of all solutions to
+||the n queens problem (placing queens in the first n columns of a chess
+||board, so that no queen gives check to another). A board with n
+||queens is represented as a list of n numbers, namely the positions of
+||the queens in each column
+||This example exhibits a basic technique of lazy functional
+||programming, which is to eliminate backtracking from a search problem
+||by working at the level of a list of all solutions, rather than a
+||single solution.
diff --git a/miralib/ex/queens1.m b/miralib/ex/queens1.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79b52a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/queens1.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+||This finds one solution to the eight queens problem, using a
+||different method from that of the previous script, "queens.m".
+||To run it, say
+|| output
+||This time the backtracking is programmed explicitly
+output = concat [c:shownum r++" "|(c,r)<-zip2 "rnbqkbnr" soln]
+soln = until full extend emptyboard
+extend board = until safe alter (addqueen board)
+addqueen board = 1:board
+emptyboard = []
+full board = # board=8
+alter (q:board) = q+1:board, if q<8
+ = alter board, otherwise ||backtrack
+safe (q:board) = and [~checks q board i|i<-index board]
+checks q board i = q=board!i \/ abs(q-board!i)=i+1
diff --git a/miralib/ex/quicksort.m b/miralib/ex/quicksort.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2da7d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/quicksort.m
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+||this is a functional version of quicksort, to see it work, say:
+|| qsort testdata
+||the reason we have to call the function `qsort' rather than `sort' is
+||because there is a `sort' already defined in the standard environment
+qsort [] = []
+qsort (a:x) = qsort [b|b<-x;b<=a] ++ [a] ++ qsort[b|b<-x;b>a]
+testdata = f 10
+f n = concat(transpose [[0,2..2*n],[2*n-1,2*n-3..1]])
+||note that the sort included in the standard environment is merge-sort
diff --git a/miralib/ex/rational.m b/miralib/ex/rational.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b432d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/rational.m
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+||rational numbers as an abstract data type, say
+|| %include <ex/rat>
+||to include this in one of your own scripts. Quoting the filename in
+||this form makes the %include directive work from any directory.
+abstype rational
+with ratio :: num -> num -> rational
+ mkrat :: num->rational
+ rplus, rminus, rtimes, rdiv :: rational -> rational -> rational
+ rpow :: num -> rational -> rational
+ numerator, denominator :: rational -> num
+ rparts :: rational -> (num,num)
+ showrational :: rational -> [char]
+rational == (num,num)
+||a rational is represented as a pair of integers
+||note that rationals are kept in their lowest terms, with positive
+||denominator, and (0,1) is the unique representation of zero
+ratio p q = error "illegal ratio", if q=0\/~integer p\/~integer q
+ = ratio (-p) (-q), if q<0
+ = (0,1), if p=0
+ = (p div h,q div h), otherwise
+ where
+ h = hcf (abs p) q
+ hcf a b = hcf b a, if a>b
+ = b, if a=0
+ = hcf (b mod a) a, otherwise
+mkrat n = ratio n 1, if integer n
+ = error ("mkrat "++shownum n), otherwise
+(a,b) $rplus (c,d) = ratio (a*d+c*b) (b*d)
+(a,b) $rminus (c,d) = ratio (a*d-c*b) (b*d)
+(a,b) $rtimes (c,d) = ratio (a*c) (b*d)
+(a,b) $rdiv (c,d) = ratio (a*d) (b*c)
+rpow 0 x = (1,1)
+rpow n x = thing, if n mod 2 = 0
+ = x $rtimes thing, otherwise
+ where
+ thing = rpow (n div 2) (x $rtimes x)
+numerator = fst
+denominator = snd
+rparts = id
+showrational (a,b) = "(ratio "++shownum1 a++" "++shownum1 b++")"
+shownum1 n = "("++shownum n++")", if n<0
+ = shownum n, otherwise
+||Attempts to print a rational will automatically pick up the function
+||called showrational - see manual section on abstract data types. Note
+||that we have chosen to print rationals in such a way that Miranda can
+||read them back in again at the same type.
diff --git a/miralib/ex/refoliate.m b/miralib/ex/refoliate.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..028f362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/refoliate.m
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+> tree ::= Leaf num | Fork tree tree
+PROBLEM: write down the definition of a function which takes a tree and
+returns a tree of the SAME SHAPE, containing the same data, but with the
+leaves moved around so that the data appears in ascending order, when
+the tree is scanned from left to right.
+> reorder :: tree->tree
+> reorder t = refoliate t (sort (fringe t))
+Our idea here is that `fringe' extracts a list of all the data in the
+tree, while `refoliate' takes a tree and a list of data, and replaces
+the leaves of the tree with the given data, preserving the shape of the
+tree. We define fringe first, as it is the easiest.
+> fringe :: tree->[num]
+> fringe (Leaf n) = [n]
+> fringe (Fork s t) = fringe s ++ fringe t
+Aside - there is a trivial change to the last line which alters the
+behaviour of fringe so that the call to sort is no longer necessary. We
+can replace `++' by a call to the library function `merge'. This would
+improve the efficiency of the solution.
+We define `refoliate' in terms of an auxiliary function which takes a
+subtree and the list of replacement data, and returns a pair - the
+refoliated subtree, and the unused part of the list.
+> refoliate :: tree->[num]->tree
+> refoliate t x = fst (refol t x)
+> refol :: tree->[num]->(tree,[num])
+> refol (Leaf n) (a:x) = (Leaf a,x)
+> refol (Fork s t) x = (Fork s1 t1,x'')
+> where
+> (s1,x') = refol s x
+> (t1,x'') = refol t x'
+Here is an example tree on which to call `reorder', to see that the
+algorithm works.
+> t1 = mktree [19,0,17,2,15,4,13,6,11,8,9,10,7,12,5,14,3,16,1,18]
+mktree takes a list and builds a (well-balanced) tree from it.
+> mktree :: [num]->tree
+> mktree [] = error "cannot have empty tree"
+> mktree [a] = Leaf a
+> mktree x = Fork (mktree (take n x)) (mktree (drop n x))
+> where n = # x div 2
+Finally, we define a function same_shape, which can be used to confirm
+that reorder holds the shape constant.
+> same_shape :: tree->tree->bool
+> same_shape (Leaf a) (Leaf b) = True
+> same_shape (Fork s t) (Fork s1 t1) = same_shape s s1 & same_shape t t1
+> same_shape s t = False ||all other cases
+> test = same_shape t1 (reorder t1)
diff --git a/miralib/ex/selflines.m b/miralib/ex/selflines.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf3d016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/selflines.m
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+||this produces an endless self describing scroll of lines, as follows
+|| the 1st line is
+|| "the 1st line is"
+|| the 2nd line is
+|| ""the 1st line is""
+|| the 3rd line is
+|| "the 2nd line is"
+|| etc...
+||To see the result, say
+|| output
+||Hit control-C (interrupt) when you have seen enough.
+||If you would like to send the output to a file, say
+|| output &> fil
+||where `fil' is the name of the file in which you want to put it
+||this will create a background job
+output = concat[l++"\n"|l<-selflines]
+selflines = mklines 1
+mklines n = ("the "++ord n++" line is:"):
+ ("\""++selflines!(n-1)++"\""):
+ mklines(n+1)
+ord n = show n++suffix n
+suffix 1 = "st"
+suffix 2 = "nd"
+suffix 3 = "rd"
+suffix n = "th", if n=0 \/ 3<=n&n<=9
+ = "th", if (n mod 100)div 10 = 1 ||because of 11,12,13
+ = suffix(n mod 10), otherwise
diff --git a/miralib/ex/set.m b/miralib/ex/set.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6a52f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/set.m
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+||definition of finite sets as an abstract data type, say
+|| %include <ex/set>
+||to include this in one of your own scripts.
+abstype set *
+with makeset::[*]->set * ||converts list to set
+ enum::set *->[*] ||converts set to list
+ empty::set * ||empty set
+ mem::set *->*->bool ||does set contain element?
+ pincludes,includes::set *->set *->bool ||(proper) set inclusion
+ union::[set *]->set * ||union of a list of sets
+ intersect::[set *]->set * ||intersection of a list of sets
+ setdiff::set *->set *->set * ||set difference of two sets
+ union2::set *->set *->set * ||union of two sets
+ intersect2::set *->set *->set * ||intersection of two sets
+ add1::*->set *->set * ||add a single element to a set
+ sub1::*->set *->set * ||remove an element from a set (if present)
+ pick::set *->* ||pick some element from a set
+ rest::set *->set * ||remainder of set, without element got by pick
+ showset::(*->[char])->set *->[char] ||to make sets printable
+set * == [*] ||a set is represented as a list without duplicates
+makeset = uniq.sort ||for efficiency the lists are kept sorted
+enum = id
+empty = []
+mem (a:x) b = a=b \/ a<b & mem x b
+mem [] b = False
+includes x y = (setdiff y x = [])
+pincludes x y = x~=y & (setdiff y x = [])
+union2 x y = uniq(merge x y)
+union = foldr union2 empty
+setdiff (a:x) (b:y) = a:setdiff x (b:y), if a<b
+ = setdiff (a:x) y, if a>b
+ = setdiff x y, otherwise
+setdiff x y = x
+intersect2 (a:x) (b:y) = intersect2 x (b:y), if a<b
+ = intersect2 (a:x) y, if a>b
+ = a : intersect2 x y, otherwise
+intersect2 x y = []
+intersect = foldl1 intersect2
+add1 a (b:x) = a:b:x, if a<b
+ = b:x, if a=b
+ = b:add1 a x, otherwise
+add1 a [] = [a]
+sub1 a (b:x) = b:x, if a<b
+ = x, if a=b
+ = b:sub1 a x, otherwise
+sub1 a [] = []
+pick (a:x) = a
+pick [] = error "pick empty"
+rest (a:x) = x
+rest [] = error "pick empty"
+showset f [] = "{}"
+showset f (a:x) = "{"++f a++concat(map g x)++"}"
+ where
+ g a = ',':f a
+%export -uniq
+||we have used the following auxiliary function, which removes adjacent
+||duplicates from a list (this is not exported from the script)
+uniq (a:b:x) = uniq (a:x), if a=b
+ = a:uniq (b:x), otherwise
+uniq x = x
diff --git a/miralib/ex/stack.m b/miralib/ex/stack.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a1af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/stack.m
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+||This script defines stack, as an abstract data type based on lists.
+||Note that there is a show function for stacks, causing them to print
+||in a sensible way.
+abstype stack *
+with empty::stack *; push::*->stack *->stack *;
+ pop::stack *->stack *; top::stack *->*; isempty::stack *->bool;
+ showstack::(*->[char])->stack *->[char]
+stack * == [*]
+empty = []
+push a x = a:x
+pop(a:x) = x
+top(a:x) = a
+isempty x = (x=[])
+showstack f [] = "empty"
+showstack f (a:x) = "(push " ++ f a ++ " " ++ showstack f x ++ ")"
+teststack = push 1(push 2(push 3 empty))
diff --git a/miralib/ex/topsort.m b/miralib/ex/topsort.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88e96ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/topsort.m
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+||Miranda programming example - topological sort
+topsort :: [(*,*)] -> [*]
+||topsort takes a list of pairs representing a partial order - where
+||the presence of (u,v) in the list means that u precedes v in the
+||ordering - and returns a total ordering consistent with the
+||information given - that is if (u,v) is in the input data, then u will
+||come before v in the output list.
+topsort rel = tsort (carrier rel) rel
+||the carrier of a relation is the set of all the elements related by it
+tsort c r = [], if c=[]
+ = error "inconsistent data for tsort", if m=[]
+ = a : tsort (c--[a]) [(u,v)|(u,v)<-r; u~=a], otherwise
+ where
+ a = hd m
+ m = (c -- ran r)
+||remarks on the above
+|| - it is an invariant that c contains the carrier of relation r
+|| - m is the set of elements of c with no predecessor in r
+||the error case will arise if the input data contains a cycle - i.e.
+||if there is an element that directly or indirectly precedes itself.
+||a set is here represented as a list without duplicates
+||the standard function mkset removes duplicates from a list
+dom r = mkset [u|(u,v)<-r] ||domain of a relation
+ran r = mkset [v|(u,v)<-r] ||range of a relation
+carrier r = union (dom r) (ran r)
+union x y = mkset (x++y)
diff --git a/miralib/ex/treesort.m b/miralib/ex/treesort.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5b946b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/treesort.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+|| Here is another sorting algorithm, this time treesort.
+|| to try it out, say: treesort testdata
+tree * ::= NILT | NODE * (tree *) (tree *)
+treesort =
+build::[*]->tree *
+build = foldr insert NILT
+insert b NILT = NODE b NILT NILT
+insert b (NODE a x y) = NODE a (insert b x) y, if b<=a
+ = NODE a x (insert b y), if b>a
+flatten::tree *->[*]
+flatten NILT = []
+flatten (NODE a x y) = flatten x ++ [a] ++ flatten y
+testdata = [1..5]++[20,19..16]++[6..10]++[15,14..11]
diff --git a/miralib/ex/unify.m b/miralib/ex/unify.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce4034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/unify.m
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+||Package for doing (first order) unification, parameterised on an
+||abstract theory of expressions. (DT)
+||see the file <ex/polish> for an example of the use of this package.
+%free { expr,operator,var::type;
+ isvar::expr->bool; getvar::expr->var; putvar::var->expr;
+ rator::expr->operator; rands::expr->[expr];
+ construct::operator->[expr]->expr;
+ }
+||Our theory of expressions is as follows - an expression is either a
+||variable, or else it consists of a rator together with a list of
+||rands. So for example a constant will be viewed as a rator which has
+||an empty list of rands. The nature of variables, and the collection
+||of possible rators and their arities, is determined at %include time.
+||This enables us to use the same code for performing unification in
+||quite different object languages.
+||for each e::expr, one of the following propositions will be true
+||either isvar e & e = putvar(getvar e)
+||or ~isvar e & e = construct(rator e)(rands e)
+%export unifyexprs unify ult q
+q * ::= FAIL | SUCCEED * ||useful type operator
+unifyexprs :: expr->expr->q expr ||convenient for testing
+unify :: subst->expr->expr->q subst
+||this implements the unification algorithm - it takes a substition
+||(mapping from variables to expressions) and a pair of expressions, and
+||returns the least extension of the substitution under which the
+||expressions become the same - or FAIL if there is none.
+ult :: subst->expr->expr
+||computes the result of applying a substitution to an expression.
+unifyexprs x y = f(unify [] x y)
+ where
+ f (SUCCEED s) = SUCCEED (ult s x)
+ ||note that (ult s y) = (ult s y)
+ ||if the unification succeeds
+subst == [(var,expr)]
+||We represent a substitution as a list of variable-expression pairs.
+||The representation is lazy, in the sense that the expressions may
+||contain occurrences of the variables in the domain of the substitution
+||- this is taken care of in the definition of ult.
+unify s x y
+ = unifier s (ult s x) (ult s y)
+ where
+ unifier s x y = SUCCEED s, if x=y
+ = SUCCEED((getvar x,y):s), if isvar x & ~occurs x y
+ = SUCCEED((getvar y,x):s), if isvar y & ~occurs y x
+ = unifylist (SUCCEED s) (rands x) (rands y),
+ if ~isvar x & ~isvar y & conforms x y
+ = FAIL, otherwise
+ unifylist qs [] [] = qs
+ unifylist (SUCCEED s) (a:x) (b:y) = unifylist (unify s a b) x y
+ unifylist FAIL x y = FAIL
+ult s x = lookup s (getvar x), if isvar x
+ = construct(rator x)(map (ult s) (rands x)), otherwise
+ where
+ lookup [] a = putvar a
+ lookup ((a,y):t) a = ult s y ||note recursive call of ult
+ lookup ((b,y):t) a = lookup t a
+occurs y x || does subexpression y occur in formula x ?
+ = x=y, if isvar x
+ = or (map (occurs y) (rands x)), otherwise
+conforms x y = rator x = rator y & #rands x = #rands y
diff --git a/miralib/helpfile b/miralib/helpfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d28360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/helpfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+exp evaluate a Miranda expression
+exp &> file send value of expression to file (background process)
+exp &>> file append value of expression to file (background process)
+exp :: print type of exp
+? list all identifiers in scope (grouped by source file)
+?identifier(s) give more information about identifier(s)
+??identifier open source file at definition of identifier
+!command execute any UNIX shell command
+!! repeat last shell command
+/edit /e edit current script (default editor = vi or joe)
+/edit filename edit filename
+/file /f display filename of current script
+/file filename change to new current script
+/help /h display this command summary
+/man /m ENTER ONLINE REFERENCE MANUAL (menu driven)
+/quit /q quit the Miranda system
+/aux /a display list of auxiliary commands
+each "/" command can be abbreviated to its first letter - /e /f /h /m /q
+% is shorthand for the name of the current script (in commands)
+Special case - note that `/f %' forces recompilation of current script
+$$ is shorthand for the last expression evaluated (in expressions)
diff --git a/miralib/manual/.epoch b/miralib/manual/.epoch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01eee68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/.epoch
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+manual pages last revised 31 January 2020
diff --git a/miralib/manual/1 b/miralib/manual/1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3eff94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/1
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+_H_o_w_ _t_o_ _u_s_e_ _t_h_e_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _o_n_-_l_i_n_e_ _r_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_ _m_a_n_u_a_l:
+The manual is menu driven, and is a separate subsystem that can be
+invoked from the Miranda command interpreter. To access the manual from
+Miranda, type
+ /man
+followed by return. To access the manual directly from the command
+line, without entering Miranda first, type the line
+ mira -man
+as a shell command.
+On entering the manual system a contents page is displayed listing
+numbered sections. In response to the question at the bottom of the
+page you should enter the number of the section you wish to see and
+press return (i.e. ENTER). The contents of that section are then
+displayed to you. When you are ready to leave the manual, press return,
+without giving ay section number, in response to the question at the
+foot of the contents page - typing q (for "quit") has the same effect.
+If the section is more than one page long, you should press the space
+bar when you have finished reading a page, in order to see the next page
+(or press return to see one more line). At the end of the section, you
+may press return to go back to the contents page.
+The manual is organised in short sections, each at most two or three
+screenfulls long. Where a section would otherwise be too long to fit in
+with this philosophy, the manual is organised recursively and will
+display a subsidiary contents page, with a list of numbered subsections,
+which you may read, as before, by typing the appropriate number. To
+return to the main menu from a submenu, press return with no section
+number, in response to the question at the bottom of the page.
+The manual is intended to provide online documentation of the Miranda
+programming language and the command system in which it is embedded. It
+is not intended to be a tutorial on functional programming. It does not
+provide information about the operating system, for which separate
+documentation is available (but there is a section on the Miranda/UNIX
+_S_u_m_m_a_r_y_ _o_f_ _m_a_n_u_a_l_ _b_e_h_a_v_i_o_u_r_:
+Whenever the manual system prompts the user for input - by asking for
+"next selection" - the complete repertoire of possible responses is:
+q quit the manual
+<return> exit one level of menu structure
+ (i.e. if at foot of section, return to menu
+ if at submenu, return to master menu
+ if at main menu, quit the manual)
+<number> display section from current contents page
+. (dot) same again, i.e. redisplay last requested section
++ display next section in numerical order
+- display previous section
+!command temporary escape to O/S, executes shell command
+_S_u_m_m_a_r_y_ _o_f_ _t_h_e_ _b_e_h_a_v_i_o_u_r_ _o_f_ _`_m_o_r_e_'_:
+Individual sections of the manual are displayed to you using the UNIX
+program `more' or an equivalent such as `less' (you can change this by
+setting an environment variable VIEWER (*)). These programs have their
+own UNIX manual page describing their features. The responses you can
+give generally include
+[SPACE] display next screenful
+[return] display one more line
+q (quit) cease showing me this file
+b (back) scroll backwards by one screenful
+/context search for context (eg a word)
+?context search backwards for context
+h help
+(*) See the section on Environment Variables under UNIX/Miranda system
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4d48b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/10
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+An identifier consists of a letter followed by zero or more additional
+characters which may be letters digits or occurrences of _ or '
+(underscore and single quote) Examples:
+ x yellow p11d y' GROSS_INCOME
+Note that both upper and lower case letters are allowed, and they are
+treated as different, so x and X are not the same identifier. There is
+no restriction on the length of identifiers, and all the characters are
+significant in deciding whether two identifiers are the same.
+Identifiers fall into two different classes (called in the formal syntax
+`identifier' and `IDENTIFIER') depending on whether their initial letter
+is upper or lower case.
+Identifiers are used for three different purposes in Miranda - (i) as
+variables, i.e. names for values (note that the names of functions are
+also considered to be variables), (ii) as typenames, such as `bool' and
+`char', and (iii) as constructors (see section on algebraic types). The
+names of constructors must begin with an upper case letter, while
+variables and typenames must begin with a lower case letter.
+Reserved words - the following are special symbols of the Miranda
+_a_b_s_t_y_p_e _d_i_v _i_f _m_o_d _o_t_h_e_r_w_i_s_e _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s _s_h_o_w _t_y_p_e _w_h_e_r_e _w_i_t_h
+ (10)
+These are often shown as underlined (or bold) in published documents,
+but in programs they are typed as ordinary lower case words (which means
+that these words cannot be used as identifiers).
+_P_r_e_d_e_f_i_n_e_d_ _i_d_e_n_t_i_f_i_e_r_s
+The following identifiers are normally* predefined and always in scope.
+They constitute the `standard environment'. They are defined in the
+script "stdenv.m", contained in the directory /usr/lib/miralib.
+(a) predefined typenames
+ bool char num sys_message
+(b) predefined constructors
+ False True :: bool
+ Appendfile Closefile Exit Stderr Stdout System Tofile :: sys_message
+(c) predefined variables
+ abs and arctan cjustify code concat const converse cos decode digit
+ drop dropwhile e entier error exp filemode filter foldl foldl1 foldr
+ foldr1 force fst getenv hd hugenum id index init integer iterate
+ last lay layn letter limit lines ljustify log log10 map map2 max
+ max2 member merge min min2 mkset neg numval or pi postfix product
+ read readb rep repeat reverse rjustify scan seq showfloat showhex
+ shownum showoct showscaled sin snd sort spaces sqrt subtract sum
+ system take takewhile tinynum tl transpose undef until zip zip2 zip3
+ zip4 zip5 zip6 (91)
+See manual entry `Standard environment' for a listing of its contents.
+[*You can suppress automatic inclusion of <stdenv> by calling mira with
+ flag "-stdenv". See manual section 31/7 "Options, setup files etc"]
diff --git a/miralib/manual/100 b/miralib/manual/100
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83fbe5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/100
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+FROM SIGPLAN NOTICES, 21(12):158-166, December 1986. (C) D.A.Turner
+ _A_n_ _O_v_e_r_v_i_e_w_ _o_f_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a
+ David Turner
+ Computing Laboratory
+ University of Kent
+ Canterbury CT2 7NF
+Miranda is an advanced functional programming system which runs under
+the UNIX operating system (*). The aim of the Miranda system is to
+provide a modern functional language, embedded in a convenient
+programming environment, suitable both for teaching and as a general
+purpose programming tool. The purpose of this short article is to give
+a brief overview of the main features of Miranda. The topics we shall
+discuss, in order, are:
+ Basic ideas
+ The Miranda programming environment
+ Guarded equations and block structure
+ Pattern matching
+ Currying and higher order functions
+ List comprehensions
+ Lazy evaluation and infinite lists
+ Polymorphic strong typing
+ User defined types
+ Type synonyms
+ Abstract data types
+ Separate compilation and linking
+ Current implementation status
+(*) _N_o_t_e: UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories, Miranda is a
+ trademark of Research Software Ltd.
+_B_a_s_i_c_ _i_d_e_a_s
+ The Miranda programming language is purely functional - there are no
+side effects or imperative features of any kind. A program (actually we
+don't call it a program, we call it a "script") is a collection of
+equations defining various functions and data structures which we are
+interested in computing. The order in which the equations are given is
+not in general significant. There is for example no obligation for the
+definition of an entity to precede its first use. Here is a very simple
+example of a Miranda script:
+ z = sq x / sq y
+ sq n = n * n
+ x = a + b
+ y = a - b
+ a = 10
+ b = 5
+Notice the absence of syntactic baggage - Miranda is, by design, rather
+terse. There are no mandatory type declarations, although (see later)
+the language is strongly typed. There are no semicolons at the end of
+definitions - the parsing algorithm makes intelligent use of layout.
+Note that the notation for function application is simply juxtaposition,
+as in "sq x". In the definition of the sq function, "n" is a formal
+parameter - its scope is limited to the equation in which it occurs
+(whereas the other names introduced above have the whole script for
+their scope).
+The most commonly used data structure is the list, which in Miranda is
+written with square brackets and commas, eg:
+ week_days = ["Mon","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri"]
+ days = week_days ++ ["Sat","Sun"]
+Lists may be appended by the "++" operator. Other useful operations on
+lists include infix ":" which prefixes an element to the front of a
+list, "#" which takes the length of a list, and infix "!" which does
+subscripting. So for example 0:[1,2,3] has the value [0,1,2,3], #days
+is 7, and days!0 is "Mon".
+There is also an operator "--" which does list subtraction. For example
+[1,2,3,4,5] -- [2,4] is [1,3,5].
+There is a shorthand notation using ".." for lists whose elements form
+an arithmetic series. Here for example are definitions of the factorial
+function, and of a number "result" which is the sum of the odd numbers
+between 1 and 100 (sum and product are library functions):
+ fac n = product [1..n]
+ result = sum [1,3..100]
+The elements of a list must all be of the same type. A sequence of
+elements of mixed type is called a tuple, and is written using
+parentheses instead of square brackets. Example
+ employee = ("Jones",True,False,39)
+Tuples are analogous to records in Pascal (whereas lists are analogous
+to arrays). Tuples cannot be subscripted - their elements are extracted
+by pattern matching (see later).
+_T_h_e_ _p_r_o_g_r_a_m_m_i_n_g_ _e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t
+ The Miranda system is interactive and runs under UNIX as a self
+contained subsystem. The basic action is to evaluate expressions,
+supplied by the user at the terminal, in the environment established by
+the current script. For example evaluating "z" in the context of the
+first script given above would produce the result "9.0".
+The Miranda compiler works in conjunction with an editor (by default
+this is "vi" but it can be set to any editor of the user's choice).
+Scripts are automatically recompiled after edits, and any syntax or type
+errors signalled immediately. The polymorphic type system permits a
+high proportion of logical errors to be detected at compile time.
+There is quite a large library of standard functions. There is also an
+online reference manual. The interface to UNIX permits Miranda programs
+to take data from, and send data to, UNIX files and it is also possible
+to invoke Miranda programs directly from the UNIX shell and to combine
+them, via UNIX pipes, with processes written in other languages.
+_G_u_a_r_d_e_d_ _e_q_u_a_t_i_o_n_s_ _a_n_d_ _b_l_o_c_k_ _s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e
+ An equation can have several alternative right hand sides distinguished
+by "guards" - the guard is written on the right following a comma. For
+example the greatest common divisor function can be written:
+ gcd a b = gcd (a-b) b, _i_f a>b
+ = gcd a (b-a), _i_f a<b
+ = a, _i_f a=b
+The last guard in such a series of alternatives can be written
+"_o_t_h_e_r_w_i_s_e", instead of "_i_f condition", to indicate a default case(*).
+It is also permitted to introduce local definitions on the right hand
+side of a definition, by means of a "where" clause. Consider for
+example the following definition of a function for solving quadratic
+equations (it either fails or returns a list of one or two real roots):
+ quadsolve a b c = error "complex roots", _i_f delta<0
+ = [-b/(2*a)], _i_f delta=0
+ = [-b/(2*a) + radix/(2*a),
+ -b/(2*a) - radix/(2*a)], _i_f delta>0
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ delta = b*b - 4*a*c
+ radix = sqrt delta
+Where clauses may occur nested, to arbitrary depth, allowing Miranda
+programs to be organised with a nested block structure. Indentation of
+inner blocks is compulsory, as layout information is used by the parser.
+(*) _N_o_t_e: In early versions of Miranda the keyword _i_f was not required.
+_P_a_t_t_e_r_n_ _m_a_t_c_h_i_n_g
+ It is permitted to define a function by giving several alternative
+equations, distinguished by the use of different patterns in the formal
+parameters. This provides another method of doing case analysis which
+is often more elegant than the use of guards. We here give some simple
+examples of pattern matching on natural numbers, lists and tuples.
+Here is (another) definition of the factorial function, and a definition
+of Ackermann's function:
+ fac 0 = 1
+ fac (n+1) = (n+1) * fac n
+ ack 0 n = n+1
+ ack (m+1) 0 = ack m 1
+ ack (m+1) (n+1) = ack m (ack (m+1) n)
+Here is a (naive) definition of a function for computing the n'th
+Fibonacci number:
+ fib 0 = 0
+ fib 1 = 1
+ fib (n+2) = fib (n+1) + fib n
+Here are some simple examples of functions defined by pattern matching
+on lists:
+ sum [] = 0
+ sum (a:x) = a + sum x
+ product [] = 1
+ product (a:x) = a * product x
+ reverse [] = []
+ reverse (a:x) = reverse x ++ [a]
+Accessing the elements of a tuple is also done by pattern matching. For
+example the selection functions on 2-tuples can be defined thus
+ fst (a,b) = a
+ snd (a,b) = b
+As final examples we give the definitions of two Miranda library
+functions, take and drop, which return the first n members of a list,
+and the rest of the list without the first n members, respectively
+ take 0 x = []
+ take (n+1) [] = []
+ take (n+1) (a:x) = a : take n x
+ drop 0 x = x
+ drop (n+1) [] = []
+ drop (n+1) (a:x) = drop n x
+Notice that the two functions are defined in such a way that that the
+following identity always holds - "take n x ++ drop n x = x" - including
+in the pathological case that the length of x is less than n.
+_C_u_r_r_y_i_n_g_ _a_n_d_ _h_i_g_h_e_r_ _o_r_d_e_r_ _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_s
+ Miranda is a fully higher order language - functions are first class
+citizens and can be both passed as parameters and returned as results.
+Function application is left associative, so when we write "f x y" it is
+parsed as "(f x) y", meaning that the result of applying f to x is a
+function, which is then applied to y. The reader may test out his
+understanding of higher order functions by working out what is the value
+of "answer" in the following script:
+ answer = twice twice twice suc 0
+ twice f x = f (f x)
+ suc x = x + 1
+Note that in Miranda every function of two or more arguments is actually
+a higher order function. This is very useful as it permits partial
+application. For example "member" is a library function such that
+"member x a" tests if the list x contains the element a (returning True
+or False as appropriate). By partially applying member we can derive
+many useful predicates, such as
+ vowel = member ['a','e','i','o','u']
+ digit = member ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
+ month = member ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep",
+ "Oct","Nov","Dec"]
+ As another example of higher order programming consider the function
+foldr, defined
+ foldr op k [] = k
+ foldr op k (a:x) = op a (foldr op k x)
+All the standard list processing functions can be obtained by partially
+applying foldr. Examples
+ sum = foldr (+) 0
+ product = foldr (*) 1
+ reverse = foldr postfix []
+ _w_h_e_r_e postfix a x = x ++ [a]
+_L_i_s_t_ _c_o_m_p_r_e_h_e_n_s_i_o_n_s
+ List comprehensions give a concise syntax for a rather general class of
+iterations over lists. The syntax is adapted from an analogous notation
+used in set theory (called "set comprehension"). A simple example of a
+list comprehension is:
+ [ n*n | n <- [1..100] ]
+This is a list containing (in order) the squares of all the numbers from
+1 to 100. The above expression can be read as "list of all n*n such
+that n is drawn from the list 1 to 100". Note that "n" is a local
+variable of the above expression. The variable-binding construct to the
+right of the bar is called a "generator" - the "<-" sign denotes that
+the variable introduced on its left ranges over all the elements of the
+list on its right. The general form of a list comprehension in Miranda
+ [ body | qualifiers ]
+Each qualifier is either a generator, of the form var<-exp, or else a
+filter, which is a boolean expression used to restrict the ranges of the
+variables introduced by the generators. When two or more qualifiers are
+present they are separated by semicolons. An example of a list
+comprehension with two generators is given by the following definition
+of a function for returning a list of all the permutations of a given
+ perms [] = [[]]
+ perms x = [ a:y | a <- x; y <- perms (x--[a]) ]
+The use of a filter is shown by the following definition of a function
+which takes a number and returns a list of all its factors,
+ factors n = [ i | i <- [1..n _d_i_v 2]; n _m_o_d i = 0 ]
+List comprehensions often allow remarkable conciseness of expression.
+We give two examples. Here is a Miranda statement of Hoare's
+"Quicksort" algorithm, as a method of sorting a list,
+ sort [] = []
+ sort (a:x) = sort [ b | b <- x; b<=a ]
+ ++ [a] ++
+ sort [ b | b <- x; b>a ]
+Next is a Miranda solution to the eight queens problem. We have to
+place eight queens on chess board so that no queen gives check to any
+other. Since any solution must have exactly one queen in each column, a
+suitable representation for a board is a list of integers giving the row
+number of the queen in each successive column. In the following script
+the function "queens n" returns all safe ways to place queens on the
+first n columns. A list of all solutions to the eight queens problem is
+therefore obtained by printing the value of (queens 8)
+ queens 0 = [[]]
+ queens (n+1) = [ q:b | b <- queens n; q <- [0..7]; safe q b ]
+ safe q b = and [ ~checks q b i | i <- [0..#b-1] ]
+ checks q b i = q=b!i \/ abs(q - b!i)=i+1
+_L_a_z_y_ _e_v_a_l_u_a_t_i_o_n_ _a_n_d_ _i_n_f_i_n_i_t_e_ _l_i_s_t_s
+ Miranda's evaluation mechanism is "lazy", in the sense that no
+subexpression is evaluated until its value is known to be required. One
+consequence of this is that is possible to define functions which are
+non-strict (meaning that they are capable of returning an answer even if
+one of their arguments is undefined). For example we can define a
+conditional function as follows,
+ cond True x y = x
+ cond False x y = y
+and then use it in such situations as "cond (x=0) 0 (1/x)".
+The other main consequence of lazy evaluation is that it makes it
+possible to write down definitions of infinite data structures. Here
+are some examples of Miranda definitions of infinite lists (note that
+there is a modified form of the ".." notation for endless arithmetic
+ ones = 1 : ones
+ repeat a = x
+ _w_h_e_r_e x = a : x
+ nats = [0..]
+ odds = [1,3..]
+ squares = [ n*n | n <- [0..] ]
+ perfects = [ n | n <- [1..]; sum(factors n) = n ]
+ primes = sieve [ 2.. ]
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ sieve (p:x) = p : sieve [ n | n <- x; n _m_o_d p > 0 ]
+One interesting application of infinite lists is to act as lookup tables
+for caching the values of a function. For example our earlier naive
+definition of "fib" can be improved from exponential to linear
+complexity by changing the recursion to use a lookup table, thus
+ fib 0 = 1
+ fib 1 = 1
+ fib (n+2) = flist!(n+1) + flist!n
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ flist = map fib [ 0.. ]
+Another important use of infinite lists is that they enable us to write
+functional programs representing networks of communicating processes.
+Consider for example the Hamming numbers problem - we have to print in
+ascending order all numbers of the form 2^a*3^b*5^c, for a,b,c>=0.
+There is a nice solution to this problem in terms of communicating
+processes, which can be expressed in Miranda as follows
+ hamming = 1 : merge (f 2) (merge (f 3) (f 5))
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ f a = [ n*a | n <- hamming ]
+ merge (a:x) (b:y) = a : merge x (b:y), _i_f a<b
+ = b : merge (a:x) y, _i_f a>b
+ = a : merge x y, _o_t_h_e_r_w_i_s_e
+_P_o_l_y_m_o_r_p_h_i_c_ _s_t_r_o_n_g_ _t_y_p_i_n_g
+ Miranda is strongly typed. That is, every expression and every
+subexpression has a type, which can be deduced at compile time, and any
+inconsistency in the type structure of a script results in a compile
+time error message. We here briefly summarise Miranda's notation for
+its types.
+There are three primitive types, called num, bool, and char. The type
+num comprises integer and floating point numbers (the distinction
+between integers and floating point numbers is handled at run time -
+this is not regarded as being a type distinction). There are two values
+of type bool, called True and False. The type char comprises the
+Latin-1 character set - character constants are written in single
+quotes, using C escape conventions, e.g. 'a', '$', '\n' etc.
+If T is type, then [T] is the type of lists whose elements are of type
+T. For example [[1,2],[2,3],[4,5]] is of type [[num]], that is list of
+lists of numbers. String constants are of type [char], in fact a string
+such as "hello" is simply a shorthand way of writing
+If T1 to Tn are types, then (T1, ... ,Tn) is the type of tuples with
+objects of these types as components. For example (True,"hello",36) is
+of type (bool,[char],num).
+If T1 and T2 are types, then T1->T2 is the type of a function with
+arguments in T1 and results in T2. For example the function sum is of
+type [num]->num. The function quadsolve, given earlier, is of type
+num->num->num->[num]. Note that "->" is right associative.
+Miranda scripts can include type declarations. These are written using
+"::" to mean is of type. Example
+ sq :: num -> num
+ sq n = n * n
+The type declaration is not necessary, however. The compiler is always
+able to deduce the type of an identifier from its defining equation.
+Miranda scripts often contain type declarations as these are useful for
+documentation (and they provide an extra check, since the typechecker
+will complain if the declared type is inconsistent with the inferred
+Types can be polymorphic, in the sense of [Milner 1978]. This is
+indicated by using the symbols * ** *** etc. as an alphabet of generic
+type variables. For example, the identity function, defined in the
+Miranda library as
+ id x = x
+has the following type
+ id :: * -> *
+this means that the identity function has many types. Namely all those
+which can be obtained by substituting an arbitrary type for the generic
+type variable, eg "num->num", "bool->bool", "(*->**) -> (*->**)" and so
+We illustrate the Miranda type system by giving types for some of the
+functions so far defined in this article
+ fac :: num -> num
+ ack :: num -> num -> num
+ sum :: [num] -> num
+ month :: [char] -> bool
+ reverse :: [*] -> [*]
+ fst :: (*,**) -> *
+ snd :: (*,**) -> **
+ foldr :: (*->**->**) -> ** -> [*] -> **
+ perms :: [*] -> [[*]]
+_U_s_e_r_ _d_e_f_i_n_e_d_ _t_y_p_e_s
+ The user may introduce new types. This is done by an equation in
+"::=". For example a type of labelled binary trees (with numeric
+labels) would be introduced as follows,
+ tree ::= Nilt | Node num tree tree
+This introduces three new identifiers - "tree" which is the name of the
+type, and "Nilt" and "Node" which are the constructors for trees - note
+that constructors must begin with an upper case letter. Nilt is an
+atomic constructor, while Node takes three arguments, of the types
+shown. Here is an example of a tree built using these constructors
+ t1 = Node 7 (Node 3 Nilt Nilt) (Node 4 Nilt Nilt)
+To analyse an object of user defined type, we use pattern matching. For
+example here is a definition of a function for taking the mirror image
+of a tree
+ mirror Nilt = Nilt
+ mirror (Node a x y) = Node a (mirror y) (mirror x)
+User defined types can be polymorphic - this is shown by introducing one
+or more generic type variables as parameters of the "::=" equation. For
+example we can generalise the definition of tree to allow arbitrary
+labels, thus
+ tree * ::= Nilt | Node * (tree *) (tree *)
+this introduces a family of tree types, including tree num, tree bool,
+tree (char->char), and so on.
+The types introduced by "::=" definitions are called "algebraic types".
+Algebraic types are a very general idea. They include scalar
+enumeration types, eg
+ color ::= Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Blue | Indigo | Violet
+and also give us a way to do union types, for example
+ bool_or_num ::= Left bool | Right num
+It is interesting to note that all the basic data types of Miranda could
+be defined from first principles, using "::=" equations. For example
+here are type definitions for bool, (natural) numbers and lists,
+ bool ::= True | False
+ nat ::= Zero | Suc nat
+ list * ::= Nil | Cons * (list *)
+Having types such as "num" built in is done for reasons of efficiency -
+it isn't logically necessary.
+_N_o_t_e: In versions of Miranda before release two (1989) it was possible
+to associate "laws" with the constructors of an algebraic type, which
+are applied whenever an object of the type is built. For details see
+[Turner 1985, Thompson 1986]. This feature was little used and since
+has been removed from the language.
+_T_y_p_e_ _s_y_n_o_n_y_m_s
+ The Miranda programmer can introduce a new name for an already existing
+type. We use "==" for these definitions, to distinguish them from
+ordinary value definitions. Examples
+ string == [char]
+ matrix == [[num]]
+Type synonyms are entirely transparent to the typechecker - it is best
+to think of them as macros. It is also possible to introduce synonyms
+for families of types. This is done by using generic type symbols as
+formal parameters, as in
+ array * == [[*]]
+so now eg `array num' is the same type as `matrix'.
+_A_b_s_t_r_a_c_t_ _d_a_t_a_ _t_y_p_e_s
+ In addition to concrete types, introduced by "::=" or "==" equations,
+Miranda permits the definition of abstract types, whose implementation
+is "hidden" from the rest of the program. To show how this works we
+give the standard example of defining stack as an abstract data type
+(here based on lists):
+ _a_b_s_t_y_p_e stack *
+ _w_i_t_h empty :: stack *
+ isempty :: stack * -> bool
+ push :: * -> stack * -> stack *
+ pop :: stack * -> stack *
+ top :: stack * -> *
+ stack * == [*]
+ empty = []
+ isempty x = (x=[])
+ push a x = (a:x)
+ pop (a:x) = x
+ top (a:x) = a
+We see that the definition of an abstract data type consists of two
+parts. First a declaration of the form "abstype ... with ...", where
+the names following the "with" are called the _s_i_g_n_a_t_u_r_e of the abstract
+data type. These names are the interface between the abstract data type
+and the rest of the program. Then a set of equations giving bindings
+for the names introduced in the abstype declaration. These are called
+the _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n _e_q_u_a_t_i_o_n_s.
+The type abstraction is enforced by the typechecker. The mechanism
+works as follows. When typechecking the implementation equations the
+abstract type and its representation are treated as being the same type.
+In the whole of the rest of the script the abstract type and its
+representation are treated as two separate and completely unrelated
+types. This is somewhat different from the usual mechanism for
+implementing abstract data types, but has a number of advantages. It is
+discussed at somewhat greater length in [Turner 85].
+_S_e_p_a_r_a_t_e_ _c_o_m_p_i_l_a_t_i_o_n_ _a_n_d_ _l_i_n_k_i_n_g
+ The basic mechanisms for separate compilation and linking are extremely
+simple. Any Miranda script can contain one or more directives of the
+ %include "pathname"
+where "pathname" is the name of another Miranda script file (which might
+itself contain include directives, and so on recursively - cycles in the
+include structure are not permitted however). The visibility of names
+to an including script is controlled by a directive in the included
+script, of the form
+ %export names
+It is permitted to export types as well as values. It is not permitted
+to export a value to a place where its type is unknown, so if you export
+an object of a locally defined type, the typename must be exported also.
+Exporting the name of a "::=" type automatically exports all its
+constructors. If a script does not contain an export directive, then
+the default is that all the names (and typenames) it defines will be
+exported (but not those which it acquired by %include statements).
+It is also permitted to write a _p_a_r_a_m_e_t_r_i_s_e_d script, in which certain
+names and/or typenames are declared as "free". An example is that we
+might wish to write a package for doing matrix algebra without knowing
+what the type of the matrix elements are going to be. A header for such
+a package could look like this:
+ %free { element :: type
+ zero, unit :: element
+ mult, add, subtract, divide :: element->element->element
+ }
+ %export matmult determinant eigenvalues eigenvectors ...
+ || here would follow definitions of matmult, determinant,
+ || eigenvalues, etc. in terms of the free identifiers zero,
+ || unit, mult, add, subtract, divide
+In the using script, the corresponding %include statement must give a
+set of bindings for the free variables of the included script. For
+example here is an instantiation of the matrix package sketched above,
+with real numbers as the chosen element type:
+ %include "matrix_pack"
+ { element == num; zero = 0; unit = 1
+ mult = *; add = +; subtract = -; divide = /
+ }
+The three directives %include, %export and %free provide the Miranda
+programmer with a flexible and type secure mechanism for structuring
+larger pieces of software from libraries of smaller components.
+Separate compilation is administered without user intervention. Each
+file containing a Miranda script is shadowed by an object code file
+created by the system and object code files are automatically recreated
+and relinked if they become out of date with respect to any relevant
+source. (This behaviour is similar to that achieved by the
+UNIX program "make", except that here the user is not required to write
+a makefile - the necessary dependency information is inferred from the
+%include directives in the Miranda source.)
+_C_u_r_r_e_n_t_ _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n_ _s_t_a_t_u_s
+ An implementation of Miranda is available for a range of UNIX machines
+including SUN-4/Sparc, DEC Alpha, MIPS, Apollo, Sequent Symmetry,
+Sequent Balance, Silicon Graphics, IBM RS/6000, HP9000, PC/Linux. This
+is an interpretive implementation which works by compiling Miranda
+scripts to an intermediate code based on combinators. It is currently
+running at 550 sites (as of August 1996).
+Licensing information can be obtained from the world wide web at
+Milner, R. "A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming" Journal of
+Computer and System Sciences, vol 17, 1978.
+Thompson, S.J. "Laws in Miranda" Proceedings 4th ACM International
+Conference on LISP and Functional Programming, Boston Mass, August 1986.
+Turner, D.A. "Miranda: A non-strict functional language with
+polymorphic types" Proceedings IFIP International Conference on
+Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, Nancy
+France, September 1985 (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol
+[Note - this overview of Miranda first appeared in SIGPLAN Notices,
+December 1986. It has here been revised slightly to bring it up to
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/11
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Miranda has three types of literal constant - numerals, character
+constants and string constants.
+Numerals are written in the following style
+ 12 5237563 24.6 4.5e13 0.63e-6
+A numeral containing decimal point and/or scale factor (`.' or `e') is
+held internally as double precision (=64 bit) floating point, accuracy
+approximately 17 significant figures. Integers are held in a different
+internal representation, and have unbounded precision.
+The two kinds of number, integer and floating point, are both of type
+`num', as far as the type-checker is concerned, and can be freely mixed
+in calculations. There is automatic conversion from integer to float
+when required, but not in the opposite direction. To convert from
+floating point to integer, use `entier' (see standard environment).
+Negative numbers are denoted by applying the prefix `-' operator to a
+numeral, thus:
+ -12 -4.5e13
+but note that the notation -12 is an expression, not a literal, so if
+you wish to apply a function to it, you must write f (-12), not f -12,
+which would be read as an attempt to subtract 12 from f.
+Integers can be written in hexadecimal (base 16) or octal (base 8)
+notation starting with 0x or 0o, e.g. 4095 can also be written as 0xfff
+or 0o7777. Floating point numbers can be expressed in hexadecimal
+notation, optionally scaled by `p' followed by a power of 2. For
+example 0x1.0p-2 means 0.25.
+Character constants are written using single quotes, thus
+ 'a' '0' '\n'
+The type `char' includes all Unicode* characters, those outside ascii
+and Latin-1 can be expressed by numeric escape codes, see below.
+Note that the functions code::char->num, decode::num->char convert
+characters to and from their numeric codes.
+String constants are written using double quotes, thus
+ "hello dolly" "" "\n\n\n"
+Escape conventions in character and string constants are as in `C',
+using the backslash character.
+ \' single quote
+ \" double quote
+ \\ the \ character itself
+ \a alarm
+ \b backspace
+ \f formfeed
+ \n newline
+ \r carriage return
+ \t tab
+ \v vertical tab
+plus these numeric escapes which specify characters by code number.
+ \ddd up to 3 decimal digits [0-9]
+ \xffff up to 4 hex digits [0-9a-f]
+ \Xffffff up to 6 hex digits
+For escape codes to \999 you can use either decimal or hex, for example
+the DELETE character can be written as \127 or \x7f. The \x and \X
+forms cover the whole range of Unicode values. For example '\x3b3' is
+the Greek letter lower case gamma and '\x20ac' is the euro sign. The \X
+form is unlikely to be needed but is provided for completeness.
+Specifying a character by numeric code in a string or char constant has
+the same effect as including it literally, so for example "£" and
+"\163" are exactly the same string.
+Where a numeric escape code in a string is followed by a literal digit
+(or hex digit for \x \X) the numeral can be padded with leading 0s to
+force the correct parse. For example "\0078" is the alarm character \7
+followed by a literal '8', while "\78" is "N".
+Literal newlines are allowed inside string quotes if escaped by a
+preceding backslash, in which case the newline is ignored (as in C).
+Thus the string "hello dolly" can equally be written
+ "hello \
+A literal newline is not allowed inside character quotes.
+[* Unicode is an international standard providing numeric codes for the
+ symbols of practically all known human writing systems. Unicode
+ points 0-127 coincide with ascii and 128-255 with Latin-1.]
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+++ b/miralib/manual/12
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+_T_o_k_e_n_i_s_a_t_i_o_n_ _a_n_d_ _l_a_y_o_u_t
+A Miranda script or expression is regarded as being composed of _t_o_k_e_n_s,
+separated by _l_a_y_o_u_t.
+A token is one of the following - an identifier, a literal, a type
+variable, or a delimiter. Identifiers and literals each have their own
+manual section. A type variable is a sequence of one or more stars,
+thus * ** *** etc. (see basic type structure). Delimiters are the
+miscellaneous symbols, such as operators, parentheses, and keywords. A
+formal definition of the syntax of tokens, including a list of all the
+delimiters in given under `Miranda lexical syntax'.
+_R_U_L_E_S_ _A_B_O_U_T_ _L_A_Y_O_U_T
+Layout consists of white space characters (spaces, tabs, newlines and
+formfeeds), and comments. A comment consists of a pair of adjacent
+vertical bars, together with all the text to the right of the bars on
+the same line. Thus
+ || this is a comment
+Layout is not permitted inside tokens (except in char and string
+constants, where it is significant) but may be inserted freely between
+tokens to make scripts more readable. Layout is ignored by the compiler
+except in two respects:
+1) At least one space (or other layout characters) must be present
+between two tokens that would otherwise form an instance of a single
+larger token. For example in
+ f 19 'b'
+we have a function, f, applied to a number and a character, but if we
+were to omit the two intervening spaces, the compiler would read this as
+a single six-character identifier, because both digits and single-quotes
+are legal characters in an identifier. (Where it is not required to
+force the correct tokenisation, or because of the offside rule, see
+below, the presence of layout between tokens is optional.)
+2) Certain syntactic objects (roughly, the right hand sides of
+declarations -- for an exact account see those entities followed by a
+`(;)' in the formal syntax) obey Landin's _o_f_f_s_i_d_e _r_u_l_e [Landin 1966].
+This requires that every token of the object lie either directly below
+or to the right of its first token. A token which breaks this rule is
+said to be `offside' with respect to that object and terminates its
+parse. For example in
+ x = 2 < a
+ y = f q
+the 'y' is offside with respect to the right hand side of the definition
+of 'x' (because it is to the left of the initial '2'). In such a case
+the trailing semicolon may be omitted from the right hand side of the
+equation for x.
+It is because of the offside rule that Miranda scripts do not normally
+contain explicit semicolons as terminators for definitions. The same
+rule enables the compiler to determine the scopes of nested _w_h_e_r_e's by
+looking at their indentation levels. For example in
+ f x = g y z
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ y = (x+1)*(x-1)
+ z = p x (q y)
+ g r = groo (r+1)
+it is the offside rule which makes it clear that the definition of 'g'
+is not local to the right hand side of the definition of 'f', but those
+of 'y' and 'z' are.
+It is always possible to terminate a right hand side by an EXPLICIT
+semicolon, instead of relying on the offside rule. For example the
+above script could be written all in one line, as
+ f x = g y z _w_h_e_r_e y = (x+1)*(x-1); z = p x (q y);; g r = groo (r+1);
+Notice that we need TWO semicolons after the definition of z - the first
+terminates the rhs of the definition of `z', and the second terminates
+the larger rhs of which it is a part, namely that of the definition of
+`f'. If we put only one semicolon at this point, the definition of `g'
+would be local to that of `f'.
+This example should convince the reader that code using layout
+information to show the block structure is much more readable, and this
+is the normal practise.
+[_R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e P.J. Landin "The Next 700 Programming Languages", CACM vol 9
+pp157-165 (March 1966).]
+Note that an additional comment convention applies in scripts whose
+first character is a `>'. See separate manual entry on `literate
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index 0000000..c5e9198
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+++ b/miralib/manual/13/1
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+_D_o_t_d_o_t_ _n_o_t_a_t_i_o_n
+The following abbreviations are provided for denoting lists, of type
+[num], whose members form a finite or infinite arithmetic series. Let
+`a', `b', `c' stand for arbitrary numeric expressions.
+ [a..b] list of numbers from a to b inclusive, interval = 1
+ [a..] infinite list starting at a and increasing by 1
+ [a,b..c] arithmetic series, first member a, second member b,
+ last member not greater than c (if b-a non-negative)
+ or not less than c (if b-a negative).
+ [a,b..] infinite series starting at a, interval = (b-a)
+So the notation [1..10] has as value the list [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].
+Here are some more examples
+ nats = [0..]
+ evens = [0,2..]
+ odds_less_than_100 = [1,3..99]
+ neg_odds = [-1,-3..]
+ tenths = [1.0,1.1 .. 2.0]
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+_L_i_s_t_ _c_o_m_p_r_e_h_e_n_s_i_o_n_s
+ [exp | qualifiers]
+List of all `exp' such that `qualifiers'. If there are two or more
+qualifiers they are separated by semicolons. Each qualifier is either a
+generator, of which the allowed forms are
+ pattern-list <- exp (first form)
+ pattern <- exp, exp .. (second form)
+or else a filter, which is a boolean expression restricting the range of
+the variables introduced by preceding generators. The variables
+introduced on the left of each `<-' are local to the list comprehension.
+Some examples
+ sqs = [ n*n | n<-[1..] ]
+ factors n = [ r | r<-[1..n div 2]; n mod r = 0 ]
+ knights_moves [i,j] = [ [i+a,j+b] | a,b<-[-2..2]; a^2+b^2=5 ]
+Notice that a list of variables on the lhs of a `<-' is shorthand for
+multiple generators, e.g. `i,j<-thing' expands to `i<-thing; j<-thing'.
+The variables introduced by the generators come into scope from left to
+right, so later generators can make use of variables introduced by
+earlier ones. An example of this is shown by the following definition
+of a function for generating all the permutations of a given list.
+ perms [] = [[]]
+ perms x = [ a:p | a<-x; p<-perms(x--[a]) ]
+The second form of generator allows the construction of lists from
+arbitrary recurrence relations, thus
+ x <- a, f x ..
+causes x to assume in turn the values `a', `f a', `f(f a)', etc.
+An example of its use is in the following definition of the fibonacci
+ fibs = [ a | (a,b) <- (1,1), (b,a+b) .. ]
+Another example is given by the following expression which lists the
+powers of two
+ [ n | n <- 1, 2*n .. ]
+The order of enumeration of a list comprehension with multiple
+generators is like that of nested for-loops, with the rightmost
+generator as the innermost loop. For example the value of the
+comprehension [ f x y | x<-[1..4]; y<-[1..4] ] is
+ [ f 1 1, f 1 2, f 1 3, f 1 4, f 2 1, f 2 2, f 2 3, f 2 4,
+ f 3 1, f 3 2, f 3 3, f 3 4, f 4 1, f 4 2, f 4 3, f 4 4 ]
+As a consequence of this order of enumeration of multiple generators, if
+any generator other than the first (leftmost) is infinite, some
+combinations of values will never be reached in the enumeration. To
+overcome this a second, _d_i_a_g_o_n_a_l_i_s_i_n_g, form of list comprehension is
+provided (see separate manual section).
+Note that list comprehensions do NOT remove duplicates from the result
+list. To remove duplicates from a list, apply the standard function
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/13/3
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+_D_i_a_g_o_n_a_l_i_s_i_n_g_ _l_i_s_t_ _c_o_m_p_r_e_h_e_n_s_i_o_n_s
+ [ exp // qualifiers ]
+Syntax and scope rules exactly as for standard list comprehensions, the
+only difference being the use of `//' in place of the vertical bar. The
+order of enumeration of the generators is such that it is guaranteed
+that every possible combination of values will be reached eventually.
+The diagonalisation algorithm used is "fair" in the sense that it gives
+equal priority to all of the generators.
+For example the value of [f x y//x<-[1..4]; y<-[1..4]] is
+ [ f 1 1, f 1 2, f 2 1, f 1 3, f 2 2, f 3 1, f 1 4, f 2 3,
+ f 3 2, f 4 1, f 2 4, f 3 3, f 4 2, f 3 4, f 4 3, f 4 4 ]
+The algorithm used used is "Cantorian diagonalisation" - imagine the
+possible combinations of values from the two generators laid out in a
+(perhaps infinite) rectangular array, and traverse each diagonal in turn
+starting from the origin. The appropriate higher-dimensional analogue
+of this algorithm is used for the case of a list comprehension with
+three or more generators.
+As an example of an enumeration that could not be defined at all using a
+standard list comprehension, because of the presence of several infinite
+generators, here is a definition of the list of all pythagorean
+triangles (right-angled triangles with integer sides)
+ pyths = [(a,b,c)//a,b,c<-[1..];a^2+b^2=c^2]
+In the case that there is only one generator, the use of `//' instead of
+`|' makes no difference to the meaning of the list comprehension.
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+++ b/miralib/manual/13/contents
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+_I_t_e_r_a_t_i_v_e_ _e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s
+ 1. Dotdot expression
+ 2. List comprehensions
+ 3. Diagonalising list comprehensions
diff --git a/miralib/manual/14 b/miralib/manual/14
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index 0000000..87d56f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/14
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+In Miranda the script is the persistent entity that is saved from
+session to session (i.e. it plays the role of what is called a program
+in conventional languages). Associated with a Miranda session at any
+given time is a single current script, identified by a UNIX pathname
+ending in `.m'.
+A script is a collection of declarations, establishing an environment in
+which you wish to evaluate expressions. The order of the declarations
+in a script is not significant - for example there is no requirement
+that an identifier be defined before it is used.
+An identifier may not have more than one top-level binding in a given
+Here are the kinds of declaration that can occur in a script:
+1) a definition (of a function, data structure etc. - see manual entry
+`definitions' for more details). Example
+ fac n = product[1..n]
+2) a specification of the type of one or more identifiers, of the form
+ var-list :: <type>
+ fac :: num->num
+See 'Basic type structure' for an account of possible types. Note that
+these type specifications are normally optional, since the compiler is
+able to deduce them from the definitions of the corresponding
+identifiers. It is however possible to introduce an identifier by means
+of a type specification only, without giving it a defining equation
+(such identifiers are said to be `specified but not defined' and are
+useful in program development). A special case of this is the
+introduction of an otherwise undefined typename - see separate manual
+entry on `placeholder types'.
+3) the definition of a user defined type - these are of three kinds,
+synonyms, algebraic types, and abstract types (see separate manual entry
+on each).
+4) a library directive (%export, %include or %free) these are used
+specify the interfaces between separately compiled scripts - see
+separate manual entry on the library mechanism.
+There is a manual entry giving the formal syntax of Miranda scripts.
+ A directory called `ex' (meaning `examples') containing a collection of
+example scripts is supplied with the Miranda system, and will be found
+under the `miralib' directory (usually kept at /usr/lib/miralib - the
+Miranda session command `/miralib' will tell you where it is on your
+A convention which the Miranda system consistently understands in
+Miranda session commands, library directives etc. is that a pathname
+enclosed in <angle_brackets>, instead of "string_quotes" is relative to
+the miralib directory. In particular note that the Miranda session
+ /cd <ex>
+will change your current directory to be "..../miralib/ex". You can
+then say, e.g.
+ !ls
+to see what's in there. In fact there is a README file, so a good thing
+to say next would be
+ !vi README
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/15
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+The purpose of a definition is to give a value to one or more variables.
+There are two kinds of definition, `scalar' and `conformal'. A scalar
+definition gives a value to a single variable, and consists of one or
+more consecutive equations of the form
+ fnform = rhs
+where a `fnform' consists of the name being defined followed by zero or
+more formal parameters. Here are three examples of scalar definitions,
+of `answer', `sqdiff' and `equal' respectively
+ answer = 42
+ sqdiff a b = a^2 - b^2
+ equal a a = True
+ equal a b = False
+When a scalar definition consists of more than one equation, the order
+of the equations can be significant, as the last example shows. (Notice
+that `equals' as defined here is a function of two arguments with the
+same action as the built in `=' operator of boolean expressions.)
+A conformal definition gives values to several variables simultaneously
+and is an equation of the form
+ pattern = rhs
+An example of this kind of definition is
+ (x,y,z) = ploggle
+For this to make sense, the value of `ploggle' must of course be a
+3-tuple. More information about the _p_a_t_t_e_r_n _m_a_t_c_h_i_n_g aspect of
+definitions is given in the manual section of that name.
+Both fnform and pattern equations share a common notion of `right hand
+_R_i_g_h_t_ _h_a_n_d_ _s_i_d_e_s
+The simplest form of rhs is just an expression (as in all the equations
+above). It is also possible to give several alternative expressions,
+distinguished by guards. A guard consists of the word `if' followed by
+a boolean expression. An example of a right hand side with several
+alternatives is given by the following definition of the greatest common
+divisor function, using Euclid's algorithm
+ gcd a b = gcd (a-b) b, _i_f a>b
+ = gcd a (b-a), _i_f a<b
+ = a, _i_f a=b
+Note that the guards are written on the right, following a comma. The
+layout is significant (because the offside rule is used to resolve any
+ambiguities in the parse).
+The last guard can be written `otherwise', to indicate that this is the
+case which applies if all the other guards are false. For example the
+correct rule for recognising a leap year can be written:
+ leap y = y _d_i_v 400 = 0, _i_f y _m_o_d 100 = 0
+ = y _d_i_v 4 = 0, _o_t_h_e_r_w_i_s_e
+The _o_t_h_e_r_w_i_s_e may here be regarded as standing for _i_f y _m_o_d 100 ~= 0.
+In the general case it abbreviates the conjunction of the negation of
+all the previous guards, and may be used to avoid writing out a long
+boolean expression.
+Although it is better style to write guards that are mutually exclusive,
+this is not something the compiler can enforce - in the general case the
+alternative selected is the first (in the order they are written) whose
+guard evaluates to True.
+[In older versions of Miranda the presence of the keyword `if' after the
+guard comma was optional.]
+_B_l_o_c_k_ _s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e
+A right hand side can be qualified by a _w_h_e_r_e clause. This is written
+after the last alternative. The bindings introduced by the _w_h_e_r_e govern
+the whole rhs, including the guards. Example
+ foo x = p + q, _i_f p<q
+ = p - q, _i_f p>=q
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ p = x^2 + 1
+ q = 3*x^3 - 5
+Notice that the whole _w_h_e_r_e clause must be indented, to show that it is
+part of the rhs. Following a _w_h_e_r_e can be any number of definitions,
+and the syntax of such local definitions is exactly the same as that for
+top level definitions (including therefore, recursively, the possibility
+that they may contain nested _w_h_e_r_e's).
+It is not permitted to have locally defined types, however. New
+typenames can be introduced only at top level.
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+++ b/miralib/manual/16
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+_P_a_t_t_e_r_n_ _M_a_t_c_h_i_n_g
+The notion of `pattern' plays an important role in Miranda. There are
+three contexts in which patterns can be used - in function definitions,
+in conformal definitions, and on the left of the `<-' in list
+comprehensions. We first explain the general rules for pattern
+formation, which are the same in all three contexts.
+Patterns are built from variables and constants, using constructors.
+Here are some simple examples.
+ x
+ 3
+ (x,y,3)
+The first pattern is just the variable x, the second is the constant 3,
+the last example is built from two variables and a constant, using the
+(,,) constructor for 3-tuples. The components of a structured pattern
+can themselves be arbitrary patterns, permitting nested structures of
+any depth.
+A pattern can also contain repeated variables, e.g. `(x,1,x)'. A
+pattern containing repeated variables matches a value only when the
+parts of the value corresponding to occurrences of the same variable are
+The constructors which can be used in a pattern include those of tuple
+formation `(..,..)', list formation `[..,..]', and the constructors of
+any user defined Algebraic Type (see separate manual section). In
+addition there are special facilities for matching on lists and natural
+numbers, as follows.
+(Lists) The `:' operator can be used in patterns, so for example the
+following three patterns are all equivalent (and will match any 2-list).
+ a:b:[]
+ a:[b]
+ [a,b]
+Note that `:' is right associative (see manual section on Operators).
+(Natural numbers) It is permitted to write patterns of the form `p+k'
+where p is a pattern and k is a literal integer constant. This
+construction will succeed in matching a value n, if and only if n is an
+integer >=k, and in this case p is bound to (n-k). Example, `y+1'
+matches any positive integer, and `y' gets bound to the
+Note that the automatic coercion from integer to floating point, which
+takes place in expression evaluation, does not occur in pattern
+matching. An integer pattern such as `3' or `n+1' will not match any
+floating point number. It is not permitted to write patterns containing
+floating point constants.
+_C_a_s_e_ _a_n_a_l_y_s_i_s
+The main use of pattern matching in Miranda is in the left hand side of
+function definitions. In the simplest case a pattern is used simply to
+provide the right hand side of the function definition with names for
+subcomponents of a data structure. For example, functions for accessing
+the elements of a 2-tuple may be defined,
+ fst_of_two (a,b) = a
+ snd_of_two (a,b) = b
+More generally a function can be defined by giving a series of
+equations, in which the use of different patterns on the left expresses
+case analysis on the argument(s). Some simple examples
+ factorial 0 = 1
+ factorial(n+1) = (n+1)*factorial n
+ reverse [] = []
+ reverse (a:x) = reverse x ++ [a]
+ last [a] = a
+ last (a:x) = last x, if x~=[]
+ last [] = error "last of empty list"
+Many more examples can be found in the definition of the standard
+environment (see separate manual section). Note that pattern matching
+can be combined with the use of guards (see last example above).
+Patterns in a case analysis do not have to be mutually exclusive
+(although as a matter of programming style that is good practice) - the
+rule is that cases are tried in order from top to bottom, and the first
+equation which `matches' is used.
+_C_o_n_f_o_r_m_a_l_ _d_e_f_i_n_i_t_i_o_n_s
+Apart from the simple case where the pattern is a single variable, the
+ pattern = rhs
+is called a `conformal definition'. If the value of the right hand hand
+side matches the structure of the given pattern, the variables on the
+left are bound to the corresponding components of the value. Example
+ [a,b,3] = [1,2,3]
+defines a and b to have the values 1 and 2 respectively. If the match
+fails anywhere, all the variables on the left are _u_n_d_e_f_i_n_e_d. For
+example, within the scope of the definition
+ (x,x) = (1,2)
+the value of x is neither 1 nor 2, but _u_n_d_e_f_i_n_e_d (i.e. an error message
+will result if you try to access the value of x in any way).
+As a constraint to prevent "nonsense" definitions, it is a rule that the
+pattern on the left hand side of a conformal definition must contain at
+least one variable. So e.g. `1 = 2' is not a syntactically valid
+_P_a_t_t_e_r_n_s_ _o_n_ _t_h_e_ _l_e_f_t_ _o_f_ _g_e_n_e_r_a_t_o_r_s
+In a list comprehension (see separate manual entry) the bound entity on
+the left hand side of an `<-' symbol can be any pattern. We give two
+simple examples - in both examples we assume x is a list of 2-tuples.
+To denote a similar list but with the elements of each tuple swapped
+over we can write
+ [(b,a)|(a,b)<-x]
+To extract from x all second elements of a 2-tuple whose first member is
+17, we can write
+ [ b |(17,b)<-x]
+_I_r_r_e_f_u_t_a_b_l_e_ _p_a_t_t_e_r_n_s (*)
+ (Technical note, for people interested in denotational semantics)
+DEFINITION:- an algebraic type having only one constructor and for which
+that constructor is non-nullary (ie has at least one field) is called a
+_p_r_o_d_u_c_t _t_y_p_e. The constructor of a product type is called a `product
+Each type of n-tuple (n~=0) is also defined to be a product type. In
+fact it should be clear that any user defined product type is isomorphic
+to a tuple type. Example, if we define
+ wibney ::= WIB num bool
+then the type wibney is isomorphic to the tuple type (num,bool).
+A pattern composed only of product-constructors and identifiers, and
+containing no repeated identifiers, is said to be "irrefutable". For
+example `WIB p q', `(x,y,z)' and `(a,(b,c))' are irrefutable patterns.
+We show what this means by an example. Suppose we define f, by
+ f :: (num,num,bool) -> [char]
+ f (x,y,z) = "bingo"
+As a result of the constraints of strong typing, f can only be applied
+to objects of type (num,num,bool) and given any actual parameter of that
+type, the above equation for f MUST match.
+Interestingly, this works even if the actual parameter is an expression
+which does not terminate, or contains an error. (For example try typing
+ f undef
+and you will get "bingo", not an error message.)
+This is because of a decision about the denotational semantics of
+algebraic types in Miranda - namely that product types (as defined
+above) correspond to the domain construction DIRECT PRODUCT (as opposed
+to lifted product). This means that the bottom element of a type such
+as (num,num,bool) behaves indistinguishably from (bottom,bottom,bottom).
+Note that singleton types such as the empty tuple type `()', or say,
+ it ::= IT
+are not product types under the above definition, and therefore patterns
+containing sui-generis constants such as () or IT are not irrefutable.
+This corresponds to a semantic decision that we do NOT wish to identify
+objects such as () or IT with the bottom element of their type.
+For a more detailed discussion of the semantics of Miranda see the
+formal language definition (in preparation).
+(*) A useful discussion of the semantics of pattern-matching, including
+the issue of irrefutable patterns, can be found in (chapter 4 of) the
+ S. L. Peyton-Jones ``The Implementation of Functional Programming
+ Languages'', Prentice Hall International, March 1987.
+ ISBN 0-13-453333-X
diff --git a/miralib/manual/17 b/miralib/manual/17
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..defbe49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/17
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+_C_o_m_p_i_l_e_r_ _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_v_e_s
+Certain keywords, beginning with `%', modify the action of the compiler
+when present in a script. These are called `compiler directives'. The
+directives currently available are as follows.
+%list %nolist
+ If the `/list' feature is enabled (switched on and off by /list,
+/nolist at command level) the compiler echos the source to the user's
+terminal during compilation of a Miranda script. The directives %list,
+%nolist may be placed in a file to give more detailed control over this
+behaviour. If the compiler is in an echoing state then encountering
+`%nolist' causes it to cease echoing from that point onwards in the
+source, until the next occurrence of '%list' or the end of the source
+file in which the directive occurs, whichever is the sooner. These
+directives may occur anywhere in a script and have no effect on the
+semantics (i.e. they are just like comments, apart from having a
+side-effect on the lex analyser).
+If the `/list' feature of the compiler is not enabled these directives
+are ignored. Since the default state of the compiler is now `/nolist'
+these directives are of marginal value and retained only for historical
+ A directive of the form
+ %insert "pathname"
+may occur anywhere in a Miranda script, and is textually replaced by the
+contents of the file "pathname" during lexical analysis. The pathname
+must be given as a literal string, enclosed in double quotes. (Most
+uses of this directive are now better handled by %include, see below).
+If the %insert directive is textually indented in the file in which it
+occurs, the whole of the inserted text will be treated as being indented
+by the same amount as the initial `%' of the directive.
+Insert directives may be invoked recursively, to a depth limit imposed
+by the operating system, typically about 16, which should be enough for
+any reasonable purpose. Note that the pathnames are resolved
+statically, not dynamically, so that the meaning of an _%_i_n_s_e_r_t directive
+is computed relative to the file in which it occurs, NOT relative to the
+directory from which the compiler was invoked.
+The use of static rather than dynamic pathname resolution is a departure
+from normal UNIX conventions (both the `C' compiler and the UNIX shell
+resolve pathnames dynamically) but is much more convenient in practice.
+Note that if the subject of an %insert directive is a complete Miranda
+script it is always better to use %include (see manual section on the
+library mechanism), since this avoids needless recompilation of the
+definitions of the subsidiary script. The use of %include also imposes
+a hierarchical scope discipline, and is more likely to lead to well
+structured code.
+A point to beware of when using %insert is that unlike %include, it does
+NOT add a missing `.m' extension to its pathname argument automatically.
+This is because the argument file may contain an arbitrary piece of text
+(e.g. an expression or a signature) and need not be a complete Miranda
+script, so it would be inappropriate to insist that it's pathname end in
+`.m' in all cases.
+%include %export %free
+ These directives control the identifier bindings between separately
+compiled scripts. See separate manual entry on `the library mechanism'
+for details.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/18 b/miralib/manual/18
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5cd0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/18
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+_B_a_s_i_c_ _t_y_p_e_ _s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e_ _a_n_d_ _n_o_t_a_t_i_o_n_ _f_o_r_ _t_y_p_e_s
+The Miranda programming language is _s_t_r_o_n_g_l_y _t_y_p_e_d - that is each
+expression and each variable has a type that can be deduced by a static
+analysis of the program text.
+_P_r_i_m_i_t_i_v_e_ _t_y_p_e_s
+ num bool char
+Values of type `num' include both integer and floating point numbers,
+ 23 0 -17 1.26e11
+They are stored using different internal representations, but can be
+freely mixed in calculations, and are both of type `num' for type
+checking purposes. There is automatic conversion from integer to
+floating point when required (but not in the opposite direction - use
+`entier', see standard environment). Floating point numbers are held to
+double precision, integers to unbounded precision.
+The values of type `bool' are the two truth values:
+ True False
+The values of type `char' are characters in the Latin-1 character set,
+ 'a' '%' '\t'
+_L_i_s_t_ _t_y_p_e_s
+ [t] is the type of lists whose elements are of type `t'
+Thus [num] is the type of lists of numbers such as [1,2,3,4,5]
+[[num]] is the type of lists of lists of numbers, such as [[1,2],[3,4]]
+[char] are lists of characters - this is also the type of string
+constants, so e.g. ['h','e','l','l','o'] and "hello" are interchangeable
+objects of this type.
+_T_u_p_l_e_ _t_y_p_e_s
+ (t1,...,tn) is the type of a tuple with elements of type `t1' to `tn'
+Example - the value (1,True,"red") is of type (num,bool,[char])
+The type of the empty tuple, `()', is also written `()'.
+Notice that tuples are distinguished from lists by being enclosed in
+parentheses, instead of square brackets.
+There is no concept of a 1-tuple, in Miranda, so the use of parentheses
+to enclose subexpressions, as in say a*(b+c), does not conflict with
+their use for tuple formation.
+_F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_ _t_y_p_e_s
+ t1->t2 is the type of a function with argument type `t1' and result
+type `t2'
+The '->' is right associative, so e.g. `num->num->num' is the type of a
+curried function of two numeric arguments.
+In addition to the built-in types described above, user defined types
+may be introduced - these are of three kinds, synonym types, algebraic
+types and abstract types - see separate manual entry for each.
+_I_m_p_l_i_c_i_t_ _t_y_p_i_n_g
+ In Miranda the types of identifiers do NOT normally need to be declared
+explicitly - the compiler is able to infer the type of identifiers from
+their defining equations. For example if you write
+ plural x = x ++ "s"
+the compiler will DEDUCE that `plural' is of type [char]->[char]. It is
+however permitted to include explicit type declarations in the script if
+desired, e.g. you could write (anywhere in the same script)
+ plural :: [char]->[char]
+and the compiler will check this for consistency with the defining
+equation (the symbol `::' means `is of type'). More generally the type
+declared may be an _i_n_s_t_a_n_c_e (see below) of the type implied by the
+definition - in this case the effect of the declaration is to restrict
+the type of the identifier to be less general than it would otherwise
+have been.
+Note that only top-level identifiers may be the subject of type
+declarations, and that the type of an identifier may be declared at most
+once in a given script.
+ The final feature of the type system is that it permits polymorphic
+types. There is an alphabet of generic type variables, written
+ * ** *** etc.
+each of which stands for an arbitrary type. We give a simple example -
+the identity function, which may be defined
+ id x = x
+is attributed the type `*->*'. This means that `id' has many types -
+`num->num', `char->char', `[[bool]]->[[bool]]' and so on - each of these
+is an instance of its most general type, `*->*'.
+Another simple example of polymorphism is the function `map' (see
+standard environment) which applies a function to every element of a
+list. For example `map integer [1,1.5,2]' is [True,False,True]. The
+type of map is
+ map :: (*->**) -> [*] -> [**]
+The most polymorphic possible object is `undef', the identifier which
+stands for the undefined, or error value (undef is defined in the
+standard environment). Since every type has an undefined value, the
+correct type specification for undef is
+ undef :: *
+Many of the functions in the standard environment have polymorphic types
+- the text of the standard environment (see separate manual entry) is
+therefore a useful source of examples.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/19 b/miralib/manual/19
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3cb620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/19
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+_T_y_p_e_ _s_y_n_o_n_y_m_ _d_e_c_l_a_r_a_t_i_o_n_s
+These permit the user to introduce a new name for an already existing
+type, e.g.
+ string == [char]
+type synonyms are entirely transparent to the typechecker (it best to
+think of them as being just macros). For obvious reasons, recursive type
+synonyms are not permitted.
+It is also possible to introduce a synonym for a type forming operator,
+by introducing generic type variable as parameters of the definition,
+ invt * ** == (*->**)->(**->*)
+So within a script containing the above two `==' definitions, the type
+`invt num string' will be shorthand for
+ (num->[char])->([char]->num)
diff --git a/miralib/manual/2 b/miralib/manual/2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cba655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/2
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+_A_b_o_u_t_ _t_h_e_ _n_a_m_e_ _`_M_i_r_a_n_d_a_'
+The word `Miranda' is not an acronym. It is a proper name (like `ADA').
+"Miranda (f). From the Latin meaning `to be admired'. This name was
+first used by Shakespeare for the heroine of `The Tempest', a young girl
+blessed with many admirable qualities. Like other unusual Shakespearean
+names it has been used quite frequently in the 20th century."
+ - Collins Dictionary of First Names,
+ William Collins and Son Ltd, London, 1967
+"O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! O brave new world."
+ - `The Tempest' by William Shakespeare
+ (from a speech by Miranda, Act 5, Scene 1)
+_I_m_p_o_r_t_a_n_t_ _N_o_t_e_. When used as the name of a functional programming
+system, `Miranda' is a trademark (tm) of Research Software Ltd.
+Note that only the first letter of Miranda is upper case - it should
+never be written all in capitals.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/20 b/miralib/manual/20
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index 0000000..2ca09d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/20
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+_A_l_g_e_b_r_a_i_c_ _t_y_p_e_ _d_e_f_i_n_i_t_i_o_n_s
+The simplest method of introducing a new data type into a Miranda script
+is by means of an algebraic type definition. This enables the user to
+introduce a new concrete data type with specified constructors. A
+simple example would be
+ tree ::= Nilt | Node num tree tree
+The `::=' sign is used to introduce an algebraic data type. This
+definition introduces three new identifiers
+ `tree' a typename
+ `Nilt' a nullary constructor (i.e. an atom), of type tree
+ `Node' a constructor, of type num->tree->tree->tree
+Now we can define trees using constructors Nilt & Node, for example
+ t = Node 3 Nilt Nilt
+It is not necessary to have names for selector functions because the
+constructors can be used in pattern matching. For example a function
+for counting the number of nodes in a tree could be written
+ size Nilt = 0
+ size (Node a x y) = 1 + size x + size y
+Note that the names of constructors _m_u_s_t_ _b_e_g_i_n_ _w_i_t_h_ _a_n_ _u_p_p_e_r_ _c_a_s_e_ _l_e_t_t_e_r
+(and conversely, any identifier beginning with an upper case letter is
+assumed to be a constructor).
+An algebraic type can have any number (>=1) of constructors and each
+constructor can have any number (>=0) fields, of specified types. The
+number of fields taken by a constructor is called its `arity'. A
+constructor of arity zero is said to be atomic. Algebraic types are a
+very general idea and include a number of special cases that in other
+languages require separate constructions.
+One interesting case that all of the constructors can be atomic, giving
+us what is called in PASCAL a `scalar enumeration type'. Example
+ day ::= Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun
+The union of two types can also be represented as an algebraic data type
+- for example here is a union of num and bool.
+ boolnum ::= Left bool | Right num
+Notice that this is a `labelled union type' (the other kind of union
+type, in which the parts of the union are not distinguished by tagging
+information, is not permitted in Miranda).
+An algebraic typename can take parameters, thus introducing a family of
+types. This is done be using generic type variables as formal
+parameters of the `::=' definition. To modify our definition of `tree'
+to allow trees with different types of labels at the nodes (instead of
+all `num' as above) we would write
+ tree * ::= Nilt | Node * (tree *) (tree *)
+Now we have many different tree types - `tree num', `tree bool',
+`tree([char]->[char])', and so on. The constructors `Node' and `Nilt'
+are both polymorphic, with types `tree *' and `*->tree *->tree *->tree
+*' respectively.
+Notice that in Miranda objects of a recursive user defined type are not
+restricted to being finite. For example we can define the following
+infinite tree of type `tree num'
+ bigtree = Node 1 bigtree bigtree
+_C_o_n_t_r_o_l_l_i_n_g_ _t_h_e_ _s_t_r_i_c_t_n_e_s_s_ _o_f_ _c_o_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_o_r_s
+Definition - a function f is strict iff
+ f _| = _|
+where _| is the value attributed to expressions which fail to terminate
+or terminate with an error. To support non-strict functions the calling
+mechanism must not evaluate the arguments before passing them to the
+function - this is what is meant by "lazy evaluation".
+In Miranda constructors are, by default, non-strict in all their fields.
+ pair ::= PAIR num num
+ fst (PAIR a b) = a
+ snd (PAIR a b) = b
+First note that there is a predefined identifier "undef" which denotes
+undefined - evaluating "undef" in a Miranda session gives an error
+message. Consider the following Miranda expressions:
+ fst (PAIR 1 undef)
+ snd (PAIR undef 1)
+Both evaluate to `1', that is `PAIR' is non-strict in both arguments.
+The primary reason for making constructors non-strict in Miranda is that
+it is necessary to support equational reasoning on Miranda scripts. (In
+the example given, elementary equational reasoning from the definition
+of `fst' implies that `fst(PAIR 1 anything)' should always have the
+value `1'.) It is also as a consequence of constructors being non-strict
+that Miranda scripts are able to define infinite data structures.
+It is, however, possible to specify that a given constructor of an
+algebraic data type is strict in one or more fields by putting `!' after
+the field in the `::=' definition of the type. For example we can
+change the above script to make PAIR strict in both fields, thus
+ pair ::= PAIR num! num!
+ fst (PAIR a b) = a
+ snd (PAIR a b) = b
+Now `fst (PAIR 1 undef)' and `snd (PAIR undef 1)' both evaluate to
+undefined. It is a consequence of the `!' annotations that `PAIR a b'
+is undefined when either a or b is undefined. It is also possible to
+make PAIR strict in just one of its fields by having only one `!' in the
+type definition.
+In the case of a recursively defined algebraic type, if all the
+constructors having recursive fields are made strict in those fields it
+ceases to be possible to construct infinite objects of that type. It is
+also possible to deny the possibility of certain infinite structures
+while permitting others. For example if we modify the definition of the
+tree type first given above as follows
+ tree ::= Nilt | Node num tree! tree
+then it is still possible to construct trees which are infinite in their
+right branch but not "left-infinite" ones.
+The main reason for allowing `!' annotations on Miranda data type
+definitions is that one of the intended uses of Miranda is as a SEMANTIC
+METALANGUAGE, in which to express the denotational semantics of other
+programming languages.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/21 b/miralib/manual/21
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57f1a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/21
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+_A_b_s_t_r_a_c_t_ _t_y_p_e_ _d_e_f_i_n_i_t_i_o_n_s
+These enable a new data type to be defined by data type abstraction from
+an existing type. We give the classic example, that of defining `stack'
+as an abstract data type (here based on lists)
+ _a_b_s_t_y_p_e stack *
+ _w_i_t_h empty::stack *
+ push::*->stack *->stack *
+ isempty::stack *->bool
+ top::stack *->*
+ pop::stack *->stack *
+ stack * == [*]
+ empty = []
+ push a x = a:x
+ isempty x = x=[]
+ top (a:x) = a
+ pop (a:x) = x
+The information given after `_w_i_t_h' is called the _s_i_g_n_a_t_u_r_e of the
+abstract type - the definitions of the identifiers in the signature are
+called the `implementation equations' (these are the six equations given
+above). Outside of the implementation equations the information that
+stacks are implemented as lists is not available - [] and empty for
+example are incomparable objects of two different and unrelated types (
+[*] and stack * respectively). Only inside the implementation equations
+are the abstract objects treated as being equivalent to their
+The implementation equations do not have to appear immediately after the
+corresponding _a_b_s_t_y_p_e declaration - they can occur anywhere in the
+script. For readability, however, it is strongly recommended that the
+implementation equations appear immediately after the _a_b_s_t_y_p_e
+Note that in Miranda there is no runtime cost associated with
+administering an abstract data type. The responsibility for enforcing
+the distinction between stacks and lists, for example, is discharged
+entirely at compile time (by the type checker). The runtime
+representation of a stack does not require any extra bits to distinguish
+it from a list. As a result the Miranda programmer can freely use
+abstract data types to structure his programs without incurring any loss
+of efficiency by doing so.
+Notice that the mechanism used to introduce abstract data types in
+Miranda does not depend on the hiding of identifiers, and in this
+respect differs from the traditional approach. A fuller discussion of
+the Miranda _a_b_s_t_y_p_e mechanism can be found in [*Turner 85].
+(*) D. A. Turner ``Miranda: A Non-Strict Functional Language with
+Polymorphic Types'', Proceedings IFIP Conference on Functional
+Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, Nancy, France,
+September 1985 (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 201, pp
+_T_h_e_ _p_r_i_n_t_ _r_e_p_r_e_s_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n_ _o_f_ _a_b_s_t_r_a_c_t_ _o_b_j_e_c_t_s
+ ("advanced feature" - omit on first reading)
+Values belonging to an abstract type are not in general printable. If
+the value of a command-level expression is of such a type it will
+normally print simply as
+<abstract ob>
+This is because the special function _s_h_o_w (which is actually a family of
+functions, see elsewhere) has no general method for converting such
+objects to a printable form. It is possible to extend the definition of
+_s_h_o_w to include the ability to print members of an abstract type, using
+some appropriate format. The convention for doing this is to include in
+the definition of the abstract type a function with the name `showfoo'
+(where `foo' is the name of the abstract type involved).
+We illustrate how this is done taking `stack' as the example. Suppose
+we decide we wish stacks to print - using a syntax such that the output
+could be read back in (e.g. by readvals - see elsewhere) to generate the
+same stack.
+ empty is to print as "empty"
+ push 1 empty is to print as "(push 1 empty)"
+ and so on.
+Note that we decide to fully parenthesise the output for safety - since
+we do not know the larger context in which our stack output may be
+Because `stack' is a polymorphic abstraction, showstack will need to
+take as a parameter the appropriate show function for the element type
+(which is num in the above examples, but could have been any type). We
+add to the signature of stack the following function.
+ showstack::(*->[char])->stack *->[char]
+To obtain the output format illustrated above, an appropriate definition
+of showstack would be,
+ showstack f [] = "empty"
+ showstack f (a:x) = "(push " ++ f a ++ " " ++ showstack f x ++ ")"
+If this definition is included in the script, stacks become printable,
+using the specified format. The effect is to extend the behaviour of
+the special built-in function _s_h_o_w to handle stacks, and all data
+structures built using stacks (such as list of tree of stacks, stack of
+stacks and so on).
+The general rule is as follows. Let `foo' be an abstract type name. To
+make foo's printable, we need to define a `showfoo' thus:
+ if foo is a simple type (not polymorphic)
+ showfoo :: foo -> [char]
+ if foo is polymorphic in one type variable (foo *)
+ showfoo :: (*->[char]) -> foo * -> [char]
+ if foo is polymorphic in two type variables (foo * **)
+ showfoo :: (*->[char]) -> (**->[char]) -> foo * ** -> [char]
+and so on. Note that the show function must be declared in the
+signature of the abstract type, and that the name of the function is
+significant - if we change its name from `showfoo' to `gobbledegook',
+its definition will cease to have any effect on the behaviour of _s_h_o_w.
+It also needs to have the right type, and if it does not, again its
+presence will have no effect on the behaviour of _s_h_o_w (in this case the
+compiler prints a warning message).
+[Note on library directives: If you %export an abstract type, foo say,
+to another file, it is not necessary to %export the showfoo function
+explicitly to preserve the correct printing behaviour - if an abstract
+type comes into existence with a show function in its signature the
+compiler will `remember' how to print objects of the type even in scopes
+where the show function has no name.]
diff --git a/miralib/manual/22 b/miralib/manual/22
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index 0000000..b967d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/22
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+_E_m_p_t_y_ _t_y_p_e_s (also called _P_l_a_c_e_h_o_l_d_e_r_ _t_y_p_e_s)
+An empty type has no values belonging to it (apart from the undefined
+value, undef, which is a member of every type). Empty types are
+declared as follows:
+ widget :: _t_y_p_e
+this declares `widget' to be a type but gives it no values.
+Empty types can be used during program development as placeholders for
+types whose representation is not yet decided. For example given the
+above declaration we can give type specifications involving widget, e.g.
+ foo :: num->widget->widget
+ gronk :: [widget]->widget
+and write code using `foo' and `gronk' which can be checked for type
+correctness. At a later stage the specification of widget as an empty
+type can be replaced by a non-empty type definition, using ==, ::=, or
+_a_b_s_t_y_p_e, allowing foo, gronk, to be defined.
+Typenames declared as empty can have any arity, eg
+ table * ** :: _t_y_p_e
+This creates a family of empty types, such as `table num bool' and so
+on. They are all devoid of values (apart from undef). The general form
+of this kind of specification is
+ tform-list :: _t_y_p_e
+where `tform' consists of a typename followed by zero or more generic
+type variables (and it is permitted to declare several such types
+simultaneously, separated by commas, whence `tform-list').
+An empty type may be considered equivalent to an algebraic type with no
diff --git a/miralib/manual/23 b/miralib/manual/23
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c627a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/23
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+_T_h_e_ _u_s_e_ _o_f_ _`_s_h_o_w_'_ _f_o_r_ _c_o_n_v_e_r_t_i_n_g_ _o_b_j_e_c_t_s_ _t_o_ _t_h_e_i_r_ _p_r_i_n_t_ _r_e_p_r_e_s_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n_s
+The need often arises to convert an arbitrary Miranda value to its
+printable representation as a string. For numbers the function
+`shownum' (of type num->[char]) can be used for this purpose. To be
+able to do this conversion for any type of object would seemingly
+require an infinite number of functions, one for each type. As a
+solution to this problem Miranda provides a special keyword, `_s_h_o_w'.
+For any object x
+ _s_h_o_w x
+is a string containing the printable representation of x. For example,
+if x is a number the above expression is equivalent to `shownum x'. In
+the general case, however, x could be a structured object of arbitrary
+complexity. Note that _s_h_o_w is a reserved word, not an identifier.
+In fact `_s_h_o_w' behaves under most circumstances as though it was the
+name of a function, of type *->[char]. For example it can be passed as
+a parameter, so that say,
+ map _s_h_o_w [a,b,c,d,e]
+is a legal expression of type [[char]].
+There are three important restrictions on the universality of _s_h_o_w.
+(i) You cannot `show' functions in any useful sense. (That would be a
+violation of referential transparency.) The result of applying _s_h_o_w to
+any kind of function is just the string "<function>".
+(ii) You cannot `show' an abstract object unless an appropriate
+show-function was included when the type was defined (see manual section
+on Abstract types). The result of applying _s_h_o_w to such an object is by
+default just the string "<abstract ob>".
+(iii) When it occurs in a script the context in which _s_h_o_w is used must
+be such as to determine its type _m_o_n_o_m_o_r_p_h_i_c_a_l_l_y. An example:
+ my_show x = "hello\n"++_s_h_o_w x++"goodbye\n"
+In the absence of any other type information, the compiler will infer
+that my_show has type *->[char], and that x is of type `*'. The use of
+_s_h_o_w is therefore polymorphic, and will be rejected as illegal.
+If however we intend that my_show will be used only on objects of type
+`tree', say, and we add to the script the declaration
+`my_show::tree->[char]', then the above use of _s_h_o_w becomes monomorphic,
+and will be accepted.
+The essence of restriction (iii) is that _s_h_o_w is not a true polymorphic
+function of type *->[char], but rather a family of monomorphic functions
+with the types T->[char] for each possible monotype T. The context must
+be sufficient for the compiler to determine which member of the family
+is required.
+(For technical reasons this restriction applies only in scripts. In
+command-level expressions _s_h_o_w behaves as if it were a genuine
+polymorphic function.)
diff --git a/miralib/manual/24 b/miralib/manual/24
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b30a892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/24
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+_S_y_n_t_a_x_ _o_f_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _s_c_r_i_p_t_s_ _a_n_d_ _e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s
+script:= decl* rhs:= simple_rhs(;)
+ cases
+decl:= def
+ tdef simple_rhs:= exp whdefs?
+ spec
+ libdir cases:= alt(;) = cases
+ lastcase(;)
+def:= fnform = rhs
+ pat = rhs alt:= exp , _i_f exp
+tdef:= tform == type(;) lastcase:= lastalt whdefs?
+ tform ::= constructs(;)
+ _a_b_s_t_y_p_e tform-list _w_i_t_h sig(;) lastalt:= exp , _i_f exp
+ exp , _o_t_h_e_r_w_i_s_e
+spec:= var-list :: type(;)
+ tform-list :: _t_y_p_e(;) whdefs:= _w_h_e_r_e def def*
+sig:= spec spec* exp:= e1
+ prefix1
+constructs:= construct | constructs infix
+ construct
+ e1:= simple simple*
+construct:= constructor argtype* prefix e1
+ type $constructor type e1 infix e1
+ ( construct ) argtype*
+ simple:= var
+type:= argtype constructor
+ typename argtype* literal
+ type -> type _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s
+ type $typename type _s_h_o_w
+ ( infix1 e1 )
+argtype:= typename ( e1 infix )
+ typevar ( exp-list? )
+ ( type-list? ) [ exp-list? ]
+ [ type-list ] [ exp .. exp? ]
+ [ exp , exp .. exp? ]
+tform:= typename typevar* [ exp | qualifs ]
+ typevar $typename typevar [ exp // qualifs ]
+fnform:= var formal* qualifs:= qualifier ; qualifs
+ pat $var pat qualifier
+ ( fnform ) formal*
+ qualifier:= exp
+pat:= formal generator
+ -numeral
+ constructor formal* generator:= pat-list <- exp
+ pat : pat pat <- exp , exp ..
+ pat + nat
+ pat $constructor pat var:= identifier
+ ( pat ) formal*
+ constructor:= IDENTIFIER
+formal:= var
+ constructor typename:= identifier
+ literal1
+ ( pat-list? )
+ [ pat-list? ]
diff --git a/miralib/manual/25 b/miralib/manual/25
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e0cef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/25
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+_C_o_m_m_e_n_t_s_ _o_n_ _t_h_e_ _s_y_n_t_a_x_ _f_o_r_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _s_c_r_i_p_t_s
+The syntax equations given express the syntax of Miranda scripts insofar
+as this can be done by a context free grammar. It therefore does not
+attempt to express the scope rules, nor the requirement that a script be
+well-typed, both of which are context sensitive restrictions on the
+syntax given here. The formal definition of Miranda [in preparation]
+will deal with these matters and also give a denotational semantics for
+the language.
+Nevertheless, if the syntax is read in conjunction with the informal
+description of the language (see other manual sections and referenced
+papers) it should be found fairly informative, especially if the reader
+has some previous exposure to this style of language.
+Key to abbreviations in syntax:-
+> alt=alternative decl=declaration def=definition
+> e1=operator_expression exp=expression fnform=function_form
+> libdir=library_directive pat=pattern qualifs=qualifiers
+> rhs=right_hand_side sig=signature spec=specification
+> tdef=type_definition tform=typeform var=variable
+> whdefs=where_defs
+ We use a variant of BNF, in which non-terminals are represented by
+lower case words, `:=' is used as the production symbol, and alternative
+productions are written on successive lines. (These departures from
+convention are adopted because `::=' and `|' are concrete symbols of the
+For any non-terminal x,
+ x* means zero or more occurrences of x
+ x? means the presence of x is optional
+ x-list means one or more x's (separated by commas if >1)
+ x(;) means that x is followed by an optional semicolon and
+is subject to the _o_f_f_s_i_d_e _r_u_l_e (see section on Layout), so that every
+token of x must lie below or to the right of the first. Provided the
+layout makes it clear where x terminates, the trailing semicolon may be
+The syntax of the library directives (denoted by the non-terminal
+`libdir') is given in a separate manual entry.
+Ambiguities in the syntax for `type' and `construct' are resolved by
+noting that `->' is less binding than `$typename' or `$constructor' and
+that all three are right associative.
+In connection with the productions for argtype, note that type such as
+`[num,bool]' is an abbreviation for `[(num,bool)]' and represents the
+type of a list of tuples - the Miranda system itself never uses this
+abbreviation when printing a type, but accepts it in user scripts. (Use
+of this abbreviation is not recommended - it will probably be removed
+from the syntax at the next release.)
+Ambiguities in the syntax for `fnform' and `pat' are resolved by taking
+into account the relative binding powers of the infix operators
+involved. Specifically that `:' is right associative and less binding
+than `+', which is left associative, and that $constructor, $var have a
+higher binding power than either of these, and are right associative.
+The productions given for `cases' correctly describe the concrete syntax
+of these entities, including the way the offside rule is applied to
+them. This concrete syntax is in one sense misleading, however. Namely
+in that if a `lastcase' with a trailing `wheredefs' is preceded by a
+series of alternatives, the scope of the names introduced by the _w_h_e_r_e
+Note that for compatibility with earlier versions of Miranda the use of
+the keyword `if' is optional.
+The ambiguities in the syntax given for `e1' are resolved by taking into
+account the relative binding powers of the operators (see manual section
+on Operators).
+The syntax of identifier, IDENTIFIER, literal, literal1, numeral, nat,
+infix, infix1, prefix, prefix1, and typevar are given under Lexical
+Syntax (see next manual section).
diff --git a/miralib/manual/26 b/miralib/manual/26
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af0fbcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/26
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+_M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _l_e_x_i_c_a_l_ _s_y_n_t_a_x
+ In this section square brackets are used to enclose a set of literal
+characters, using lex-style conventions, so eg [a-z] means a lower case
+letter. As usual * and ? are used to mean zero-or-more, and
+zero-or-one, occurrences of the preceding entity. Parentheses are used
+for grouping, and subtraction of one syntactic entity from another means
+set difference. We also revert to using `|' for alternatives, as in
+standard BNF.
+script:= (token | layout)*
+layout:= nl | tab | formfeed | space | comment
+comment:= vertical_bar vertical_bar (any - nl)* nl
+token:= identifier | IDENTIFIER | literal | typevar | delimiter
+identifier:= ([a-z] [a-zA-Z0-9_']* ) - delimiter
+IDENTIFIER:= [A-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_']*
+literal:= numeral | charconst | stringconst
+literal1:= literal - float
+numeral:= nat | float
+nat:= [0-9] [0-9]* | 0x [0-9a-f] [0-9a-f]* | 0o [0-7] [0-7]*
+float:= [0-9]* [.] nat epart? | nat epart
+epart:= [e] [+|-]? nat
+charconst:= ['] (visible-[\]|escape) [']
+stringconst:= ["] (visible-[\"]|escape)* ["]
+escape:= [\] ([ntfrb\'"]|nl|decimal_code)
+typevar:= [*][*]*
+delimiter:= - | prefix1 | infix1 | other
+infix1:= ++ | -- | : | \/ | & | > | >= | = | ~= | <= | < | + | * |
+ / | div | mod | ^ | . | ! | $identifier | $IDENTIFIER
+infix:= infix1 | -
+prefix1:= ~ | #
+prefix:= prefix1 | -
+other:= abstype | if | otherwise | readvals | show | type | where |
+ with | %export | %free | %include | %insert | %list | %nolist |
+ = | == | ::= | :: | => | vertical_bar | // | -> | ; | , | ( |
+ ) | [ | ] | { | } | <- | .. | $$ | $- | $:- | $+ | $*
+vertical_bar:= |
+ visible means any non-control character, including space (but not
+including eg newline), nl means literal newline, and decimal_code is a
+nat in the range 0..255 (maximum length 3 digits).
+Notice that the syntax of `numeral' does not include negative numbers.
+Negative constants, such as -3 or -5.05e-17 are parsed by Miranda as
+applications of the prefix operator `-' to a positive numeral. This has
+no semantic significance.
+Omission - the definition of `layout' does not include the additional
+comment rules for LITERATE SCRIPTS (see separate manual section).
diff --git a/miralib/manual/27/1 b/miralib/manual/27/1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b785fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/27/1
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+_S_y_n_t_a_x_ _o_f_ _l_i_b_r_a_r_y_ _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_v_e_s
+libdir:= %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e env(;) parts:= part part*
+ %_e_x_p_o_r_t parts(;)
+ %_f_r_e_e { sig } part:= identifier
+ fileid
+env:= fileid binder? aliases? +
+ -identifier
+binder:= { binding binding* }
+ fileid:= "pathname"
+binding:= var = exp(;) <pathname>
+ tform == type(;)
+ _N_o_t_e_s For the definition of `sig'
+aliases:= alias alias* (=signature), `var', `exp', `tform'
+ and `type' see the main manual page
+alias:= identifier/identifier on formal syntax of Miranda. For
+ IDENTIFIER/IDENTIFIER the definition of `identifier' and
+ -identifier `IDENTIFIER' see lexical syntax.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/27/2 b/miralib/manual/27/2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c53c3f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/27/2
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+_T_h_e_ _%_i_n_c_l_u_d_e_ _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_v_e_ _(_b_a_s_i_c_ _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n_)
+Suppose the file "mylib.m" contains some Miranda declarations (which
+could be any kind of legal Miranda declaration, eg function definitions,
+type definitions etc). To make these in scope in another script, the
+latter will contain the directive
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "mylib"
+This can come anywhere in the script (there is for example no
+requirement that %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directives come at the front) but must be at
+top level - you may not place a %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directive inside a _w_h_e_r_e
+clause. The subject of a %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directive may itself contain %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e
+directives, and so on (to any reasonable depth).
+By default, the names `exported' from an included script are all those
+defined in it at top level, but not those of subsidiary %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e's.
+This can be modified by placing a `%_e_x_p_o_r_t' directive in the included
+script. For a discussion of this and other ways of modifying the effect
+of %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e see the manual section giving a detailed account of the
+library directives.
+If the filename in a _%_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directive is enclosed in angle brackets
+instead of string quotes, this is understood to be a pathname relative
+to the miralib directory. So for example putting in your script
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e <ex/matrix>
+brings into scope the definitions exported from the matrix package in
+the Miranda examples directory `ex'. (*See note below.)
+Finally, note that that the relationship between includor and includee
+is unsymmetrical. If file A %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e's file B, then the declarations of
+B are visible to A, but not vice versa.
+There is a simpler (purely textual) directive
+ %_i_n_s_e_r_t "file"
+which causes the contents of "file" to be substituted for the %_i_n_s_e_r_t
+directive during lexical analysis. This can occur anywhere in a Miranda
+script. See manual section on compiler directives.
+(*) Note to system administrators: an empty directory `local' is
+provided under the miralib directory, in which you can place additional
+libraries which you wish to make available to all Miranda users at your
diff --git a/miralib/manual/27/3 b/miralib/manual/27/3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5891ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/27/3
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+_E_x_p_l_a_n_a_t_i_o_n_ _o_f_ _l_i_b_r_a_r_y_ _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_v_e_s
+The three directives %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e %_e_x_p_o_r_t %_f_r_e_e constitute the Miranda
+library mechanism, which controls the sharing of identifiers between
+separately compiled scripts. The %_f_r_e_e directive is covered in a
+separate manual entry and will not be discussed further here.
+%_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "file"
+The presence of this directive, anywhere in a Miranda script, causes all
+the identifiers exported from the Miranda script "file" to be in scope
+in the containing script. Note that "file" should be the name of a
+Miranda source file (by convention these all have names ending in `.m').
+The following conventions apply to all filenames in library directives:
+ 1) A fileid can be an arbitrary UNIX pathname
+ 2) If the fileid given does not end in `.m' this is added.
+ 3) If the fileid is surrounded by angle brackets instead of string
+quotes it is assumed to be a pathname relative to the `miralib'
+directory, otherwise it is taken to be relative to the directory of the
+script in which the directive occurs. (Examples, "pig" means "pig.m",
+<stdenv> means "/usr/lib/miralib/stdenv.m")
+In addition (if you are using Berkeley UNIX or a derivative) the `~'
+convention of the cshell may be used to abbreviate home directories.
+That is `~' abbreviates your own home directory, and ~jack abbreviates
+jack's home directory, at the front of any pathname.
+The file mentioned in a %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directive must contain a CORRECT,
+CLOSED Miranda script. (That is it must have no syntax or type errors,
+and no undefined names.) An attempt to %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e a file which violates
+these conditions will be rejected by the compiler as a syntax error in
+the script containing the %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e statement.
+It is also illegal to %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e a script which causes nameclashes, either
+against top-level identifiers of the including script or those of other
+%_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directives in the script.
+The effect of an %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directive can be modified by following it with
+one or more aliases (which are used to remove nameclashes between
+identifiers exported from the included script and those of the current
+script or of other %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e files). There are two forms of alias,
+`new/old' which renames and `-old' which suppresses an identifier
+For example suppose we wish to include the file "mike" but it contains
+two identifiers, f and g say, which clash with top-level bindings of
+these identifiers in the current script. We wish to use the "mike"
+definition of `f', but his `g' is of no interest. The following
+directive could be used.
+%_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "mike" -g mike_f/f
+Any other identifiers exported from "mike", not specifically mentioned
+in the aliases, will be accepted unchanged.
+It is permitted to alias typenames, and constructors (say `NEW/OLD') but
+typenames and constructors cannot be suppressed by a `-name' alias.
+Note that if you alias one or more of the constructors of an algebraic
+data type the behaviour of `_s_h_o_w' on objects of that type will be
+modified in the appropriate way.
+A file which has been %included may itself contain %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directives,
+and so on, to any reasonable depth. A (directly or indirectly) cyclic
+%_i_n_c_l_u_d_e is not permitted, however.
+The `?identifier' command can be used to find the ultimate place of
+definition of an imported identifier. When aliasing has taken place the
+`?identifier' command will give both the current and the original name
+of an aliased identifier. If your installed editor is `vi' the
+`??identifier' command will open the appropriate source file at the
+definition of the identifier. (There is also a command `/find
+identifier' which is like `?identifier' but will recognise an alias
+under its original name.)
+Every script behaves as though it contained the directive
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e <stdenv>
+It is therefore illegal to %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e the standard environment explicitly,
+as this will lead to huge number of name clashes (because it is now
+present twice). As a consequence there is currently no way of aliasing
+or suppressing the names in the standard environment. (This will be
+fixed in the future by providing a directive for suppressing the
+implicit inclusion of <stdenv>.)
+%_e_x_p_o_r_t parts
+Any (correct, closed) Miranda script can be %included in another script
+(there is no notion of a "module" as something with a different syntax
+from an ordinary script). By default the names exported from a script
+are all those defined in it, at top level, but none of those acquired by
+a %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e of another file. This behaviour can be modified (either to
+export more or to export less than the default) by placing a %_e_x_p_o_r_t
+directive in the script, specifying a list of `parts' to be exported to
+an including file.
+The presence of a %_e_x_p_o_r_t directive in a script has no effect on its
+behaviour when it is the current script of a Miranda session - it is
+effective only when the script is %included in another. A script may
+contain at most one %_e_x_p_o_r_t directive. This can be anywhere in the
+script, but to avoid nasty surprises it is advisable to place it near
+the top.
+Each `part' listed in the export directive must be one of the following:
+ identifier (variable or typename)
+ fileid (in quotes, conventions as described above)
+ the symbol `+'
+ -identifier
+Notice that constructors need not (and cannot) be listed explicitly in
+an %_e_x_p_o_r_t directive - if you export an algebraic typename, its
+constructors are AUTOMATICALLY exported along with it. The consequence
+of this is that you cannot use %_e_x_p_o_r_t to create an abstract data type,
+by "hiding information" about how an algebraic type was formed. If you
+want to create an abstract data type you must use the _a_b_s_t_y_p_e mechanism
+- see separate manual entry.
+If a fileid is present in the export list, this must be the name of a
+file which is %included in the exporting script, and the effect is that
+all the bindings acquired by that %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e statement (as modified by
+aliases if present) are re-exported. Allowing fileid's in the export
+list is merely a piece of shorthand, which can be used to avoid writing
+out long lists of names.
+The symbol `+' is allowed in an export list as an abbreviation for all
+the top-level identifiers defined in the current script.
+The default %_e_x_p_o_r_t directive (i.e. that which is assumed if no %_e_x_p_o_r_t
+statement is present) is therefore
+ %_e_x_p_o_r_t +
+This will export all the top-level identifiers of the current script,
+but not those acquired by %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directives.
+Finally, the notation `-identifier' is allowed in an export list to
+indicate that this identifier NOT to be exported. This is useful if you
+have used a fileid or the symbol `+' to abbreviate a list of names, and
+wish to subtract some of these names from the final export list.
+An example - the following export statement exports all the top-level
+identifiers of the current script, except `flooby'.
+ %_e_x_p_o_r_t + -flooby
+The order of appearance of the items in an export list is of no
+significance, and repetitions are ignored. A negative occurrence of an
+identifier overrides any number of positive occurrences.
+It is possible to find out what names are exported from a given Miranda
+script (or scripts) by calling, from UNIX, the command
+ `mira -exports files' (the extension `.m' will be added to each file
+name if missing). This will list (to stdout) for each file the exported
+names together with their types.
+_S_o_m_e_ _e_x_a_m_p_l_e_s
+(i) There are two scripts, called "liba.m" and "libb.m" say, containing
+useful definitions. For convenience we wish to combine them into a
+single larger library called say, "libc.m". The following text inside
+the file "libc.m" will accomplish this.
+ %_e_x_p_o_r_t "liba" "libb"
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "liba"
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "libb"
+You will notice that when "libc.m" is compiled, this does NOT cause
+recompilation of "liba.m" and "libb.m" (see section on separate
+compilation - the compiler is able to create an object code file for
+"libc.m", called "libc.x", by combining "liba.x" and "libb.x" in an
+appropriate way). This economy in recompilation effort is one reason
+why %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e is a better mechanism than the simpler textual directive
+%_i_n_s_e_r_t (see section on compiler directives).
+We could if we wished add some definitions to "libc.m" - if the
+corresponding names are added to the %_e_x_p_o_r_t statement these bindings
+will then be exported along with those of the two sublibraries. Of
+course if we don't add the names of the locally defined objects to the
+%_e_x_p_o_r_t directive they will be `private definitions' of "libc.m", not
+visible to includors.
+Recall that if no %_e_x_p_o_r_t is directive is present, then ONLY the
+immediate definitions (if any) of "libc.m" will be exported. So a
+script which contains only %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directives and no %_e_x_p_o_r_t cannot be
+usefully %included in another script (it is however perfectly acceptable
+as a current script).
+(ii) [More technical - omit on first reading]
+ Our second group of examples is chosen to bring out some issues which
+arise when exporting types between scripts. Suppose we have the
+following script, called "trees.m"
+ tree * ::= NILT | NODE * (tree *) (tree *)
+ reflect :: tree *->tree *
+ reflect NILT = NILT
+ reflect (NODE a x y) = NODE a(reflect y)(reflect x)
+(a) If in another script we write `%_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "trees"', the following
+bindings will be imported - tree NILT NODE reflect. Now suppose we
+modify the "trees.m" by placing in it the following directive - `%_e_x_p_o_r_t
+reflect'. When the modified "trees.m" script is included in another, we
+will get the following error message from the compilation of the
+including script:
+ the following type is needed but has no name in this scope:
+ 'tree' of file "trees.m", needed by: reflect;
+ typecheck cannot proceed - compilation abandoned
+Explanation - it is illegal to export an identifier to a place where its
+type, or any part of its type, is unknown. In this situation we call
+reflect a `type-orphan' - it has lost one of its parents!
+(b) Readoption of a type-orphan (a more subtle example). Assuming the
+"trees.m" script in its original form as above, we construct the
+following file "treelib.m"
+ %_e_x_p_o_r_t size
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "trees"
+ size :: tree *->num
+ size NILT = 0
+ size (NODE a x y) = 1+size x+size y
+If we %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e the above script in another as it stands, we will of
+course get a missing typename diagnostic for `size' - consider however
+the following script
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "treelib"
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "trees"
+ ... (etc)
+Everything is now ok, because a name for size's missing parent is
+imported through another route (the second %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e statement). The
+Miranda compiler recognises the `tree' type imported by the second
+%_i_n_c_l_u_d_e as being the same one as that referred to inside "treelib.m",
+because it originates (albeit via different routes) from the SAME
+SOURCEFILE. A `tree' type imported from a different original
+sourcefile, even if it had the same constructor names with the same
+field types, would be recognised as a different type.
+[Note: the Miranda compiler is always able to recognise when the same
+source file is inherited via different routes, including in cases
+involving files with multiple pathnames due to the presence of (hard or
+symblic) links.]
+[Further note: the lexical directive %_i_n_s_e_r_t (see compiler directives)
+should be regarded as making a _t_e_x_t_u_a_l_ _c_o_p_y of the material from the
+inserted file into the file containing the %_i_n_s_e_r_t directive - if the
+text of a type definition (in ::= or abstype) is copied in this way, the
+compiler will regard the %_i_n_s_e_r_t as having created a new type in each
+such case, not identical with that in the inserted file.]
+(c) Last example (typeclash). Finally note that that it is illegal for
+the same original type to be imported twice into the same scope even
+under different names. Consider the following script
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "trees" shrub/tree Leaf/NILT Fork/NODE -reflect
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "trees"
+ ... (etc)
+The first %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e taken on its own is perfectly ok - we have imported
+the `tree' type, and renamed everything in it by using aliases. However
+we have also inherited the `tree' type under its original name, via the
+second %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e. The compiler will reject the script with the following
+ TYPECLASH - the following type is multiply named:
+ 'tree' of file "trees.m", as: shrub,tree;
+ typecheck cannot proceed - compilation abandoned
+The rule that a type can have at most one name in a given scope applies
+to both algebraic types and abstract types (it does not apply to synonym
+types, because these are not `real' types but mere macro's - you can
+have any number of synonyms for `tree' in scope at the same time - as
+long as the underlying `real' type has a unique name).
+Typeclashes are illegal in Miranda in order to preserve the following
+two principles. (i) In any given scope, each possible type must have a
+unique canonical form (obtained by expanding out synonyms, and renaming
+generic type variables in a standard way). (ii) Each object of a
+`printable type' must have, in any given scope, a unique external
+representation (ruling out multiply named constructors). The first
+principle is necessary to the functioning of the typechecker, the second
+is demanded by the requirement that the function `_s_h_o_w' be referentially
diff --git a/miralib/manual/27/4 b/miralib/manual/27/4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f34bc3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/27/4
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+_T_h_e_ _%_f_r_e_e_ _d_i_r_e_c_t_i_v_e_ _a_n_d_ _p_a_r_a_m_e_t_r_i_s_e_d_ _s_c_r_i_p_t_s
+It is permitted to construct a script containing definitions which are
+dependent on information which will be supplied only when the script is
+made the subject of a %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directive. Such a script is said to be
+_p_a_r_a_m_e_t_r_i_s_e_d. This is indicated by the presence in the script of a
+directive of the form
+ %_f_r_e_e { signature }
+where `signature' is a list of specifications of the identifiers for
+which bindings will be provided at %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e time. A script may contain
+at most one %_f_r_e_e directive, which must therefore give all the
+identifiers on which the script is parametrised. The %_f_r_e_e directive
+may appear anywhere in the script, but for clarity it is recommended
+that you place it at or near the top.
+For example a script (called "matrices" say) defining the notion of
+matrix sum and matrix product, for matrices of as-yet-unspecified
+element type, could be written as follows:-
+ %_e_x_p_o_r_t matmult matadd
+ %_f_r_e_e { elem :: _t_y_p_e
+ zero :: elem
+ mult, add :: elem->elem->elem
+ }
+ matrix == [[elem]]
+ matadd :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+ matadd xx yy = [[add a b|(a,b)<-zip2 x y]|(x,y)<-zip2 xx yy]
+ matmult :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+ matmult xx yy = outerprod innerprod xx (transpose yy)
+ innerprod x y = sum [mult a b|(a,b)<-zip2 x y]
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ sum = foldr add zero
+ outerprod f xx yy = [[f x y|y<-yy]|x<-xx]
+Note that the identifiers declared under %_f_r_e_e may denote types as well
+as values. When we write a %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directive for the above script we
+must provide bindings for all of its free identifiers. The bindings are
+given in braces following the pathname (and before the aliases, if any).
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "matrices" {elem==num; zero=0; mult=*; add=+; }
+In the scope of the script containing the above directive the
+identifiers `matmult' and `addmult' will be available at type
+[[num]]->[[num]]->[[num]] and will behave as if their definitions had
+been written using 0, (+), (*) in place of the identifiers zero, add,
+The order in which the bindings are given is immaterial (it need not be
+the order in which the identifiers occurred in the %_f_r_e_e directive) but
+a binding must be given for each free identifier of the %included
+script. Note that the binding for a type is given using `==' and for a
+value using `='. If the types of all the bindings (taken together) are
+not consistent with the information given in the free directive of the
+%included script, or if any required binding is missing, the compiler
+will reject the %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e directive as incorrect.
+The main advantage of a parametrised script is that different bindings
+may be given for its free identifiers on different occasions. For
+example the same script "matrices" may be invoked with different
+bindings to provide a definition of matrix addition and multiplication
+over matrices with elements of type bool. Thus:-
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "matrices" {elem==bool; zero=False; mult=&; add=\/; }
+It is even possible to %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e the same parametrised script twice in
+the same scope (presumably with different bindings for the free
+identifiers) but in this case it will be be necessary to alias apart the
+two sets of exported identifiers to avoid a nameclash. So we might add
+`b_matadd/matadd b_matmult/matmult' to the above directive if it were
+being used in the same script as the previous one.
+_M_i_s_c_e_l_l_a_n_e_o_u_s_ _p_o_i_n_t_s
+By default the identifiers declared %_f_r_e_e in a parametrised script are
+not exported from the script. As always this can be overridden by
+explicitly listing them in an %_e_x_p_o_r_t directive.
+Free typenames of non-zero arity are declared in the following style.
+ %_f_r_e_e { stack * :: _t_y_p_e
+ table * ** :: _t_y_p_e
+ ...
+ }
+The corresponding bindings could be as follows
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e ... {stack * == [*]; table * ** == [(*,**)]; ... }
+When a parametrised script exports a locally created typename (other
+than a synonym type), each instantiation of the script by a %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e is
+deemed to create a NEW type (this is relevant to deciding whether or not
+two types are the same for the purpose of readopting a type orphan, see
+previous manual section). This is because the compiler assumes that an
+abstract or algebraic type defined in a parametrised script will in
+general have an internal structure that depends on the free identifiers.
+Finally note that the bindings for the free identifiers of a
+parametrised script must always be given EXPLICITLY. For example
+suppose we wish to %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e the file "matrices" in a script already
+containing a type called `elem' over which we intend to do matrix
+multiplication. We must write
+ %_i_n_c_l_u_d_e "matrices" {elem==elem; etc. }
+The binding `elem==elem' is not redundant, nor is it cyclic, because the
+two `elem's involved refer to two different scopes (on the left of the
+binding, that of the includee, and on the right that of the script
+containing the directive).
diff --git a/miralib/manual/27/5 b/miralib/manual/27/5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22e4753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/27/5
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+_S_e_p_a_r_a_t_e_ _c_o_m_p_i_l_a_t_i_o_n_ _a_n_d_ _`_._x_'_ _f_i_l_e_s
+The Miranda compiler compiles to an intermediate code, based on
+combinators. When a Miranda expressions are evaluated in the course of
+a session this code is executed by an interpreter.
+Since compilation is a complex process (involving lexical analysis,
+parsing, type checking and code-generation, as well as a number of other
+minor steps) it is undesirable that the results of compiling a script
+should just be "thrown away" at the end of a session. To avoid
+unnecessary acts of recompilation the Miranda system maintains an
+object-code file in association with each source file containing a
+Miranda script.
+For each source file, called say `script.m', the Miranda system will
+create an object code file, called `script.x'. No action is required by
+the user to keep these files up-to-date, since this is taken care of
+automatically by the Miranda system. The .x files are never referred to
+directly by the Miranda user, and you should not try to edit them (they
+contain binary data).
+You may however safely remove any .x file (if for example you don't wish
+it to use up filespace) since this will at worst cause the Miranda
+compiler to do some extra work later to recreate it.
+If you select a script as the current script of a Miranda session, and
+it has an up-to-date .x file, this will be loaded instead, avoiding
+recompilation. If the .x file does not exist, or _a_n_y_ _ _r_e_l_e_v_a_n_t_ _ _s_o_u_r_c_e_
+_f_i_l_e_ _h_a_s_ _b_e_e_n_ _m_o_d_i_f_i_e_d since the .x file was created, the script will be
+recompiled (and a side effect of your having selected this source file
+as the current script will be to bring into existence an up-to-date .x
+file for it).
+[Inductive definition - source file B is `relevant' to source file A iff
+file A %inserts or %includes B or any file to which B is relevant. For
+a discussion of `%include' and the other library directives see manual
+sections on `The Library Mechanism'.]
+Note that compiling a script containing %include statements will have
+the side effect of triggering subsidiary compilation processes for any
+relevant source files which have been modified since their corresponding
+.x file was created. Users familiar with the UNIX program `make' will
+recognise this process as essentially the same as that which happens
+when a `makefile' is obeyed. In the case of Miranda however, the `make'
+process is fully automated by being built into the compiler.
+_M_o_r_e_ _a_d_v_a_n_c_e_d_ _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
+If you want to check that a given Miranda script has an up-to-date
+object code file _w_i_t_h_o_u_t entering a Miranda session, this can be
+accomplished from UNIX by calling mira with a special flag, thus
+ mira -make script.m
+will force the existence of an up-to-date `script.x', performing all
+(and only) those compilations which are necessary. Any number of source
+files can be given after the -make flag (and as usual if a `.m'
+extension is omitted it will be added automatically).
+Example:- to make sure every Miranda source file in your current
+directory has an up-to-date object code file, say `mira -make *.m'.
+Applying mira -make to a `.x' file is equivalent to applying it to the
+corresponding `.m' file. So another way to make sure everything in your
+current directory is up-to-date is to say `mira -make *.x'. This has
+the advantage that it will also remove any `.x' files whose `.m' files
+no longer exist.
+In the best UNIX tradition mira -make does its work silently unless
+something is wrong. If the source files are all correct closed scripts
+with up-to-date `.x' files, mira -make says nothing at all. If
+recompilations are necessary it informs you which source files are being
+compiled, and, as a last step, the names of any scripts which contain
+errors or undefined names are listed, to stdout.
+The exit status of a `mira -make' (relevant if you are a shell
+programmer, or wish to include a `mira -make' command in a makefile for
+a larger setup) is as follows. If (AFTER any necessary recompilations
+have been performed) all the source files have up-to-date `.x' files,
+and do not contain any syntax errors, type errors, or undefined names
+(these facts are recorded in .x files) the exit status will be zero
+(=ok), otherwise it will be 1.
+It is possible to find out what names are exported from one or more
+Miranda scripts without entering a Miranda session by using the command
+ mira -exports files
+(as always the `.m' extension is added automatically to each filename,
+if missing). This command first calls `mira -make' on each file, to
+make sure everything is uptodate, and then lists to standard output the
+exported names together with their types (one per line). If more than
+one file is specified each group of names will be preceded by the name
+of the file to which they appertain.
+Note that the export profile of a script includes information about its
+free identifiers (if any).
+It is also possible to find out the names of all files on which a given
+set of Miranda scripts depend, via %include and %insert statements, by
+using the command
+ mira -sources files
+This lists to standard output, one per line, the names of all relevant
+source files. The standard environment, <stdenv>, is always omitted
+from the list.
+_E_f_f_e_c_t_ _o_f_ _`_m_v_'_ _a_n_d_ _`_r_m_'
+ Finally we note a couple of points about the behaviour of Miranda .x
+files under applications of mv and rm to their corresponding sources.
+A `.x' file records (inter alia) the names of all relevant source files
+relative to the directory in which it is stored, together with their
+`date and time last modified'. Note that the UNIX command `mv' does not
+alter the time-last-modified of the file being moved. So it is possible
+when moving a miranda source file (or a group of interdependant source
+files) from one directory to another to save mira the bother of
+recompiling them, simply by moving all the relevant `.x' files into the
+new directory along with the sources. (This doesn't work however if you
+change the name of any of the source files during the move.)
+[Note that `tar' has the same property, so the up-to-date-ness of
+Miranda .x files is preserved across a tape dump.]
+If you use `rm' to remove a Miranda source file, the next time you
+invoke mira with the (now non-existent) file as its current script, it
+will promptly remove the corresponding `.x' file. The logic of this is
+as follows:- `.x' files must be kept up-to-date with their sources, and
+the way to make a `.x' file up-to-date with a non-existent source is to
+make it too non-existent. As a consequence it is not possible to send
+someone a Miranda object code file without the corresponding source
+(mira will delete it as soon as they try to use it!).
+From some points of view this last feature might be regarded as a bug -
+a way round it may be provided in a later release of the Miranda system.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/27/contents b/miralib/manual/27/contents
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9db2c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/27/contents
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+_T_h_e_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _L_i_b_r_a_r_y_ _M_e_c_h_a_n_i_s_m
+ 1. Syntax of library directives
+ 2. The %include directive (basic information)
+ 3. About library directives (more detailed information)
+ 4. The %free directive and parametrised scripts
+ 5. Separate compilation and `.x' files
diff --git a/miralib/manual/28 b/miralib/manual/28
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..d0e6aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/28
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../stdenv.m \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/miralib/manual/29 b/miralib/manual/29
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..2475c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/29
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+29.m \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/miralib/manual/29.m b/miralib/manual/29.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9479de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/29.m
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+> || _L_i_t_e_r_a_t_e_ _s_c_r_i_p_t_s_ _(_a_n_ _a_l_t_e_r_n_a_t_i_v_e_ _c_o_m_m_e_n_t_ _c_o_n_v_e_n_t_i_o_n_)
+The standard comment convention for Miranda scripts is that anything
+rightwards from a pair of vertical bars to the end of a line is taken to
+be comment and ignored by the compiler, thus
+ ||This is a comment
+Everything else in the script is taken to be formal program text. An
+inverted style of commenting is also available in Miranda, permitting
+the construction of a "literate script" (the name is taken from
+Professor Donald Knuth's idea of "literate programming"). In a literate
+script EVERYTHING is assumed to be comment, except for lines marked with
+the formalising symbol '>' in column 1. For example the following lines
+> fac 0 = 1
+> fac (n+1) = (n+1)*fac n
+would be taken as formal program text - and could be preceded and/or
+followed by some narrative explaining what the factorial function is and
+why we define it in this way.
+To minimise the danger that you will accidentally omit the '>" from one
+line of your formal text without the compiler noticing that something is
+wrong, the following additional rule applies to Miranda literate scripts
+- whenever a group of lines of formal program text is preceded or
+followed by some lines of "narrative", the two types of text must be
+separated by at least one blank line. You will see that this has been
+done for the definition of factorial given above. (Definition - a
+"blank line" is one containing only white space.)
+Within the formal sections of a literate script the standard comment
+convention still works. For example
+> result = sum [fac n | n <- [1..50]] ||NB this is a large number!
+The compiler takes a decision on which comment convention applies by
+looking at the first line of a script. If this has a '>' in column 1,
+then it is a literate script, otherwise the compiler assumes it is a
+conventional script. Typically the first line of a literate script will
+just be a comment, eg
+> ||This is a literate script
+In fact this manual section is a legal Miranda script, defining `fac'
+and `result' (see first line).
+An alternative convention is based on the name of the file - if this
+ends in `.lit.m' then it is assumed to be a literate script,
+independently of the form of the first line. This makes it possible to
+have literate scripts which begin in `narrative' mode.
+As an aid to maintaining good layout in literate scripts, a simple text
+formatting program, called `just' (short for justify), is supplied with
+the Miranda system. This leaves untouched the formal sections of the
+script and formats the narrative parts to specified width (default 72).
+There is a UNIX manual page for `just' which gives details of its
+behaviour. Note that `just' is a general purpose text formatting tool
+and is not in any way Miranda-specific.
+As an additional aid to the use of document preparation tools in
+conjunction with Miranda scripts, the Miranda compiler will recognise
+underlined keywords. This applies both to reserved words, such as `_d_i_v'
+and `_m_o_d' and to directives such as `_%_e_x_p_o_r_t' (underlining of the
+initial `%' is optional). The style of underlining accepted is
+`backspace-underline-character' as generated by nroff/troff. It will
+also recognise the underlined symbols _> and _< as being equivalent to >=,
+<= respectively. This works in both literate scripts and scripts using
+the standard comment convention.
+_U_s_i_n_g_ _L_a_T_e_X_ _w_i_t_h_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _l_i_t_e_r_a_t_e_ _s_c_r_i_p_t_s
+ Because of the `.lit.m' convention it is possible for a file to be both
+a Miranda script and a LaTeX source file. In such a case the sections
+of formal Miranda text (recognised by the Miranda compiler by the `>' in
+column 1) will be surrounded by the LaTeX commands
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ \end{verbatim}
+ A similar arrangement can be made for troff.
+[The 1989 distribution included a program, mtotex, for using mira with
+LaTeX, but this no longer works and has been removed - DT]
+ The '>' inverse-comment convention (and the "blank line" rule) are due
+to Richard Bird and Philip Wadler of Oxford University Programming
+Research Group, and were first used in their language "Orwell".
diff --git a/miralib/manual/3 b/miralib/manual/3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46206c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/3
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+_A_b_o_u_t_ _t_h_i_s_ _r_e_l_e_a_s_e
+This is Miranda release two of October 1989 rereleased thirty years on
+as open source - as historical record and in the hope that it may still
+be useful. Originally released in 1985, Miranda was the first widely
+used non-strict, purely functional language with polymorphic typing and
+had a significant influence on the development of the field.
+The source code has been revised to the current C standard (C11) so it
+will compile for both 32 and 64 bit platforms. Various bugs have been
+fixed and some features added (see the Changes section of the manual)
+but the Miranda language and main features of the system interface
+remain unchanged. The manual has been revised in places for clarity and
+to remove out of date material.
+The online manual pages are primarily intended to document the system at
+the level required by someone who already knows quite a lot about
+programming languages and has some previous exposure to functional
+programming. There is a certain amount of tutorial material, but if you
+are a beginner to functional programming you may find parts of the
+manual hard to follow, and will need to seek help elsewhere.
+The following paper gives a convenient summary of the main features of
+ D. A. Turner "An Overview of Miranda", SIGPLAN Notices, December 1986.
+A copy of this paper is included in the manual pages, but this and other
+information about Miranda can be found on the world wide web at
+Miranda has two available text books
+1. Simon Thompson "Miranda: the Craft of Functional Programming",
+ Addison-Wesley, 470 pages, 1995.
+ ISBN 0-201-42279-4 (Paperback)
+A webpage for the book by the author is at
+or follow the link under BOOKS at
+2. Chris Clack, Colin Myers & Ellen Poon "Programming with Miranda",
+ Prentice Hall, 312 pages, 1995.
+ ISBN 0-13-192592-X
+The rights in this book have reverted to the authors who have made it
+available online - follow link under BOOKS at
+There were two other texts, both now out of print, but there may be
+copies in a library or with second hand book sellers.
+ Richard Bird & Philip Wadler "An Introduction to Functional Programming",
+ Prentice Hall, 293 pages, March 1988.
+ This used a mathematical notation, quite closely based on Miranda but
+ equally suitable for use with other functional languages.
+ Ian Holyer "Functional Programming with Miranda"
+ Pitman, 215 pages, 1991
diff --git a/miralib/manual/30 b/miralib/manual/30
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b28e6ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/30
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+_S_o_m_e_ _g_u_i_d_e_l_i_n_e_s_ _o_n_ _g_o_o_d_ _p_r_o_g_r_a_m_m_i_n_g_ _s_t_y_l_e_ _i_n_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a
+We give here a series of suggested guidelines for good programming style
+in Miranda. The list is not meant to be exhaustive. These rules are
+also not intended to be followed in all cases, regardless of conflicting
+considerations. That is why they are only suggestions for good style
+and not grammar rules.
+_A_v_o_i_d_ _t_h_e_ _i_n_d_i_s_c_r_i_m_i_n_a_t_e_ _u_s_e_ _o_f_ _r_e_c_u_r_s_i_o_n
+ A Miranda script that consists of large number of functions which call
+each other in an apparently random fashion is no easier to understand
+than, say, a piece of FORTRAN code which is written as a rat's nest of
+GOTO statements. An excessive reliance on recursion (especially mutual
+recursion) can be an indication of a weak programming style. Some
+Use list comprehensions, `..' lists, and library functions, in
+preference to ad-hoc recursion. For example it is probably clearer to
+define factorial by writing
+ fac n = product[1..n]
+than to define it from first principles, as
+ fac 0 = 1
+ fac (n+1) = (n+1) * fac n
+and to define the cartesian product of two lists by a list
+comprehension, thus
+ cp x y = [(a,b)|a<-x;b<-y]
+is certainly a lot clearer than the recursive definition,
+ cp (a:x) y = f y ++ cp x y
+ where
+ f (b:y) = (a,b): f y
+ f [] = []
+ cp [] y = []
+The standard environment contains a number of useful list processing
+functions (eg map filter reverse foldr foldl) with whose properties it
+is worth becoming familiar. They capture common patterns of recursion
+over lists, and can often be used to simplify your code, and reduce the
+reliance on `ad-hoc' recursion. Programs using list comprehensions and
+standard functions are also likely to run faster (on the current
+implementation) than equivalent programs using ad-hoc recursion.
+The standard environment is only a basic collection of useful general
+purpose functions. As you get used to programming in Miranda you will
+probably begin to discover other useful functions that express common
+patterns of recursion (perhaps over data structures other than lists).
+It is a good practice to collect such functions in libraries (together
+with some explanations of their properties) so that you can reuse them,
+and share them with others. Not all of them will survive the test of
+time, but it cannot hurt to experiment.
+To cause the definitions from such a library to be in scope in another
+script you would use a `%include' directive (see manual section on
+library directives).
+_A_v_o_i_d_ _u_n_n_e_c_e_s_s_a_r_y_ _n_e_s_t_i_n_g_ _o_f_ _d_e_f_i_n_i_t_i_o_n_s
+ Scripts that get deeply nested in where-clauses are harder to
+understand, harder to reason about formally, harder to debug (because
+functions defined inside where's cannot be exercised seperately) slower
+to compile, and generally more difficult to work with.
+A well structured script will consist of a series of top-level
+definitions, each of which (if it carries a where-clause at all) has a
+fairly small number of local definitions. A third level of definition
+(where inside where) should be used only very occasionally. [And if you
+find yourself getting nested four and five levels deep in block
+structure you can be pretty sure that your program has gone badly out of
+A function should normally be placed inside a where clause only if it is
+logically necessary to do so (which will be the case when it has a free
+variable which is not in scope outside the where clause). If your
+script consists, of say six functions, one of which solves a problem and
+the other five of which are auxiliary to it, it is probably not a good
+style to put the five subsidiary functions inside a where clause of the
+main one. It is usually better to make all six top level definitions,
+with the important one written first, say.
+There are several reasons for this. First that it makes the program
+easier to read, since it consists of six separate chunks of information
+rather than one big one. Second that the program is much easier to
+debug, because each of its functions can be exercised separately, on
+appropriate test data, within a Miranda session. Third that this
+program structure is more robust for future development - for example if
+we later wish to add a second `main' function that solves a different
+problem by using the same five auxiliary functions in another way, we
+can do so without having to restructure any existing code.
+There is a temptation to use `where' to hide information that is not
+relevant at top-level. This may be misguided (especially if it leads to
+code with large and complex where-clauses). If you don't wish all of
+your functions or data structures to be "visible" from outside, the
+proper way to do this is to include a `%export' directive in the script.
+Note also that (in the current implementation) functions defined inside
+a "where" clause cannot have their types explicitly specified. This is
+a further reason to avoid putting structure inside a where clause that
+does not logically have to be there.
+_S_p_e_c_i_f_y_ _t_h_e_ _t_y_p_e_s_ _o_f_ _t_o_p_ _l_e_v_e_l_ _i_d_e_n_t_i_f_i_e_r_s
+ The Milner type discipline is an impressive advance in compiler
+technology. It is also a trap for the unwary. The fact that the
+Miranda compiler will accept several hundred lines of code without a
+single type specification, and correctly infer the types of all the
+identifiers does NOT mean that it is sensible to write code with no type
+information. (Compare: compilers will also accept large programs with
+no comments in, but that doesn't make such programs sensible.)
+For other than fairly small scripts it is good style to insert an
+explicit specification of the type of any top level identifier whose
+type is not immediately apparent from its definition. Type
+specifications look like this
+ ack::num->num->num
+says that `ack' is a function taking two numbers and returning a number.
+A type specification can occur anywhere in a script, either before or
+after the definition of the corresponding identifier, but common sense
+suggests that the best place for it is just before the corresponding
+If in doubt it is always better to put in a type specification than to
+leave it out. The compiler may not need this extra type information but
+human beings definitely do. The extra type information becomes
+particularly important when your code reaches the level of complexity at
+which you start to make type errors.
+If your script contains a type error it is unreasonable to expect the
+compiler to correctly locate the real source of the error in the absence
+of explicit type declarations. A type error means different parts of
+your code are inconsistent with one another in their use of identifiers
+- if you have not given the compiler any information about the intended
+use of an identifier, you cannot expect it to know which of several
+conflicting uses are the `wrong' ones. In such a case it can only tell
+you that something is wrong, and indicate the line on which it first
+deduced an inconsistency - which may be many lines later than the `real'
+error. Explicit type declarations make it much more likely that the
+compiler will spot the `real error' on the line where it actually
+Code containing explicit type information is also incomparably easier
+for other people to read.
+_U_s_e_ _s_a_f_e_ _l_a_y_o_u_t
+ This is a point to do with the operation of the offside rule. It is
+most easily explained by means of an example. Consider the following
+definition, here assumed to be part of a larger script
+ hippo = (rhino - swan)/piglet
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ piglet = 17
+ rhino = 63
+ swan = 29
+Some time after writing this we carry out a global edit to expand
+`hippo' to `hippopotamus'. The definition now looks like this.
+ hippopotamus = (rhino - swan)/piglet
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ piglet = 17
+ rhino = 63
+ swan = 29
+the where-clause has become offside, and the definition will no longer
+compile. Worse, it is possible (with a little ingenuity) to construct
+examples of layout where changing the length of an identifier will move
+a definition from one level of scope to another, so that the script
+still compiles but now has a different meaning!!! Replacing an
+identifier by a shorter one can cause similar difficulties with layout.
+The layout of the `hippo' definition was unsafe, because the level of
+indentation depended on the length of an identifier. There are several
+possible styles of `safe' layout. The basic rule to follow is:
+ Whenever a right hand side goes on for more than one line
+ (because it consists of a set of guarded cases, or because it
+ carries a where clause, or just because it is an expression too
+ big to fit on one line), you should take a newline BEFORE
+ starting the rhs, and indent by some standard amount (not
+ depending on the width of the lhs).
+There are two main styles of safe layout, depending on whether you take
+the newline before or after the `=' of the definition. Here are two
+possible safe layouts for the `hippo' definition
+ hippo =
+ (rhino - swan)/piglet
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ piglet = 17
+ rhino = 63
+ swan = 29
+ hippo
+ = (rhino - swan)/piglet
+ _w_h_e_r_e
+ piglet = 17
+ rhino = 63
+ swan = 29
+The reason that either style can be used is that the boundary, for
+offside purposes, of a right hand side, is set by the first symbol of
+the rhs itself, and not by the preceding `=' sign.
+Both of these layouts have the property that the parse cannot be
+affected by edits which alter the lengths of one or more identifiers.
+Either of these layout styles also have the advantage that successive
+levels of indentation can move to the right by a fixed step - this makes
+code easier to read and lessens the danger that your layout will `fall
+off' the right hand edge of the screen (although if you follow the
+advice given earlier about avoiding deeply nested block structure this
+is in any case unlikely to be a problem).
+It would be convenient if there was a program for reformatting Miranda
+scripts with a standard layout. Apart from ensuring that the layout was
+`safe' in the above sense, it might make it easier for people to read
+each other's code. A layout program of this kind may be provided in
+later releases of the system.
+Acknowledgement: The `hippopotamus' example (and the problem of unsafe
+layout) was first pointed out by Mark Longley of the University of Kent.
+_W_r_i_t_e_ _o_r_d_e_r_ _i_n_d_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_t_ _c_o_d_e
+ When defining functions by pattern matching it is best (except in a few
+cases where it leads to real clumsiness of expression) to make sure the
+patterns are mutually exclusive, so it does not matter in what order the
+cases are written.
+For the same reason it is better style to use sets of guards which are
+composed of mutually exclusive boolean expressions. The keyword
+`otherwise' sometimes helps to make this less painful.
+By way of illustration of some of the issues here is a definition of a
+function `merge' which combines two already sorted lists into a single
+sorted result, eliminating duplicates in the process
+ merge [] y = y
+ merge (a:x) [] = (a:x)
+ merge (a:x) (b:y)
+ = a:merge x (b:y), if a<b
+ = b:merge (a:x) y, if a>b
+ = a:merge x y, otherwise
+Note the use of mutually exclusive sets of patterns (it was tempting to
+write `merge x [] = x' as the second case, but the above is probably
+better style).
+A related issue to these is that where a function is not everywhere
+defined on its argument type, it is good practice to insert an explicit
+error case. For example the definition given in the standard
+environment for `hd', the function which extracts the first element of a
+list, is
+ hd (a:x) = a
+ hd [] = error "hd []"
+Of course if a function is applied to an argument for which no equation
+has been given, the Miranda system will print an error message anyway,
+but one advantage of putting in an explicit call to `error' is that the
+programmer gets control of the error message. The other (and perhaps
+main) advantage is that for someone else reading the script, it
+explicitly documents the fact that a certain use of the function is
+considered an error.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/1 b/miralib/manual/31/1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..388cc0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+_I_n_p_u_t_ _f_r_o_m_ _U_N_I_X_ _f_i_l_e_s_ _e_t_c_.
+The following Miranda functions provide an interface to the UNIX file
+system from within Miranda expressions:
+ read :: [char]->[char]
+This takes a string valued argument, which it treats as a UNIX pathname,
+and returns the contents of the file or device of that name, also as a
+string (i.e. as a list of characters). There is no end-of-file
+character, the termination of the file is indicated simply by the end of
+the list of characters. The Miranda evaluation terminates with an error
+message if the file does not exist or the user does not have read
+permission for it.
+A special case - the notation `$-' denotes the contents of the standard
+input, as a list of characters. Note that multiple occurrences of `$-'
+always denote a single shared input stream. So for example ($- ++ $-)
+reads one lot of data from the terminal and duplicates it.
+(See separate subsection on Input/Output of binary data for the binary
+versions readb and $:-)
+ filemode :: [char]->[char]
+Takes a pathname and returns a string representing the access
+permissions of the current process to the file of that name. The string
+is empty if the file does not exist, otherwise it is of length four
+containing, in order, the following characters - 'd' if the file is a
+directory, 'r' if it is readable, 'w' if it is writeable, 'x' if it is
+executable. Each character not applicable is replaced by '-'. So for
+example "drwx" is the filemode of a directory with all access
+permissions, while "-rw-" is the filemode of a normal file with read and
+write but no execute permission.
+ getenv :: [char]->[char]
+Looks up the string associated with a given name in the current UNIX
+environment (see man (2) getenv in the UNIX manual system). For example
+ getenv "HOME"
+returns the name of the current home directory. Returns the empty
+string if the given name not present in the environment.
+ system :: [char]->([char],[char],num)
+The effect of `system string' is that a UNIX process is forked off to
+execute `string' as a shell command (by `/bin/sh'). The result of the
+call to `system' is a triple containing the standard output, error
+output, and exit_status, respectively, resulting from the execution of
+the UNIX command. (The exit_status of a UNIX command is a number in the
+range 0..127, with a non-zero exit status usually indicating some kind
+of abnormal event.) Note that inspecting the exit_status will force the
+Miranda process to wait until the execution of the shell command has
+completed - otherwise the two processes proceed concurrently.
+If the attempt to set up a shell process fails, `system' returns the
+result ([],errmess,-1), where errmess is an error message.
+WARNING - the function `system' provides a very general interface to
+UNIX. Obviously, this can be abused to cause the evaluation of a
+Miranda expression to have side effects on the state of the filing
+system. It is not intended to be used in this way - `system' should be
+used only to _o_b_t_a_i_n _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n about the state of the world. If you
+wish to change the state of the world, this should be done by placing a
+`System' message in your output list (see next manual section).
+Since reading data from the terminal would constitute a side effect, the
+background process created by `system' comes into being with its
+standard input closed.
+_I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n_ _R_e_s_t_r_i_c_t_i_o_n
+ `read', `filemode', `getenv', and `system' all require their argument
+to be at most 1024 characters long.
+_N_o_t_e_ _o_n_ _s_y_s_t_e_m_ _r_e_a_d_i_n_g_ _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_s_ _a_n_d_ _r_e_f_e_r_e_n_t_i_a_l_ _t_r_a_n_s_p_a_r_e_n_c_y
+Although `read', `filemode', `getenv' do not have side effects, they are
+not referentially transparent because it cannot be guaranteed that an
+expression like
+ read "file"
+will return the same result if evaluated twice. Some external event may
+have changed the state of the filing system in the meantime. Clearly
+the same problem applies to `system' - consider for example the
+ system "date"
+which gets date-and-time as a string. Evaluating this twice in
+succession is unlikely to produce the same result.
+Strictly speaking all calls to `read' and the other functions in this
+section ought to be evaluated with respect to the state-of-the-world as
+it existed before the evaluation of the given Miranda expression
+commenced. Otherwise referentially transparent behaviour cannot be
+guaranteed. Enforcing this would appear to require, among other things,
+taking a copy of the whole filing system before each Miranda
+command-level evaluation. For obvious reasons this is not implemented.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/2 b/miralib/manual/31/2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9348cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/2
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+_O_u_t_p_u_t_ _t_o_ _U_N_I_X_ _f_i_l_e_s_ _e_t_c_.
+Since Miranda is a functional language, the evaluation of an expression
+cannot in itself cause a side effect on the state of the world. The
+side effects occur when the value of the expression is printed. The
+value of a command level expression is a list of `system messages',
+where the possible forms of message are shown by the following type
+ sys_message ::= Stdout [char] | Stderr [char] | Tofile [char] [char] |
+ Closefile [char] | Appendfile [char] | System [char] |
+ Exit num | Stdoutb [char] | Tofileb [char] [char] |
+ Appendfileb [char]
+The system `prints' such a list of messages by reading it in order from
+left to right, evaluating and obeying each message in turn as it is
+encountered. The effect of the various messages is as follows.
+ Stdout string
+The list of characters `string' is transmitted to the standard output,
+which will normally be connected to the user's screen. So for example
+the effect of obeying
+ [Stdout "!!!"]
+is that three exclamation marks appear on the screen.
+ Stderr string
+The list of characters `string' is sent to the standard error output.
+[Explanation to those unfamiliar with UNIX stream philosophy: all normal
+UNIX processes come into existence with a standard input stream, and two
+output streams, called standard out and standard error respectively.
+Under normal circumstances standard error and standard out are both
+connected to the users screen, but in principle they could be connected
+to different places.]
+ Tofile fil string
+The characters of the string are transmitted to the file or device whose
+UNIX pathname is given by `fil'. Successive `Tofile' messages to the
+same destination are appended together (i.e. the first such message
+causes the file to be opened for writing, and it remains open until the
+end of the whole message list). Note that opening a file for output
+destroys its previous contents (unless preceded by an `Appendfile'
+message, see below).
+ Closefile fil
+The stream which has been opened to the file `fil' (presumably the
+subject of some previous `Tofile' messages) is closed. If `fil' was not
+in fact open this command has no effect (i.e. is harmless). All
+open-for-output streams are automatically closed at the end of a
+message-list evaluation, so it is only necessary to invoke `Closefile'
+explicitly if you wish to terminate output to given file during a
+message-list evaluation. (One reason why you might want to do this is
+so as not to have too many output files open at one time, since many
+UNIX systems place a limit on the number of streams which a process can
+ Appendfile fil
+If obeyed before any `Tofile' messages to destination `fil', causes the
+file to be opened in `append-mode', so its previous contents are added
+to, instead of being replaced.
+See separate subsection on Input/Output of binary data for explanation
+of the binary versions Stdoutb, Tofileb, Appendfileb.
+ System string
+Causes `string' to be executed as a shell command (by `/bin/sh') at this
+point in time. Enables arbitrary UNIX commands to be invoked from
+within a Miranda output list. The shell process comes into being with
+its streams (standard input, standard output, standard error) inherited
+from the Miranda process.
+ Exit num
+Causes the UNIX process evaluating the message list to terminate at this
+point with exit status `num' (an integer between 0 and 127). The
+remaining messages in the list (if any) are discarded. The exit status
+of a Miranda evaluation which terminates other than by a call to Exit
+will be 0 if it terminates successfully or 1 if it encounters a runtime
+error. The exit status is only relevant if you are using Miranda to
+implement a stand-alone UNIX command (see separate manual page about
+[Explanation: the exit status of a UNIX command is a one byte quantity
+which is communicated back to the calling shell and can be tested by it
+- the usual convention is that 0 exit status means all ok, anything else
+means something was amiss. If you are not into shell programming you
+can safely ignore the whole issue.]
+_T_h_e_ _d_e_f_a_u_l_t_ _o_u_t_p_u_t_ _m_e_c_h_a_n_i_s_m
+We have stated above that the value of a command level expression is
+expected to be of type `[sys_message]'.
+If it is not of that type mira applies the following rules:
+ (i) if the value is of type [char] the characters are directed to
+standard output, as if you had written [Stdout (expr)].
+ (ii) if it is of another type, show is first applied to convert it to
+type [char], so it is as if you had written [Stdout (show (expr))]
+This explains how the Miranda system is able to function in its standard
+`desk-calculator' mode.
+Be aware that if <stdenv> is not loaded (because you invoked mira with
+-stdenv, and the script does not explicitly %include <stdenv> there will
+be no type sys_message and only the default output mechanism will be
+_O_u_t_p_u_t_ _r_e_d_i_r_e_c_t_i_o_n
+A Miranda command of the form
+ exp &> pathname
+causes a background process to be set up for the evaluation of `exp',
+with both the standard output and the standard error output of the
+process redirected to `pathname'. If `exp' is of type [sys_message],
+the destination of `Tofile' messages are not affected by the global
+redirection - only messages which would otherwise have gone to the
+screen are sent to `pathname'.
+If two (blank separated) pathnames are given after the `&>', standard
+output is redirected to the first file and standard error to the second.
+ exp &> outfil errfil
+If the `&>' is replaced by a `&>>', instead of overwriting the previous
+contents, the relevant output is appended to the end of the file. Thus:
+ exp &>> pathname(s)
+As with the `&>' command, either one or two pathnames can be given,
+depending on whether you wish standard error to be merged with standard
+out, or separated from it.
+Note that a background process created by a `&>' or `&>>' command has no
+standard input - if the expression contains `$-', the latter will
+evaluate to `[]'.
+_I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n_ _R_e_s_t_r_i_c_t_i_o_n_s
+ Arguments representing pathnames (to Tofile, Appendfile, Closefile) are
+restricted to 1024 characters in length - pathnames longer than this
+cause an error message. The shell command supplied to System is also
+restricted to 1024 characters in length.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/3 b/miralib/manual/31/3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1746682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/3
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+_R_e_a_d_i_n_g_ _w_i_t_h_ _i_n_t_e_r_p_r_e_t_a_t_i_o_n_ _(_`_r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s_'_ _a_n_d_ _`_$_+_'_)
+There is a function _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s which takes a string representing a UNIX
+pathname, and returns a list of values found in the file of that name.
+The values may be represented by arbitrary Miranda expressions, written
+one per line. Blank lines, and Miranda style comments (||...) are
+ignored. If the input file appears to be a teletype, _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s reacts to
+syntactically incorrect or wrongly typed data by prompting the user to
+repeat the line, and such bad values are omitted from the result list.
+If the input file does not appear to be a teletype, bad data causes
+readvals to abort with an error message.
+Note that, similarly to _s_h_o_w
+ (i) _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s is a reserved word, not an identifier.
+ (ii) the context in which it is used must be such as to determine its
+type monomorphically. Extra type specifications may be needed in the
+script to meet this condition.
+Here is a simple example of how _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s might be used in a script
+ x :: [num]
+ x = readvals "data"
+The file `data' should contain expressions of type num (one per line).
+The _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s function provides Miranda with a simple form of data
+persistence - data can be written to a file (e.g. using `_s_h_o_w') and read
+back using _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s in a later session. Data objects saved in this way
+must of course be finite. Notice also that if you wish to save data
+containing functions, you will have to set up some special arrangement,
+since such data cannot be written out using `_s_h_o_w'.
+Data of abstract type can be written to file using _s_h_o_w and read back
+with _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s - provided that an appropriate show-function was included
+in the signature of the abstract type (see manual section on abstract
+Finally note that $+ behaves exactly like an application of _r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s to
+the name of the file to which the standard input is connected. For
+ sum $+
+read a sequence of numeric expressions from the keyboard (one per line)
+up to the next control-D, and then returns their sum.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/4 b/miralib/manual/31/4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5378454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/4
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+_U_s_i_n_g_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _t_o_ _b_u_i_l_d_ _e_x_e_c_u_t_a_b_l_e_ _f_i_l_e_s
+FIRST METHOD (using a `magic string')
+Create a file, prog.m say, containing a normal miranda script, but with
+first line
+ #! /usr/bin/mira -exec
+The first two characters must be "#!" followed by an optional space and
+the absolute pathname of the miranda interpreter. This may be somewhere
+other than /usr/bin/mira, the UNIX shell command "which mira" should
+tell you where it is. The flag "-exec" is necessary and no other flags
+should be added. (Note "-exec2" can be substituted for "-exec", see
+The remainder of the file can be any legal miranda script, which may
+%include other scripts. Somewhere in the file, or in an included file,
+there must be a definition of `main'. When `prog.m' is executed as a
+UNIX command, the result will be that `main' is evaluated, using the
+same rules as if you had entered it in an interactive session, and the
+results sent to standard output. Remember to give the file execute
+permission (e.g. by saying `chmod +x prog.m').
+A command of this form can take data from the terminal. The notation
+`$-' can be used anywhere in the second and later lines of the file to
+denote the list of characters taken from the standard input. (That is
+`$-' behaves like a Miranda identifier of type [char].)
+The command can be invoked with arguments, eg
+ prog.m fig 23
+and the notation `$*' can be used in the script as a Miranda identifier
+of type [[char]] denoting the argument list, with the convention that
+the initial (zero'th) argument is the name of the command. So in this
+case the value of `$*' would be
+ ["prog.m","fig","23"]
+If there are no arguments, `$*' will be a singleton list containing just
+the command name.
+ The line beginning `#!' is a standard UNIX incantation, called a `magic
+string', indicating that the following pathname is an interpreter to be
+invoked with the name of the file in which it occurs as argument (see
+under `execve' in section 2 of the UNIX manual). The flag "-exec"
+instructs the Miranda system to evaluate `main', which can be of any
+type. If main is a string this is sent to stdout, if it is of another
+printable type `show main' is sent to stdout, or if main is of type
+[sys-message] the sequence of I/O commands is executed.
+ Here is the Miranda "hello world" program
+ #! /usr/bin/mira -exec
+ main = "hello world\n"
+The following script is a Miranda version of the UNIX `cat' command - if
+it is invoked without arguments it simply copies its standard input to
+its standard output, otherwise it concatenates the contents of its
+argument files to the standard output.
+ #! /usr/bin/mira -exec
+ main = [Stdout $-], _i_f tl $* = []
+ = [Stdout (concat(map read(tl $*)))], _i_f badargs=[]
+ = [Stderr (concat(map errmess badargs))], _o_t_h_e_r_w_i_s_e
+ badargs = [f|f<-tl $*;~member(filemode f)'r']
+ errmess f = f++": cannot access\n"
+See the manual pages on input from UNIX files and output to UNIX files
+for the explanation of `read', `filemode' and the constructors Stdout,
+Stderr etc.
+The rule that Miranda source files must have names ending in ".m" is not
+enforced for "magic" scripts, in keeping with the UNIX convention that
+executables require no special suffix. However a magic script whose
+name ends in ".m" can also be made the subject of a miranda session.
+This is advantageous during development, as individual definitions can
+be tested. A first line beginning #! is ignored by the Miranda compiler
+which treats it as a comment. In this situation $* has the value [],
+since the script was not executed as a command.
+Note also that if your Miranda executable file has the ".m" suffix, a
+corresponding ".x" file will be created at its first call, avoiding the
+need for mira to recompile it on subsequent calls (unless there has been
+an update of the source file).
+ (1) In some UNIX-like systems `execve' places a limit on the total
+length of the `magic string'.
+ (2) Because in many systems (including Linux) `execve' permits at most
+one flag in a magic string, mira does not understand a `-lib' flag given
+in conjunction with a `-exec' flag. This is a possible source of
+difficulty if you keep the miralib directory at a non-standard place.
+One way round this is to set environment variable MIRALIB, instead of
+using a `-lib' flag. See manual section on flags etc. [To do: more
+general mechanism to add other flags to -exec in a magic string - DT]
+ (3) If called from the UNIX command line,
+ mira -exec script.m
+will find and evaluate `main' in script.m and in this situation you can
+combine -exec with other flags, -lib miralib, -heap N, etc preceding the
+name of the script. Any additional arguments following script.m will
+be found in $*.
+_D_e_b_u_g_g_i_n_g_ _s_t_a_n_d_-_a_l_o_n_e_ _s_c_r_i_p_t_s
+ As an aid to debugging a variant flag is available:
+ #!/usr/bin/mira -exec2
+ definitions...
+The -exec2 flag has the same effect as -exec but runtime errors (only,
+not compile time errors) are redirected to file miralog/prog, where prog
+is the name of the script. The redirection takes place if a miralog
+directory exists in the current working directory and the process
+running the script has write permission to it. This is useful for
+debugging cgi scripts written in Miranda, particularly in the not
+infrequent situation that they compile without errors and seem to work
+fine from the command line but fail when invoked by an http call. (You
+will need to create a directory miralog in cgi-bin and chown it to
+apache, or whatever personality cgi scripts run as).
+SECOND METHOD (using a `here document')
+Create a file ("prog' say) containing the following
+ mira [script] <<!
+ exp1
+ exp2
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ !
+The `!' after << can be replaced by any character sequence - the same
+sequence, on a line by itself, terminates the `here document'.
+Remember to make the file executable (by saying `chmod +x prog'). Now
+when `prog' is executed as a UNIX command, the result will be that the
+miranda expressions `exp1', `exp2' ... will be evaluated in the
+environment defined by `script', and the results sent to the standard
+output. As usual, if `script' is omitted, a default name `script.m' is
+assumed. The text following the special redirection `<<!' is called a
+"here-document". The contents of the here-document are fed to the mira
+command in place of its standard input. (So anything you would type to
+the miranda system at top level can appear in the here document.)
+Here-documents are a normal feature of UNIX, not something special to
+miranda. Miranda's only contribution to making this work smoothly is
+that it detects when its input is not coming from a terminal, and in
+this case suppresses prompts and other extraneous feedback. Note also
+that lines beginning `||' are ignored by the Miranda command
+interpreter, which gives a way to include comments in the text of the
+The program `prog' might be invoked with one or more arguments, for
+ prog big 23
+In the here-document, `$1' can be used to denote the first argument,
+`$2' the second and so on - in this case `big' and `23' respectively
+will be textually substituted for these before the here-document is fed
+to mira as input. Arguments not present are replaced by empty text.
+Other replacements carried out on the text of the here-document are -
+`$*' is replaced by all the arguments together, as a single piece of
+text, `$#' is replaced by the number of arguments present (`2' in the
+case shown above), and `$0' is replaced by the name of the program being
+executed (in this case `prog').
+If the here-document contains instances of `$' which you don't want
+replaced by something (for example inside a Miranda string), you have to
+escape them by preceding them with a backslash character. But if the
+delimiter after the >> is in quotation marks, eg
+ mira [script] <<"!"
+ stuff
+ !
+then no substitutions will take place inside the here-document.
+The drawbacks of commands built in this way are two - (a) they have no
+way of taking information from the terminal during execution (because
+the here-document replaces the standard input) and (b) the method of
+access to command line arguments is clumsy.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/5 b/miralib/manual/31/5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..546724d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/5
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+_H_o_w_ _t_o_ _c_h_a_n_g_e_ _t_h_e_ _d_e_f_a_u_l_t_ _e_d_i_t_o_r
+The Miranda /edit or /e command (see manual page on Miranda command
+interpreter) invokes an editor. By default this is the screen editor
+"vi", but if you wish to use another editor, this is easily changed.
+The Miranda command
+ /editor
+reports the editor currently in use by the Miranda system. To change it
+to (for example) pico, say
+ /editor pico
+Alternatively, when next invoking the miranda system from UNIX you can
+supply it with a flag requesting a specific editor by name, as follows:
+ mira -editor pico
+In either case it is only necessary to do this once since the Miranda
+system stores this and other information in a file called ".mirarc" in
+your home directory - you should not remove or try to edit this file.
+You can select any editor that is installed on your system. If you are
+unfamiliar with vi and haven't an editor in mind, the editor pico (if
+installed) is particularly easy to use - it has instructions on screen.
+Similar are nano (an open source clone of pico) and joe. Other editors
+include emacs and gvim - these both open a separate editor window.
+The editor you select will be used by both the /e command and by
+ ??identifier
+which opens the relevant source file at the definition of identifier.
+_M_o_r_e_ _a_d_v_a_n_c_e_d_ _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
+The Miranda system is designed to work with an editor which can open a
+file at a specified line number. For example to make the editor `vi'
+open `file' at line 13, the UNIX command is
+ vi +13 file
+the Miranda system has built in knowledge of this, so if the installed
+editor is `vi' and the compiler has found a syntax error in the script,
+the `/e' command will open the script at the line containing the error.
+To retain this ability when substituting another editor, the `/editor'
+command requires a template for invoking the chosen editor at a given
+line number. In this template the line number is represented by the
+character `!' and the filename by `%'. For example the full template
+for `vi' would be supplied as follows
+ /editor vi +! %
+If the `%' character does not occur in the template, Miranda will add
+the name of the file at the end of the command. So the template for
+`vi' could equally well be given as
+ /editor vi +!
+The same formula works for pico, nano, joe. If the editor is one that
+starts up its own window, separate from the Miranda session window (gvim
+and emacs do this), you will want to make the editor run as a concurrent
+process by putting "&" at the end of the command, thus
+ /editor emacs +! % &
+Note that in this case you must include % where the filename goes,
+because adding it after the "&" would not make sense.
+In fact Miranda has built in knowledge of vi, pico, nano, joe, emacs and
+gvim, so just giving the name of the editor will generate the correct
+template in these cases.
+If you install an editor without the capability to be opened at a
+specified line number (i.e. you cannot give a template for it
+containing the `!' character), the /e command loses its ability to go to
+the right place after an error, and the `??' command will be disabled.
+The Miranda system will work without either of these features, but there
+is a significant loss of power in the user interface.
+If the installed editor lacks the `open at line number' feature, you may
+find it convenient to have the script listed to the screen during
+compilation (this feature of the compiler can be switched on and off by
+the commands `/list', `/nolist'). As an assistance to naive users, the
+Miranda system turns on `/list' for you if the `/editor' command is used
+to install an editor without the `open at line number' feature.
+[Pathological case: if the editor command you wish to install contains a
+literal `!' or `%' that you don't want replaced, place a backslash
+before the relevant ! or %. This protects it from being expanded.]
+_C_h_e_c_k_i_n_g_ _f_o_r_ _s_o_u_r_c_e_ _u_p_d_a_t_e_s
+If during a session changes have been made to any relevant source file,
+the Miranda system automatically recompiles the current script and any
+other scripts which it directly or indirectly `%includes' and which have
+been changed. At a minimum this check is performed after each /edit
+command and after each shell escape.
+A mode of operation possible on a windowing system is to keep an editor
+window and Miranda session window both open. In this case more frequent
+checking is appropriate and you should say /recheck (see 6 "Summary of
+remaining commands"). This sets a flag which tells the Miranda
+interpreter to check for source file updates before each evaluation,
+instead of only after /e and ! commands. But remember that you will
+need to save any edits to file before the `mira' session can see them.
+As an assistance to naive users /recheck is automatically turned on if
+/editor is used to install an editor template which includes "&", the
+symbol used in UNIX shell commands to start a concurrent process.
+Say /norecheck to revert to the default behaviour.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/6 b/miralib/manual/31/6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d088c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/6
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+_H_o_w_ _t_o_ _a_l_t_e_r_ _t_h_e_ _s_i_z_e_s_ _o_f_ _w_o_r_k_s_p_a_c_e_s
+The Miranda system uses two main internal workspaces called "heap" and
+"dic". If either overflows during a session, a self explanatory error
+message is given. The sizes of both areas may changed by the user if
+required. Any change made is remembered thereafter and for subsequent
+sessions until countermanded.
+The heap contains almost all the data structures created both by the
+Miranda compiler and the evaluation system. To compile and/or run very
+large scripts you may need a bigger heap. To find out (change) the
+current size of the heap say
+ /heap (or /heap newsize e.g. /heap 2000000 )
+The heap size may also be altered by using a flag (see below). You
+should be aware that running Miranda processes with a very large heap
+may give you slower responses.
+The dictionary is used to store identifiers and file names by the
+Miranda compiler. It is unlikely that you will need to change the size
+of the dictionary. The current size of the dictionary can be
+ascertained by the command
+ /dic
+it cannot be changed dynamically, from within the Miranda system. To
+alter the dictionary size use a flag (see next para).
+The sizes of either or both areas may be set by flags when invoking the
+miranda system. The following shows both possibilities
+ mira -dic 80000 -heap 2000000 [script]
+Note that the size of the heap is given in `cells' (a cell is 9 bytes,
+currently) and the size of the dictionary is in bytes.
+The most recent settings of the workspace sizes are stored in the file
+".mirarc" in the users home directory, and automatically carried over to
+the next miranda session.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/7 b/miralib/manual/31/7
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae6b20c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/7
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+_O_p_t_i_o_n_s_,_ _s_e_t_u_p_ _f_i_l_e_s_ _e_t_c_.
+The full form of the `mira' command is
+ mira [flags...] [script]
+this command causes a Miranda session to be entered with the given file
+as current script. If no script is specified a default filename
+`script.m' is assumed. The specified file need not yet exist - in this
+case you will be starting a Miranda session with an empty current
+Note that `.m' is the standard extension for Miranda language source
+files - the mira command always adds the `.m' extension, if missing, to
+any filename argument denoting a Miranda script.
+The available options are:
+ -lib pathname
+Tells mira to find miralib (directory containing libraries, manual pages
+etc.) at `pathname'. The default is to look for miralib of same version
+number as the program at `/usr/lib/miralib', `/usr/local/lib/miralib'
+and `./miralib', in that order. The -lib flag overrides the version
+number check. The same effect is obtained by setting an environment
+variable MIRALIB, see next manual section.
+ -gc
+Switches on a flag causing the garbage collector to print information
+each time a garbage collection takes place. This flag can also be
+switched on and off from within the miranda session by the commands
+`/gc', `/nogc'.
+ -count
+Switches on a flag causing statistics to be printed after each
+expression evaluation. This flag can also be switched on and off from
+within the miranda session by the commands `/count', `/nocount'.
+ -list
+ -nolist
+Switches on (off) a flag causing Miranda scripts to be listed to the
+screen during compilation. This flag can also be switched on and off
+from within the miranda session by the commands `/list', `/nolist'.
+ -nostrictif
+Enables the compiler to accept old Miranda scripts with missing
+occurrences of the keyword `if' in guard syntax. Probably obsolete but
+retained just in case someone needs it.
+ -hush
+ -nohush
+The miranda system decides whether or not to give prompts and other
+feedback by testing its standard input with `isatty'. If the standard
+input does not appear to be a terminal it assumes that prompts would be
+inappropriate, otherwise it gives them. In either case this behaviour
+can be overriden by an explicit flag ("-hush" for silence, "-nohush" for
+prompts etc). This switch is also available from within a miranda
+session by the commands `/hush', `/nohush'.
+ -dic SIZE
+Causes the dictionary (used by the compiler to store identifiers etc.)
+to be set up with SIZE bytes instead of the default 24kb.
+ -heap SIZE
+Causes the heap to be set up with SIZE cells instead of the default
+(currently 100k). This can also be done from within the miranda session
+by the command `/heap SIZE'. A cell currently occupies 9 bytes.
+ -editor name
+Causes the resident editor (initially `vi', unless the environment
+variable EDITOR was set to something else) to be `name' instead. This
+can also be done from within the miranda session by the command `/editor
+ -UTF-8
+ -noUTF-8
+Assume the current locale is (is not) UTF-8 overriding environment vars
+(version 2.044 and later).
+ -stdenv
+Run mira without loading the standard environment. Every script that
+needs functions from the standard environment will then have to either
+explicitly %include <stdenv> or define the required functions for
+itself. Not recommended as normal practice since it may have unexpected
+consequences (for example I/O will be limited by the absence of type
+ -object
+Used for debugging the compiler. Modifies behaviour of ?identifier(s)
+to show the associated combinator code, which may or may not be
+comprehensible as there is no documentation other than the source code.
+_S_P_E_C_I_A_L_ _C_A_L_L_S
+ In addition the following special calls to `mira' are available which
+do not enter a Miranda session but accomplish another purpose, as
+described below.
+ mira -man
+To enter the miranda online manual system directly from the UNIX shell.
+ mira -exp
+Special call permitting the use of miranda script as a stand-alone UNIX
+command. See separate manual page for details.
+ mira -log
+Same as -exp except that it redirects stderr to a file log/mira.errors,
+if log directory exists in the current directory and mira has write
+permission to it.
+ mira -make [sourcefiles]
+Forces a check that all the miranda source files listed have up-to-date
+object code files, triggering compilation processes if necessary (see
+manual subsection on the library mechanism: separate compilation).
+ mira -exports [sourcefiles]
+Sends to stdout a list of the identifiers exported (see manual
+subsection on library mechanism: separate compilation) from each of the
+given miranda source files, together with their types (may also force
+recompilation if needed).
+ mira -sources [sourcefiles]
+Sends to stdout a list of all the Miranda source files on which the
+given source files directly or indirectly depend (via %include or
+%insert statements), excluding the standard environment <stdenv>.
+ mira -version
+Gives version information. This information can also be obtained from
+within a Miranda session by the command `/version'.
+ mira -V
+More detailed version information.
+_S_E_T_U_P_ _F_I_L_E_S
+The current settings of _d_i_c, _h_e_a_p and _e_d_i_t_o_r are saved in the file
+`.mirarc' in the users home directory, and are thereby carried over to
+the next miranda session. The settings of the compiler flag which
+controls whether or not source is listed to the screen during
+compilation (toggled by the commands _/_l_i_s_t _/_n_o_l_i_s_t during a Miranda
+session) and of the flag which controls the frequency of checking for
+source updates (toggled by the commands /recheck /norecheck) are also
+saved in the users `.mirarc' file.
+The default settings of these entities, which will be picked up by new
+users executing `mira' for the first time, are dic 24000 (bytes), heap
+100000 (9-byte cells), editor _v_i, nolist, norecheck. The current
+settings can be interrogated from a Miranda session by the command
+`/settings' or `/s'.
+The defaults can be changed, on a system wide basis, by moving a copy of
+a `.mirarc' file containing the desired settings into the `miralib'
+directory (normally found at /usr/lib/miralib). The user's local
+.mirarc file, once created in his home directory by the first call to
+mira, will override the global one, however.
+The behaviour of the `mira' program is also sensitive to the settings of
+certain environment variables - see separate manual entry about this.
+_O_U_T_P_U_T_ _B_U_F_F_E_R_I_N_G
+ Output from the Miranda system to the user's terminal should not be
+line buffered, or some things will not work as they are intended. There
+is no problem about input being line buffered, however.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/8 b/miralib/manual/31/8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b35202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/8
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+_E_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t_ _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s_ _u_s_e_d_ _b_y_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a
+ (This section may be of particular interest to installers and system
+The behaviour of the `mira' program is sensitive to the settings of
+certain environment variables.
+An alternative location for the miralib directory may be specified by
+setting the environment variable "MIRALIB". An explicit -lib flag, if
+present, overrides this.
+The first time it is called (i.e. if no .mirarc file is present, either
+in the home directory or in miralib) the miranda system picks up the
+name of the resident editor from the environment variable EDITOR - if
+this is not set it assumes `vi'.
+At startup (version 2.044 and later) `mira' inspects LC_CTYPE or if that
+is empty LANG, to determine if it is running in a UTF-8 locale. On
+Windows/Cygwin this information is taken from the "user-default ANSI
+code page". The flag -UTF-8 or -noUTF-8, if present, overrides.
+If the environment variable RECHECKMIRA is set (to any non-empty string)
+the Miranda system rechecks to see if any relevant source files have
+been updated, and performs any necessary recompilation, before each
+interaction with the user - this is the appropriate behaviour if an (eg
+emacs) editor window is being kept open permanently during the Miranda
+session. If this environment variable is not set, the check is
+performed only after `/e' commands and `!' escapes.
+To decide what shell to use in `!' escapes, mira looks in the
+environment variable SHELL (this will normally contain the name of the
+user's login shell). If no SHELL is entered in the environment, /bin/sh
+is assumed.
+If environment variable MIRAPROMPT is set, its contents will be used as
+the session prompt, instead of the default prompt "Miranda " (version
+2.044 and later).
+If the environment variable NOSTRICTIF is set (to any non-empty string)
+Miranda accepts old scripts with no `if' after the guard comma.
+For displaying pages of the manual mira uses the program entered in the
+environment as VIEWER - if this variable is not set the default is
+likely to be 'more -d' or (roughly equivalent) 'less -EX'.
+If you set VIEWER to something, you may also need to set an environment
+RETURNTOMENU=YES prevents another prompt being given after displaying
+each section, causing instead an immediate return to contents page. It
+should be `YES' if VIEWER is a program that pauses for input at end of
+file (eg "less"), `NO' if VIEWER is a program that quits silently at end
+of file (eg "more", "less -EX").
+Finally note that a third environment variable MENUVIEWER can be set to
+choose the program used to display contents pages (by default this is
+normally 'cat' or 'more').
+To find the current settings of these display commands enter
+ ???
+to the "next selection" prompt of the manual system.
+_H_o_w_ _t_o_ _s_e_t_ _a_n_ _e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t_ _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_ _i_n_ _y_o_u_r_ _U_N_I_X_ _s_h_e_l_l_:
+ (Reminder/tutorial information)
+Example, setting the environment variable VIEWER to /usr/local/view
+ (i) if you use a Bourne-like shell (sh ksh bash)
+ say at the UNIX command level (i.e. before calling Miranda)
+ export VIEWER=/usr/local/view
+ to undo the above say `unset VIEWER',
+ to make permanent add this line to your .profile or .bashrc
+ (ii) if you use a C shell (csh tcsh)
+ say at the UNIX command level (i.e. before calling Miranda)
+ setenv VIEWER /usr/local/view
+ to undo the above say `unsetenv VIEWER',
+ to make permanent add the setenv line to your .login or .cshrc
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/9 b/miralib/manual/31/9
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/9
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+_I_n_p_u_t_/_o_u_t_p_u_t_ _o_f_ _b_i_n_a_r_y_ _d_a_t_a
+From version 2.044 Miranda stdenv.m includes a function
+ readb :: [char]->[char]
+and new sys-message constructors
+ Stdoutb :: [char]->sys_message
+ Tofileb :: [char]->[char]->sys_message
+ Appendfileb :: [char]->[char]->sys_message
+These behave similarly to (respectively) read, Stdout, Tofile,
+Appendfile but are needed in a UTF-8 locale for reading/writing binary
+data (for further explanation see below). In a non UTF-8 locale they do
+not behave differently from read, Stdout etc but you might still prefer
+to use them for handling binary data, for portability reasons.
+The notation $:- is used for the binary version of the standard input.
+In a non UTF-8 locale $:- and $- will produce the same results. It is
+an error to access both $:- and $- in the same evaluation.
+The locale of a UNIX process is a collection of settings in the
+environment which specify, among other things, what character encoding
+is in use. To see this information use `locale' as a shell command.
+The analogous concept in Windows is called a "code page".
+UTF-8 is a standard for encoding text from a wide variety of languages
+as a byte stream, in which ascii characters (codes 0..127) are
+represented by themselves while other symbols are represented by a
+sequence of two or more bytes: a `multibyte character'.
+The Miranda type `char' consists of characters in the range (0..255)
+where the codes above 127 represent various accented letters etc
+according to the conventions of Latin-1 (i.e. ISO-8859-1, commonly used
+for West European languages). There are national variants on Latin-1
+but since Miranda source, outside comments and string and character
+constants, uses only ascii this does not normally cause a problem.
+In a UTF-8 locale: on reading string/character literals or text files
+Miranda has to translate multibyte characters to the corresponding point
+in the Latin-1 range (128-255). If the text does not conform to the
+rules of UTF-8, or includes a character not present in Latin-1, an
+"illegal character" error occurs. On output, Miranda strings are
+translated back to UTF-8.
+If data being read/written is not text, but binary data of some kind,
+translation from/to UTF-8 is not appropriate and could cause "illegal
+character" errors, and/or corruption of data. Whence the need for the
+byte oriented I/O functions readb etc, which transfer data without any
+conversion from/to UTF-8.
+In a non UTF-8 locale read and readb, Tofile and Tofileb, etc. do not
+differ in their results.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/31/contents b/miralib/manual/31/contents
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef9fdbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/31/contents
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+_U_N_I_X_/_M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _s_y_s_t_e_m_ _i_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e_ _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
+ 1. Input from UNIX files etc
+ 2. Output to UNIX files etc
+ 3. Reading with interpretation (`_r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s' and $+)
+ 4. Using Miranda to build UNIX commands
+ 5. How to change the default editor
+ 6. How to alter sizes of workspaces
+ 7. Options, setup files etc
+ 8. Environment variables used by Miranda
+ 9. Input/Output of binary data
diff --git a/miralib/manual/32 b/miralib/manual/32
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a54d084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/32
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+_R_E_C_E_N_T_ _C_H_A_N_G_E_S
+January 2020 (version 2.066)
+The Miranda source code has been revised to conform to the C11 standard
+and to run on both 64 and 32 bit platforms. Earlier releases were 32
+bit only.
+December 2019 (version 2.057)
+Miranda type `char' now includes all Unicode characters, which can be
+specified by hexadecimal escape codes in char and string constants. For
+example '\x5d2' is the Hebrew letter Gimel.
+The lexical syntax of Miranda has been extended to include octal and
+hexadecimal numerals - e.g. 0o777 is 511 and 0xffffffff is 4294967295.
+See man section 11 (literals) for details of both the above.
+Functions showoct, showhex :: num->[char] have been added to the
+standard environment.
+Data types with "laws", declared obsolete at release two, have finally
+gone. Strictness annotations: `!' on fields of an algebraic data type
+remain part of the language, see man section 20 (algebraic data types).
+The flag -exp, for executable scripts, has gone and is replaced by
+-exec, see man section 31/4 (Using Miranda to build UNIX commands).
+This is not backwards compatible (sorry) but the change needed is
+trivial. If you have a magic script
+ #!/usr/bin/mira -exp
+ expression
+ definitions...
+change it to
+ #!/usr/bin/mira -exec
+ main = expression
+ definitions...
+The new mechanism executes `main' wherever it is in the script (whereas
+-exp required an expression on the second line).
+_O_l_d_e_r_ _C_h_a_n_g_e_s (in reverse date order)
+September 2009 (version 2.044)
+The environment variable MIRAPROMPT may be set to a string to be used as
+the Miranda session prompt instead of the default "Miranda ".
+For reading/writing binary files in UTF-8 locale, stdenv is extended by
+ readb, Stdoutb, Tofileb, Appendfileb
+these behave similarly to
+ read, Stdout, Tofile, Appendfile
+but transfer data as bytes with no conversions from/to UTF-8. See new
+manual section 31/9.
+August 2008 (version 2.041, 2.042)
+Miranda now detects if it is in UTF-8 locale and converts from/to UTF-8
+on reading/writing string and char values.
+May 2006 (version 2.032)
+The commands /nostrictif, /strictif to control enforcement of `if' in
+guard syntax have gone. The `if' has been part of Miranda's syntax
+since 1988. In case there are surviving if-less scripts, you can use
+ mira -nostrictif
+or set the environment variable NOSTRICTIF to any non-empty string.
+New command /recheck makes mira check if any loaded script has been
+updated before every evaluation, instead of only after /edit (/norecheck
+to disable). Appropriate if an editor window is running concurrently
+with the Miranda session window. The setting is remembered for
+subsequent sessions. Formerly enabled by setting environment variable
+RECHECKMIRA to a non-empty string - that method still works also.
+mira now checks that it has miralib of same version number - exits with
+error message otherwise. An explicit mira -lib <path> overrides this
+but it is in general inadvisable to run mira with wrong miralib.
+_H_i_s_t_o_r_y_ _o_f_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _r_e_l_e_a_s_e_s
+1 May 1985 - alpha test, released to University of Kent only.
+October 1985 - beta test (version 0.292 for VAX, 0.293 for SUN)
+Distributed to 88 sites.
+April 1987 - release one (version 1.009 or 1.016 or 1.019)
+Added literate scripts, library mechanism: %export, %include, (n+k) patterns.
+Around 250 sites.
+October 1989 - release two (versions 2.0xx for various machines)
+Added unbounded size integers, %free, faster SK reduction m/c
+Around 550 sites by mid-90's.
+May 2006 - revised and released as free software (but not open source).
+Nov 2019 - revised and made open source.
+Jan 2020 - revised to C11 standard and made 64 bit compatible.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/33 b/miralib/manual/33
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d985ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/33
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+The Miranda system is Copyright (c) Research Software Limited, 1985-2019
+and is distributed under an open source license. For terms see the file
+COPYING in the miralib directory.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/34 b/miralib/manual/34
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4631f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/34
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+_B_u_g_ _R_e_p_o_r_t_s
+Bug reports should be sent to mira-bugs at the domain
+First check below, however, in case it is already known. Also check the
+downloads section at in case there is a new version of
+Miranda in which your bug may be fixed. When sending a bug report,
+please state the version number of your Miranda system and the platform
+that it is running on.
+The error messages from the Miranda system are mostly self explanatory.
+Note, however, that messages of the form "impossible event ..." or
+similar indicate that the internal state of the system has become
+corrupted. This should be reported as a bug. Segmentation faults also
+falls into this category.
+First check if the problem only occurs following a garbage collection.
+Garbage collector reports can be turned on by `mira -gc' from the
+command line or by /gc within a miranda session. If your error does
+appear to be associated with garbage collection you can try running with
+a bigger heap and/or getting mira recompiled at a lower level of
+optimisation (eg -O instead of -O2, or without -O). Miranda uses a
+"conservative collector" which scans the C stack to follow things that
+are, or appear to be, pointers into the heap. Unfortunately this is
+vulnerable to compiler optimisations affecting the state of the stack.
+Even if the problem does appear to be gc-related it is still worth
+The source code, orginally written for 32 bit platforms, has been
+extensively revised and tested for 64 bit compatibility. It is quite
+possible that some hidden "integer width" problems remain in the code
+and will be discovered in use.
+_L_i_s_t_ _o_f_ _k_n_o_w_n_ _b_u_g_s_,_ _d_e_f_i_c_i_e_n_c_i_e_s_,_ _a_n_d_ _u_n_i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_ _f_e_a_t_u_r_e_s
+If there is not enough heap to compile the current script, mira exits
+after reporting this fact. The fix is to increase the heap size:
+ mira -heap N [filename]
+where N is a bigger number than you had before.
+It is not currently permitted to give a type specification for an
+identifier defined locally, as part of a _w_h_e_r_e clause. That is (see
+formal syntax) `spec' is not allowed after _w_h_e_r_e.
+When abstract objects are tested for equality or order (under <, <= etc)
+the result is that obtained by applying the operation to the underlying
+representation type. In some cases this will be what you want, but in
+others it will be wrong - there ought to be a way of controlling this.
+The standard input cannot be accessed both as a list of characters (with
+$-) and as a list of values (with $+) at the same time. If $+ is in
+use, an occurrence of $- will evaluate to [], and vice versa. This is
+not referentially transparent - uses of $+ and $- ought to share data.
+Scripts with multiple occurrences of $+ also behave opaquely - each
+occurrence of $+ reads from the terminal independently, and they do not
+share data with each other. (Multiple occurrences of $+ in a single
+command-level expression behave transparently, however.)
+There is a subtle issue concerning `show' and %export. If you define a
+function which, internally, uses `show' on an object of algebraic type,
+and then %export that function to another scope, the format used by the
+`show' depends on the status of the algebraic type in the NEW scope.
+Thus if the type has been aliased the new constructor names will be
+used, and if the algebraic type is no longer in scope, it will show as
+"<unprintable>" (this latter case can arise if an abstract type based on
+the algebraic type is exported, and one of the signature identifiers
+invokes `show' on the base type). Although this behaviour is
+defensible, it might be better for each use of `show' at algebraic type
+to be frozen to use the constructor names in the scope where it occurs.
+[An analogous issue arises with `readvals'.]
+Implementation restrictions not mentioned elsewhere in the manual:-
+A shell command called from mira using `!' is limited to 1024 characters
+in length after any implied expansions (eg of `%') have been performed.
+The same restriction applies to the result of expanding out a `/e'
+command. The pathnames of Miranda scripts are limited to 1024
+characters in length, including the `.m' extension. The name of the
+editor supplied for the `/e' command, and the absolute pathnames of the
+miralib directory, and of the user's home directory, are also each
+limited to 1024 characters in length.
+The name of a Miranda script may not contain spaces (but directory names
+with spaces are allowed in pathnames).
diff --git a/miralib/manual/4 b/miralib/manual/4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fa4c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/4
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+_T_h_e_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_ _i_n_t_e_r_p_r_e_t_e_r
+The Miranda system is invoked from unix by the command
+ mira [script]
+where `script' (optional parameter) is the pathname of a file containing
+a set of Miranda definitions. If no script is specified a default name
+`script.m' is assumed. The named script (script.m by default) becomes
+your _c_u_r_r_e_n_t _s_c_r_i_p_t, during the ensuing Miranda session. You can change
+your "current script" during a session, but at any time there is a
+unique filename which is current.
+Note that a file containing a Miranda script is expected to have a name
+ending in `.m' and the `mira' command will add this extension if
+missing. So `mira stuff' will be interpreted as `mira stuff.m'. It is
+a convenient and widely used convention that files containing program
+sources should have names indicating which language they are written in.
+The set of names in scope at any time are those of the current script,
+together with the names of any scripts which it `includes' (see library
+directives) plus the names of the _s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d _e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t, which is always
+in scope. The current script may be an empty or non-existent file if
+you have not yet put any definitions in it. In this case just the names
+of the standard environment will be in scope.
+The prompt `Miranda' indicates that you are talking to the Miranda
+interpreter. This activity is called a Miranda ``session''. Each
+command should be typed on a single line, following the prompt, and is
+entered by hitting return. Any command not beginning with one of the
+special characters `/', `?', or `!' is assumed to be an expression to be
+evaluated. The following commands are available during a session.
+ Any Miranda expression typed on a line by itself is evaluated, and the
+value is printed on the screen. If the value is of type [char] it is
+printed literally, otherwise the special function `_s_h_o_w' is applied to
+it to convert it to printable form. Example
+ Miranda sum[1..100]
+ 5050 (response)
+There is a special symbol $$ which is always set to the last expression
+evaluated. So after the above command $$ will have the value 5050, and
+this can be used in the next expression - e.g. `$$/2' will produce the
+response 2525 (and the value of `$$' is now 2525).
+exp &> pathname
+ A background process is set up to evaluate exp, and the resulting
+output (including error messages, if any) sent to the designated file.
+exp &>> pathname
+ As above, except that the output is appended to the designated file,
+instead of replacing its previous contents.
+exp ::
+ Print the type of the expression (instead of the value). Useful for
+investigating the type structure of a script.
+ Lists all identifiers currently in scope, grouped by file of origin,
+starting with the standard environment.
+ Gives more information about any identifier defined in the current
+environment (namely its type and the name of the file in which it is
+defined). This command will also accept a list of identifiers,
+separated by spaces.
+ Opens the relevant source file at the definition of identifier, which
+may be any currently in scope. Try for example ??map
+ For this and several other features to work Miranda must be configured
+to use an appropriate editor - the default is vi, but you can change
+this. See section 31 subheading 5 of this manual ("How to change the
+default editor").
+ Execute any UNIX shell command.
+ Repeat last shell command.
+Note that the character `%' can be used in any Miranda session command,
+including a `!' command, as an abbreviation for the pathname of the
+current script. So for example
+ !wc %
+does a word count on the current script. (If for some reason you need
+to include a literal % character in a command, you can escape it with a
+preceding backslash.)
+All the remaining commands begin with `/'. Each of the following
+commands can be abbreviated to its first letter.
+/edit (also /e)
+ Edit the current script. Calls up the currently installed editor
+(default _v_i, to change this see remark under ?? above). On quitting the
+editor, if changes have been made to any relevant source file, the
+Miranda system automatically recompiles the current script and any other
+scripts on which it depends and which have been updated.
+/edit pathname (also /e pathname)
+ Edit arbitrary script. Note that the pathname should end in `.m' and
+that this will be added if missing.
+Note by the way that (on most UNIX-like systems) Miranda understands the
+commonly used `~' convention in pathnames. That is ~/file means file in
+your home directory, and ~jack/file means file in jack's home directory.
+/file (also /f)
+ Print the name of file containing the current script.
+/file pathname (also /f pathname)
+ Change to new current script. Equivalent to quitting the Miranda
+system and reinvoking it with a new sourcefile. Like /e, /f adds ".m"
+to the end of the filename if missing.
+Important special case - reselecting the current script, eg by saying
+ /f %
+forces the current script to be RECOMPILED - this is useful if script
+has errors and you wish to see the error messages again.
+/help (also /h)
+ Display summary of main available commands. There are a few less used
+auxiliary commands, not covered here /aux (or /a) will summarise these.
+/man (also /m)
+ Enter online manual system.
+/quit (also /q)
+ Quit the Miranda system. Typing the end of file character (control-D)
+also has this effect.
+Finally note that $- and $+ are allowed as notations for the standard
+input in Miranda expressions. The standard input as a list of
+characters is denoted by `$-'. As a simple example, evaluating the
+ reverse $-
+causes everything typed at the keyboard upto the next control-D to be
+echoed backwards.
+The notation `$+' also denotes the standard input, but as a sequence of
+Miranda expressions (one per line), and returns their values as a list.
+For example
+ sum $+
+reads a sequence of numeric expressions from the standard input, and
+returns the sum of their values. See the manual section on reading with
+interpretation (under UNIX/Miranda system interface) for further
diff --git a/miralib/manual/5 b/miralib/manual/5
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..a8d227c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/5
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../helpfile \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 120000
index 0000000..0ce89f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/6
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../auxfile \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd9e102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/7
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+In Miranda an expression denotes a value. Expressions occur in two
+contexts, but have the same(*) syntax in both situations. First, the
+basic mode of operation of the Miranda command interpreter is that it
+evaluates expressions typed at the terminal (these are called
+`command-level expressions'). Second, expressions are an important
+syntactic component of _s_c_r_i_p_t_s (because scripts are collections of
+definitions, and the right hand sides of definitions are composed of
+Expressions typed at the terminal are volatile - only by being made part
+of a script can an expression be saved for future use.
+An expression is either simple, or a function application, or an
+operator expression, or an operator.
+_A_ _s_i_m_p_l_e_ _e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_ _i_s_ _o_n_e_ _o_f_ _t_h_e_ _f_o_l_l_o_w_i_n_g:
+Identifier: (see separate manual entry) these are of two kinds based on
+the case of the initial letter
+ - variable e.g. `x' or `map'
+ - constructor e.g. `X' or `True'
+Literal, e.g. 136 or "fruit" (see separate manual entry)
+An operator section (see separate manual entry)
+The keyword `_s_h_o_w' or `_r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s' (see separate manual entries)
+A list, such as `[1,5,7,9]' or a `dotdot' list or a list comprehension
+(see manual entry on iterative expressions).
+A tuple, such as `(True,"green",37)'. Tuples differ from lists in that
+they can have components of mixed type. They are always enclosed in
+round parentheses. The empty tuple, which has no components, is written
+`()'. Otherwise, a tuple must have at least two components - there is
+no concept of a one-tuple. Tuples cannot be subscripted, but their
+components can be extracted by pattern matching. Since there is no
+concept of a one-tuple, the use of parentheses for grouping does not
+conflict with their use for tuple formation.
+Any expression enclosed in parentheses is a simple expression.
+_F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n_ _a_p_p_l_i_c_a_t_i_o_n
+ is denoted by juxtaposition, and is left associative, so e.g.
+ f a b
+denotes a curried function application of two arguments. (So f is
+really a function of one argument whose result is another function -
+thus `f a b' is actually parsed as `(f a) b' - the advantage of this
+arrangement is that `f a' has a meaning in its own right, it is a
+partially applied version of f.)
+_O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_ _e_x_p_r_e_s_s_i_o_n_s
+ e.g. `5*x-17'
+There are a variety of infix and prefix operators, of various binding
+powers (see manual entry on operators). Note that function application
+is more binding than any operator.
+An operator on its own can be used as the name of the corresponding
+function, as shown in the following examples
+ arith2_ops = [+,-,*,/,div,mod,^]
+ sum = foldr (+) 0
+both of which are legal definitions. Note that when an operator is
+passed as a parameter it needs to be parenthesised, to force the correct
+parse. An ambiguity arises in the case of `-' which has two meanings as
+an operator (infix and prefix) - the convention is that `-' occurring
+alone always refers to the infix (i.e. dyadic) case. The name `neg' is
+provided for the unary minus function, as part of the standard
+A formal syntax for expressions can be found in the manual section
+called `Formal syntax of Miranda scripts'.
+(*) _N_o_t_e There is one exception to the rule that command level
+expressions have the same syntax as expressions inside scripts - the
+notation `$$', meaning the last expression evaluated, is allowed only in
+command level expressions.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/8 b/miralib/manual/8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8909b5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/8
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+_O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s_ _a_n_d_ _t_h_e_i_r_ _b_i_n_d_i_n_g_ _p_o_w_e_r_s
+Here is a list of all prefix and infix operators, in order of increasing
+binding power. Operators given on the same line are of the same binding
+power. Prefix operators are identified as such in the comments - all
+others are infix.
+ operator comments
+ : ++ -- right associative
+ \/ associative
+ & associative
+ ~ prefix
+ > >= = ~= <= < continued relations allowed, eg 0<x<=10
+ + - left associative
+ - prefix
+ * / _d_i_v _m_o_d left associative
+ ^ right associative
+ . associative
+ # prefix
+ ! left associative
+ $identifier $IDENTIFIER right associative
+Brief explanation of each operator:
+: prefix an element to a list, type *->[*]->[*]
+++ -- list concatenation, list subtraction, both of type [*]->[*]->[*]
+ A formal definition of list subtraction is given below.
+\/ & logical `or', `and', both of type bool->bool->bool
+~ logical negation, type bool->bool
+> >= = ~= <= <
+ comparison operators, all of type *->*->bool
+ Note that there is an ordering defined on every (non-function)
+ type. In the case of numbers, characters and strings the order
+ is as you would expect, on other types it as an arbitrary but
+ reproducible ordering. Equality on structured data is a test
+ for isomorphism. (i.e. in LISP terms it is "EQUAL" not "EQ").
+ It is an error to test functions for equality or order.
++ - plus, minus, type num->num->num
+- unary minus, type num->num
+ Note that in Miranda unary minus binds less tightly than
+ the multiplication and division operators. This is the
+ usual algebraic convention, but is different from PASCAL.
+* / _d_i_v _m_o_d
+ times, divide, integer divide, integer remainder,
+ all of type num->num->num
+ `/' can be applied to integers or fractional numbers, and
+ always gives a fractional result, so eg 6/2 is 3.0
+ _d_i_v and _m_o_d can only be applied to integers and
+ give integer results, eg 7 div 2 is 3, 7 mod 2 is 1.
+ _d_i_v and _m_o_d obey the following laws, for a b any integers
+ with b ~= 0
+ (i) b * (a _d_i_v b) + a _m_o_d b = a
+ (ii) if b>0 then 0 <= a _m_o_d b < b
+ if b<0 then b < a _m_o_d b <= 0
+^ `to the power of', type num->num->num
+. function composition, type (**->***)->(*->**)->*->***
+# length of list, type [*]->num
+! list subscripting, type [*]->num->*
+ note that the first element of a non-empty list x is x!0 and the
+ last element is x!(#x-1)
+$identifier $IDENTIFIER
+ do-it-yourself infix, `a $f b' is equivalent in all contexts to
+ `f a b'. Also works for constructors of two or more arguments.
+_N_o_t_e_ _o_n_ _l_i_s_t_ _s_u_b_t_r_a_c_t_i_o_n
+ Here is a formal definition of the `--' operator in Miranda. It is
+defined using an auxiliary function `remove' which removes the first
+occurrence (if any) of a given item from a list.
+ x -- [] = x
+ x -- (b:y) = (remove b x) -- y
+ remove b [] = []
+ remove b (a:x) = x, if a=b
+ = a:remove b x, otherwise
diff --git a/miralib/manual/9 b/miralib/manual/9
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d7599a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/9
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+An infix operator can be partially applied, by supplying it with only
+one of its operands, the result being a function of one argument. Such
+expressions are always parenthesised, to avoid ambiguity, and are called
+`sections'. Two different kinds of sections (called presections and
+postsections) are possible since either the first or the second operand
+can be supplied.
+An example of a presection is
+ (1/)
+which denotes the reciprocal function. An example of a postsection is
+ (/3)
+which gives a concise notation for the `divide by three' function. Note
+that both of these examples are functions of type (num->num). With one
+exception (see below) sections can be formed using any infix operator.
+Further examples are (0:) which is a function for prefixing lists of
+numbers with zero, and (^2) which is the square function.
+Sections may be regarded as the analogue of currying for infix
+operators. They are a minor syntactic convenience, and do not really
+add any power to the language, since any function denoted in this way
+could have been introduced by explicit definition. For the first two
+examples given above we could have written, say
+ reciprocal y = 1/y
+ divide_by_three x = x/3
+and then used the function names, although this would have been somewhat
+more verbose.
+To summarise the conventions for infixes, taking infix division as an
+example, note that the following expressions are all equivalent.
+ a / b
+ (/) a b
+ (a /) b
+ (/ b) a
+The usual rules about operator precedence (see manual section on
+operators) apply to sections. For example we can write (a*b+) but not
+(a+b*), because `*' is more binding than `+'. The latter example should
+have been written ((a+b)*). As always when writing complicated
+expressions, if there is any possibility of ambiguity it is better to
+put in extra parentheses.
+_S_p_e_c_i_a_l_ _c_a_s_e
+ It is not possible to form a postsection in infix minus, because of a
+conflict of meaning with unary minus. For example:
+ (-b)
+is a parenthesised occurrence of negative b, not a section. As a way
+round this there is a function `subtract' in the standard environment
+with the definition:- subtract x y = y - x. This is a normal curried
+function, so we can write (subtract b) to get the function that
+subtracts b from things.
+Presections in infix minus, such as (a-), cause no ambiguity. There are
+no problems with infix plus because Miranda does not have a unary plus
+ The idea of sections is due to Richard Bird (of Oxford University
+Programming Research Group) and David Wile (of USC Information Sciences
diff --git a/miralib/manual/99 b/miralib/manual/99
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a8feb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/99
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+echo a listing of the manual is being put in the file
+echo "" in your home directory ...
+./printman > $HOME/
diff --git a/miralib/manual/contents b/miralib/manual/contents
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42cbf25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/contents
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+_M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _S_y_s_t_e_m_ _M_a_n_u_a_l _ _C_o_p_y_r_i_g_h_t_ _R_e_s_e_a_r_c_h_ _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e_ _L_i_m_i_t_e_d_ _1_9_8_5_-_2_0_2_0
+ 1. How to use the manual system 20. Algebraic types
+ 2. About the name "Miranda" 21. Abstract types
+ 3. About this release 22. Empty types
+ 4. The Miranda command interpreter 23. The special function _s_h_o_w
+ 5. Brief summary of main commands 24. Formal syntax of Miranda scripts
+ 6. List of remaining commands 25. Comments on syntax
+ 7. Expressions 26. Miranda lexical syntax
+ 8. Operators 27. The library mechanism
+ 9. Operator sections 28. The standard environment
+10. Identifiers 29. Literate scripts
+11. Literals 30. Some hints on Miranda style
+12. Tokenisation and layout 31. UNIX/Miranda system interface
+13. Iterative expressions 32. -->> CHANGES <<--
+14. Scripts, overview 33. Copying
+15. Definitions 34. Bug reports
+16. Pattern matching
+17. Compiler directives
+18. Basic type structure 99. Create a printout of the manual
+19. Type synonyms 100. An Overview of Miranda (paper)
diff --git a/miralib/manual/howtoprint b/miralib/manual/howtoprint
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e540c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/howtoprint
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+To get a hard copy, say the following
+ lpr
+or similar, as a UNIX command, from your home directory.
diff --git a/miralib/manual/permission b/miralib/manual/permission
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..271052b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/permission
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+| The Miranda System Manual is Copyright (c) Research Software |
+| Limited, 1985-2019. It may be freely reproduced, with or without |
+| changes, for use with the Miranda System but commercial publication |
+| rights are reserved to the Copyright holder. |
diff --git a/miralib/manual/printman b/miralib/manual/printman
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6786e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/manual/printman
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+if test -f contents
+then cat contents
+else echo printman: no contents; exit
+if test -f ../.version
+then read VERSION < ../.version
+else VERSION=??
+echo "printout of online manual pages for version $VERSION"
+cat .epoch
+cat permission
+for i in ? ??
+do test "$i" = "99" && exit
+ echo ::::::::::::::::::::::
+ echo $i
+ echo ::::::::::::::::::::::
+ if test -d $i
+ then if test -f $i/contents
+ then cat $i/contents
+ else echo $i: no contents; break
+ fi
+ for j in $i/?
+ do echo ::::::::::::::::::::::
+ if test -d $j
+ then echo $j omitted #don't go into 3rd level
+ echo ::::::::::::::::::::::
+ else echo $j
+ echo ::::::::::::::::::::::
+ cat $j
+ fi
+ done
+ else cat $i
+ fi
+echo ::::::::::::::::::::::
+echo ::::::::::::::::::::::
+cat 100
diff --git a/miralib/menudriver.csh b/miralib/menudriver.csh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2aa89e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/menudriver.csh
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#!/bin/csh -f
+# menu driver - Copyright Research Software Ltd 1985, 2006
+# this version modified to ignore execute permissions of files
+# see below for explanation of these variables, which we
+# set to defaults if not present in the user's environment
+if(! $?VIEWER) then
+# choose one of these by removing the '#' in column one
+# set VIEWER = 'more -d' RETURNTOMENU = NO
+set sansnl n invalid last oldlasts noglob
+set histchars = '@^' #neutralize '!'
+if("`echo -n`" == '') then #use flag -n to suppress newline, if working
+set sansnl = '-n'
+if("$1" != '') cd "$1"
+set top = "`pwd`"
+while( -f contents )
+ if("$n" == '') then
+ clear
+ if("$invalid" != '') echo invalid option "$invalid"
+ set invalid = ''
+ $MENUVIEWER contents;
+ echo $sansnl ::please type selection number \(or q to quit\):
+ set line = "$<"
+ set n = `expr " $line" : ' *\([^ ]*\)'`
+ endif
+ if("$n" == '.' && "$last" != '') then
+ set n = $last;
+ else if("$n" == '+' && "$last" != '' && "$last" != '.') then
+ set n = `expr $last + 1`
+ else if("$n" == '-' && "$last" != '' && "$last" != '.') then
+ set n = `expr $last - 1`
+ endif
+ if("$n" != '') then
+ if(-d "$n") then
+ if(-f "$n/contents") then
+ cd "$n"; set oldlasts = "$n,$oldlasts" last = "."
+ else set invalid = "$n"
+ endif
+ set n = ''
+ else if(-f "$n") then
+ if("$n" == '99') then #special case, 99 is an executable
+ clear; "./$n"
+ else clear;
+ $VIEWER "$n"
+ if("$RETURNTOMENU" == 'YES') then
+ set last = $n n = ''
+ continue #next iteration of while-loop
+ endif
+ endif
+ echo $sansnl ::next selection \(return to go back to menu, q to quit\):
+ set last = $n line = "$<"
+ set n = `expr " $line" : ' *\([^ ]*\)'`
+ else if("$n" == 'q' || "$n" == '/q') then
+ exit
+ else if("$n" == '???') then # ??? interrogates display settings
+ echo these can be changed by setting environment variables \
+of the same names
+ set n = ''
+ echo $sansnl '[Hit return to continue]'
+ set lose = "$<"
+ else if( "$n" =~ !* ) then
+ set line = `expr "$line" : ' *\(.*\)'`
+ set line = `expr "$line" : '\(.*[^ ]\) *'`
+ if( ".$line" == '.!!' || ".$line" == '.!' ) then
+ if(! $?lastbang) then
+ set invalid = "$n" n = ''; continue
+ else echo !"$lastbang"
+ endif
+ else set lastbang = `expr "$line" : '!\(.*\)'`
+ endif
+ $lastbang
+ echo $sansnl '[Hit return to continue]'
+ set n = ''
+ set lose = "$<"
+ else set invalid = "$n" n = ''
+ endif
+ else if("$oldlasts" == '') exit #we are at the root of the tree
+ cd ..
+ set last = `expr $oldlasts : '\([^,]*\)'`
+ set oldlasts = `expr $oldlasts : '[^,]*,\(.*\)'`
+ endif
+end #of while-loop
+# Explanation of variables
+# MENUVIEWER is the program used to display contents pages
+# VIEWER is the program used to display individual sections
+# RETURNTOMENU=YES prevents another prompt being given after displaying
+# each section, causing instead an immediate return to contents page. It
+# should be `YES' if VIEWER is a program that pauses for input at end of
+# file, `NO' if VIEWER is a program that quits silently at end of file.
diff --git a/miralib/ b/miralib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..81d4362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# menu driver - Copyright Research Software Ltd 1985, 2006
+# this version modified to ignore execute permissions of files
+# see below for explanation of these variables, which we
+# set to defaults if not present in the user's environment
+if test ! "$VIEWER"
+# choose one of these by removing the '#' in column one
+if test -z "`echo -n`" #use flag -n to suppress newline, if working
+then sansnl='-n'
+cd "$1"
+while test -f contents
+ if test '' = "$n"
+ then echo  #clear
+ test ."$invalid" = . || echo invalid option "$invalid"
+ invalid=""
+ $MENUVIEWER contents;
+ echo $sansnl ::please type selection number \(or q to quit\):
+ read n
+ fi
+ if test '.' = "$n" -a "$last"
+ then n=$last
+ elif test '+' = "$n" -a "$last" -a "$last" != .
+ then n=`expr $last + 1`
+ elif test '-' = "$n" -a "$last" -a "$last" != .
+ then n=`expr $last - 1`
+ fi
+ if test '' != "$n"
+ then if test -d "$n"
+ then if test -f "$n/contents"
+ then cd "$n"; oldlasts=$n:$oldlasts; last=".";
+ else invalid="$n"; fi
+ n=""
+ elif test -f "$n"
+ then if test '99' = "$n" #special case, 99 is an executable
+ then echo ; "./$n"
+ else echo  #clear
+ $VIEWER "$n"
+ if test "$RETURNTOMENU" = YES
+ then last=$n; n=""; continue #next iteration of while-loop
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo $sansnl ::next selection \(return to go back to menu, q to quit\):
+ last=$n; read n
+ elif test ."$n" = .q -o ."$n" = ./q
+ then exit
+ elif test '???' = "$n" # ??? interrogates display settings
+ echo these can be changed by setting environment variables \
+of the same names
+ n=""
+ echo $sansnl '[Hit return to continue]'
+ read lose
+ else case $n in
+ !*) if test ".$n" = '.!!' -o ".$n" = '.!'
+ then if test "$lastbang" = ''
+ then invalid="$n"; n=""; continue
+ else echo !"$lastbang"
+ fi
+ else lastbang=`expr "$n" : '!\(.*\)'`
+ fi
+ $lastbang
+ echo $sansnl '[Hit return to continue]'
+ n=""
+ read lose ;;
+ *) invalid="$n"; n="" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ else test "$oldlasts" || exit #we are at the root of the tree
+ cd ..
+ last=`expr $oldlasts : '\([^:]*\)'`
+ oldlasts=`expr $oldlasts : '[^:]*:\(.*\)'`
+ fi
+# Oct 2003 modified for Peter Bartke to overcome problem on UWIN
+# no test -x, instead all files displayed except 99 which is executed
+# May 2006 use echo $sansnl because echo -n not portable
+# Explanation of variables
+# MENUVIEWER is the program used to display contents pages
+# VIEWER is the program used to display individual sections
+# RETURNTOMENU=YES prevents another prompt being given after displaying
+# each section, causing instead an immediate return to contents page. It
+# should be `YES' if VIEWER is a program that pauses for input at end of
+# file, `NO' if VIEWER is a program that quits silently at end of file.
diff --git a/miralib/prelude b/miralib/prelude
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9fe7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/prelude
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+||names defined in this file are not in scope for users - they are part
+||of the internal mechanisms of the Miranda system.
+||the following three identifiers are "untypeable" and defined internally
+||changetype::*->** ||primitive function, semantically equivalent to id
+||first::*->** ||gets first element of a tuple
+||rest::*->** ||gets rest of a tuple (i.e. without first component)
+||offside::[char] ||defined internally and used by indent, see below
+ diagonalise :: [[*]]->[*] ||used by [//] comprehensions
+ diagonalise x = diag 1 x ||when nested does "cantorian" diagonalisation
+ diag n [] = []
+ diag n x = map hd px++diag (#px+1)rest, otherwise
+ where
+ px = filter (~=[]) (take n x)
+ rest = map tl px ++ drop n x
+ listdiff::[*]->[*]->[*] ||listdiff defines the action of "--"
+ listdiff x [] = x
+ listdiff x (b:y) = listdiff (remove b x) y
+ remove b [] = []
+ remove b (a:x) = x, if a=b
+ = a:remove b x, otherwise
+ showbool::bool->[char]
+ showbool True = "True"
+ showbool False = "False"
+||shownum defined internally
+ base r x = "0", if x=0 ||base is used by charname
+ = f x, otherwise
+ where
+ f 0 = []
+ f n = f(n div r) ++ [mkdigit(n mod r)]
+ mkdigit n = decode(n + code '0'), if n<10
+ = decode(n - 10 + code 'a'), if 10<=n<36
+ showchar::char->[char]
+ showchar x = "'" ++ charname x ++ "'"
+||note - charname has the right conventions for showchar
+||i.e. ' is escaped and " is not escaped - showstring inverts this
+ charname '\\' = "\\\\"
+ charname '\'' = "\\\'"
+ charname x = [x], if 32 <= code x < 127 \/ 160 <= code x < 256
+ charname '\a' = "\\a"
+ charname '\b' = "\\b"
+ charname '\f' = "\\f"
+ charname '\n' = "\\n"
+ charname '\r' = "\\r"
+ charname '\t' = "\\t"
+ charname '\v' = "\\v"
+ charname x = "\\" ++ pad 3 (base 10 n), if n<1000 ||H=this case only & no pad
+ = "\\x" ++ pad 4 (base 16 n), if n<=0xffff
+ = "\\X" ++ pad 6 (base 16 n), otherwise
+ where
+ n = code x
+ pad w s = rep(w-#s)'0'++s
+ rep n x = [], if n<=0
+ = x:rep (n-1) x, otherwise
+ showlist::(*->[char])->[*]->[char]
+ showlist f x = '[':rest
+ where
+ rest = "]", if x=[]
+ = f(hd x)++foldr g "]" (tl x), otherwise
+ g a s = ',':f a++s
+ showstring::[char]->[char]
+ showstring x = '"' : showstr x
+ showstr [] = "\""
+ showstr ('"':x) = "\\\"" ++ showstr x
+ showstr (a:x) = s ++ showstr x ||for Haskell style padding use s1 here
+ where ||see also line marked H above
+ s = charname a
+|| s1 = s ++ "\\&", if clash s x
+|| = s, otherwise
+|| clash ('\\':c:cs) (d:ds) = digit c & digit d
+|| clash s x = False
+ digit c = '0' <= c <= '9'
+ shownum1::num->[char]
+ shownum1 n = "("++shownum n++")", if n<0
+ = shownum n, otherwise
+ showparen::(*->[char])->*->[char]
+ showparen f x = "("++f x++")"
+ showpair::(*->[char])->(**->[char])->***->[char]
+ showpair f1 f2 tup = f1(first tup)++","++f2(rest tup)
+ showvoid::()->[char]
+ showvoid () = "()"
+ showfunction::(*->**)->[char]
+ showfunction x = "<function>"
+ showabstract::*->[char]
+ showabstract x = "<abstract ob>"
+ showwhat::*->[char]
+ showwhat x = error "undeclared show-function", if x=x
+||the following function is used to implement the offside rule (under %bnf)
+ indent :: *->**->** || * is type of `col' function, ** is parser
+ outdent :: *->* || * is a parser
+ indent = changetype indent1
+ outdent = changetype outdent1
+ indent1 col f ((a,s):x)
+ = f ((a,s):cutoff col (col s) x), if a~=offside
+ indent1 col f x = f x
+ cutoff col n = g
+ where
+ g ((a,s):x) = (a,s):g x, if col s>=n
+ = (offside,s):(a,s):x, otherwise
+ g [] = []
+ outdent1 f = reconstruct.f
+ reconstruct (m:x) = m:g x
+ where
+ g ((a,s):x) = x, if a=offside
+ g (t:x) = t:g x
+ g [] = []
+ reconstruct fail = fail ||internal repn of failure is a non-CONS object
+||offside is defined internally and differs from every string
diff --git a/miralib/stdenv.m b/miralib/stdenv.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c53ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/stdenv.m
@@ -0,0 +1,761 @@
+> ||The Miranda Standard Environment (C) Research Software Limited 1989
+We give here, in alphabetical order, a brief explanation of all the
+identifiers in the Miranda standard environment, each followed by its
+definition (except in a few cases where the definition cannot
+conveniently be given in Miranda). The lines marked with a `>' in
+column one are formal program text, the other lines in the file are
+comment. Note that a number of the functions given here are defined
+internally (for speed) even though their definitions could have been
+given in Miranda - in these cases the Miranda definition is given as a
+comment. This is the standard environment of Miranda release two.
+Added October 2019 - showhex, showoct - see below.
+`abs' takes the absolute value of a number - e.g. abs (-3) is 3, abs 3.5
+is 3.5
+> abs :: num->num
+> abs x = -x, if x<0
+> = x, otherwise
+`and' applied to a list of truthvalues, takes their logical conjunction.
+> and :: [bool]->bool
+> and = foldr (&) True
+`arctan' is the trigonometric function, inverse tangent. It returns a
+result in the range -pi/2 to pi/2. See also `sin', `cos'.
+> arctan :: num->num ||defined internally
+`bool' is the type comprising the two truthvalues.
+ bool ::= False | True ||primitive to Miranda
+`char' is the type comprising the Latin-1 character set (e.g. 'a',
+ char :: type ||primitive to Miranda
+`cjustify' applied to a number and a string, centre justifies the string
+in a field of the specified width. See also `ljustify', `rjustify',
+> cjustify :: num->[char]->[char]
+> cjustify n s = spaces lmargin++s++spaces rmargin
+> where
+> margin = n - # s
+> lmargin = margin div 2
+> rmargin = margin - lmargin
+`code' applied to a character returns its code number. Example
+ code 'a' = 97.
+See also `decode'.
+> code :: char->num ||defined internally
+`concat' applied to a list of lists, joins them all together into a
+single list with `++'. E.g.
+ concat [[1,2],[],[3,4]] = [1,2,3,4].
+> concat :: [[*]]->[*]
+> concat = foldr (++) []
+`const' is a combinator for creating constant-valued functions. E.g.
+(const 3) is the function that always returns 3.
+> const :: *->**->*
+> const x y = x
+`converse' is a combinator for inverting the order of arguments of a
+two-argument function.
+> converse :: (*->**->***)->**->*->***
+> converse f a b = f b a
+`cos' is the trigonometric cosine function, argument in radians.
+> cos :: num->num ||defined internally
+`decode' applied to an integer returns the character with that code.
+> decode :: num->char ||defined internally
+`digit' is a predicate on characters. True if the character is a digit.
+See also `letter'.
+> digit :: char->bool
+> digit x = '0'<=x<='9'
+`drop' applied to a number and a list returns the list with that many
+elements removed from the front. If the list has less than the required
+number of elements, `drop' returns []. Example
+ drop 2 [1,2,3,4] = [3,4]
+See also `take'.
+> drop :: num->[*]->[*] ||defined internally, as below
+ drop (n+1) (a:x) = drop n x
+ drop n x = x, if integer n
+ = error "drop applied to fractional number", otherwise
+`dropwhile' applied to a predicate and a list, removes elements from the
+front of the list while the predicate is satisfied. Example:
+ dropwhile digit "123gone" = "gone"
+See also `takewhile'.
+> dropwhile :: (*->bool)->[*]->[*]
+> dropwhile f [] = []
+> dropwhile f (a:x) = dropwhile f x, if f a
+> = a:x, otherwise
+`e' is a transcendental number, the base of natural logarithms.
+> e :: num
+> e = exp 1
+`entier' when applied to a number returns its integer part, meaning the
+largest integer not exceeding it. E.g.
+ entier 1.0 = 1
+ entier 3.5 = 3
+ entier (-3.5) = -4.
+Notice that for Miranda the number `1' and the number `1.0' are
+different values - for example they yield different results under the
+`integer' test. However `1=1.0' is True, because of the automatic
+conversion from integer to float.
+> entier :: num->num ||defined internally
+A useful fact about `entier', which relates it to the operators div and
+mod, is that the following law holds for any integers a, b with b~=0 and
+a/b within the range for which integers can be represented exactly as
+fractional numbers
+ a div b = entier (a/b)
+`error' applied to a string creates an error value with the associated
+message. Error values are all equivalent to the undefined value - any
+attempt to access the value causes the program to terminate and print
+the string as a diagnostic.
+> error :: [char]->* ||defined internally
+`exp' is the exponential function on real numbers. See also `log'.
+> exp :: num->num ||defined internally
+`filemode' applied to a string representing the pathname of a UNIX file,
+returns a string of length four giving the access permissions of the
+current process to the file. The permissions are encoded as (in this
+order) "drwx", any permission not granted is replaced by a '-'
+character. If there is no file at pathname p, filemode p returns the
+empty string. Example
+ member (filemode f) 'w'
+tests f for write permission. See also `getenv', `read', `system'.
+> filemode :: [char]->[char] ||defined internally
+`filestat' applied to a UNIX pathname returns three integers
+((inode,device),mtime), where mtime is the time-last-modified of the
+file, in seconds since 00.00h on 1 Jan 1970. The pair (inode,device)
+identifies a file uniquely, regardless of the pathname used to reach it.
+A non-existent file has inode & device (0,-1) and mtime 0.
+> filestat :: [char]->((num,num),num) ||defined internally
+`filter' applied to a predicate and a list, returns a list containing
+only those elements that satisfy the predicate. Example
+ filter (>5) [3,7,2,8,1,17] = [7,8,17]
+> filter :: (*->bool)->[*]->[*]
+> filter f x = [a | a<-x; f a]
+`foldl' folds up a list, using a given binary operator and a given start
+value, in a left associative way. Example:
+ foldl op r [a,b,c] = (((r $op a) $op b) $op c)
+But note that in order to run in constant space, foldl forces `op' to
+evaluate its first parameter. See the definitions of `product',
+`reverse', `sum' for examples of its use. See also `foldr'.
+> foldl :: (*->**->*)->*->[**]->* ||defined internally, as below
+ foldl op r [] = r
+ foldl op r (a:x) = strict (foldl op) (op r a) x
+ where
+ strict f x = seq x (f x)
+WARNING - this definition of foldl differs from that in older versions
+of Miranda. The one here is the same as that in Bird and Wadler (1988).
+The old definition had the two args of `op' reversed. That is:-
+ old_foldl op r = new_foldl (converse op) r
+the function `converse' has been added to the standard environment.
+`foldl1' folds left over non-empty lists. See the definitions of `max',
+`min' for examples of its use.
+> foldl1 :: (*->*->*)->[*]->* ||defined internally, as below
+ foldl1 op (a:x) = foldl op a x
+ foldl1 op [] = error "foldl1 applied to []"
+`foldr' folds up a list, using a given binary operator and a given start
+value, in a right associative way. Example:
+ foldr op r [a,b,c] = a $op (b $op (c $op r))
+See the definitions of `and', `concat', `or', for examples of its use.
+> foldr :: (*->**->**)->**->[*]->** ||defined internally, as below
+ foldr op r [] = r
+ foldr op r (a:x) = op a (foldr op r x)
+`foldr1' folds right over non-empty lists.
+> foldr1 :: (*->*->*)->[*]->*
+> foldr1 op [a] = a
+> foldr1 op (a:b:x) = op a (foldr1 op (b:x))
+> foldr1 op [] = error "foldr1 applied to []"
+`force' applied to any data structure, returns it, but forces a check
+that every part of the structure is defined. Example
+ hd(force x)
+returns the hd of x, but fully evaluates x first (so x must be finite).
+See also `seq'. Notice in particular the idiom `seq (force a) b' which
+returns `b' but only after fully evaluating `a'.
+> force :: *->* ||defined internally
+`fst' returns the first component of a pair. See also `snd'.
+> fst :: (*,**)->*
+> fst (a,b) = a
+`getenv' looks up a string in the user's UNIX environment. Example
+ getenv "HOME"
+returns the pathname of your home directory. [If you want to see what
+else is in your UNIX environment, say `printenv' as a UNIX command.]
+> getenv :: [char]->[char] ||defined internally
+`hd' applied to a non empty list, returns its first element. It is an
+error to apply `hd' to the empty list, []. See also `tl'.
+> hd :: [*]->*
+> hd (a:x) = a
+> hd [] = error "hd []"
+`hugenum' is the largest fractional number that can exist in this
+implementation (should be around 1e308 for IEEE standard 64 bit floating
+point). See also `tinynum'.
+> hugenum :: num ||defined internally
+`id' is the identity function - applied to any object it returns it.
+> id :: *->*
+> id x = x
+`index' applied to a (finite or infinite) list, returns a list of its
+legal subscript values, in ascending order. E.g. index "hippopotamus"
+is [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11].
+> index :: [*]->[num]
+> index x = f 0 x
+> where
+> f n [] = []
+> f n (a:x) = n:f(n+1)x
+`init' is dual to `tl', it returns a list without its last component.
+ init [1,2,3,4] = [1,2,3].
+See also `last'. [Note, by the `dual' of a list processing function we
+mean the function which does the same job in a world where all lists
+have been reversed.]
+> init :: [*]->[*]
+> init (a:x) = [], if x=[]
+> = a:init x, otherwise
+> init [] = error "init []"
+`integer' is a predicate on numbers. True if and only if the number is
+not fractional.
+> integer :: num->bool ||defined internally
+`iterate' - iterate f x returns the infinite list [x, f x, f(f x), ... ]
+Example: iterate (2*) 1 yields a list of the powers of 2.
+> iterate :: (*->*)->*->[*]
+> iterate f x = [y | y<-x, f y ..]
+Note use of ", .." to generate an arbitrary sequence (see manual section
+`last' applied to a non empty list returns its last element. This
+function is the dual of `hd'. Note that for any non-empty list x
+ (init x ++ [last x]) = x
+> last :: [*]->* ||defined internally, as below
+ last x = x!(#x-1)
+`lay' applied to a list of strings, joins them together after appending
+a newline character to each string. Example
+ lay ["hello","world"] = "hello\nworld\n"
+Used to format output thus,
+ lay(map show x)
+as a top level expression, causes the elements of the list x to be
+printed one per line. See also `layn', `lines'.
+> lay :: [[char]]->[char]
+> lay [] = []
+> lay (a:x) = a++"\n"++lay x
+`layn' is similar to `lay', but produces output with numbered lines.
+> layn :: [[char]]->[char]
+> layn x = f 1 x
+> where
+> f n [] = []
+> f n (a:x) = rjustify 4 (show n) ++") "++a++"\n"++f (n+1) x
+'letter' is a predicate on characters. True if the character is a
+> letter :: char->bool
+> letter c = 'a'<=c<='z' \/ 'A'<=c<='Z'
+`limit' applied to a list of values, returns the first value which is
+the same as its successor. Useful in testing for convergence. For
+example the following Miranda expression computes the square root of 2
+by the Newton-Raphson method
+ limit [x | x<-2, 0.5*(x + 2/x).. ]
+> limit :: [*]->*
+> limit (a:b:x) = a, if a=b
+> = limit (b:x), otherwise
+> limit other = error "incorrect use of limit"
+`lines' applied to a list of characters containing newlines, returns a
+list of lists, by breaking the original into lines. The newline
+characters are removed from the result. Example, `lines' applied to
+ "hello world\nit's me,\neric\n"
+returns ["hello world","it's me","eric"]. Note that `lines' treats
+newline as a terminator, not a separator (although it will tolerate a
+missing '\n' on the last line).
+> lines :: [char]->[[char]]
+> lines [] = []
+> lines (a:x) = []:lines x, if a='\n'
+> = (a:x1):xrest, otherwise
+> where
+> (x1:xrest) = lines x, if x~=[]
+> = []:[], otherwise
+> ||this handles missing '\n' on last line
+Note that the inverse of `lines' is the function `lay', in that applying
+`lay' to the output of `lines' will restore the original string (except
+that a final newline will be added, if missing in the original string).
+`ljustify' applied to a number and a string, left justifies the string
+in a field of the specified width.
+> ljustify :: num->[char]->[char]
+> ljustify n s = s++spaces(n - # s)
+`log' applied to a number returns its natural logarithm (i.e. logarithm
+to the base `e'). It is the inverse of the exponential function, `exp'.
+See also log10. Note that the log functions use a different algorithm
+when applied to integer arguments (rather than just converting to float
+first) so it is possible to take log, or log10, of very large integers.
+> log :: num->num ||defined internally
+`log10' applied to a number returns its logarithm to the base 10.
+> log10 :: num->num ||defined internally
+`map' applied to a function and a list returns a copy of the list in
+which the given function has been applied to every element.
+> map :: (*->**)->[*]->[**]
+> map f x = [f a | a<-x]
+`map2' is similar to `map', but takes a function of two arguments, and
+maps it along two argument lists. We could also define `map3', `map4'
+etc., but they are much less often needed.
+> map2 :: (*->**->***)->[*]->[**]->[***]
+> map2 f x y = [f a b | (a,b)<-zip2 x y]
+Note: the Bird and Wadler function `zipwith' is just an uncurried
+version of `map2', that is `zipwith f (x,y)' means `map2 f x y'.
+`max' applied to a list returns the largest element under the built in
+ordering of `>'. Examples
+ max [1,2,12,-6,5] = 12
+ max "hippopotamus" = 'u'
+See also `min', `sort'.
+> max :: [*]->*
+> max = foldl1 max2
+`max2' applied to two values of the same type returns the larger under
+the built in ordering of '>'. See also `min2'.
+> max2 :: *->*->*
+> max2 a b = a, if a>=b
+> = b, otherwise
+`member' applied to a list and a value returns True or False as the
+value is or not present in the list.
+> member :: [*]->*->bool
+> member x a = or (map (=a) x)
+`merge' applied to two sorted lists merges them to produce a single
+sorted result. Used to define `sort', see later.
+> merge :: [*]->[*]->[*] ||defined internally, as below
+ merge [] y = y
+ merge (a:x) [] = a:x
+ merge (a:x) (b:y) = a:merge x (b:y), if a<=b
+ = b:merge (a:x) y, otherwise
+`min' applied to a list returns its least member under `<'.
+> min :: [*]->*
+> min = foldl1 min2
+`min2' applied to two values of the same type returns the smaller under
+the built in ordering of '<'.
+> min2 :: *->*->*
+> min2 a b = b, if a>b
+> = a, otherwise
+`mkset' applied to a list returns a copy of the list from which any
+duplicated elements have been removed. A list without duplications can
+be used to represent a set, whence the name. Works even on infinite
+list, but (beware) takes a time quadratic in the number of elements
+> mkset :: [*]->[*]
+> mkset [] = []
+> mkset (a:x) = a:filter (~=a) (mkset x)
+`neg' is a function of one numeric argument, with the same action as the
+unary `-' operator.
+> neg :: num->num
+> neg x = -x
+`num' is the type comprising both integer and fractional numbers (such
+as 42, -12.73e8).
+ num :: type ||primitive to Miranda
+`numval' converts a numeric string to the corresponding number - accepts
+optional leading "-" followed by integer or floating point number, using
+same rules as the Miranda compiler. Strings containing inappropriate
+characters cause an error (exception - leading white space is harmless).
+> numval :: [char]->num ||defined internally
+`or' applied to a list of truthvalues, takes their logical disjunction.
+> or :: [bool]->bool
+> or = foldr (\/) False
+`pi' is the well known real number (the ratio of the circumference of a
+circle to its diameter).
+> pi :: num
+> pi = 4*arctan 1
+`postfix' takes an element and a list and adds the element to the end of
+the list. This is the dual of the prefix operator, `:'.
+> postfix :: *->[*]->[*]
+> postfix a x = x ++ [a]
+`product' applied to list of numbers returns their product. See also
+> product :: [num]->num
+> product = foldl (*) 1
+`read' returns the contents of file with a given pathname. Provides an
+interface to the UNIX filing system. If the file is empty `read'
+returns [], but if the file does not exist, or lacks read permission,
+`read' causes an error. See also `filemode', `getenv'.
+> read :: [char]->[char] ||defined internally
+`readb' reads a file as bytes - useful in a UTF-8 locale, where binary
+data may contain illegal characters if read as text. (In a non UTF-8
+locale the results of read and readb do not differ.) See manual section
+31/9 for more information.
+> readb :: [char]->[char] ||defined internally
+_r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s is a family of functions for reading a list of values from a
+file. See manual section 31/3.
+`rep' applied to a number and a value, returns a list containing the
+specified number of instances of the value. (The name is short for
+`replicate'.) Example
+ rep 6 'o' = "oooooo"
+See also `repeat'.
+> rep :: num->*->[*]
+> rep n x = take n (repeat x)
+`repeat' applied to a value returns an infinite list, all of whose
+elements are the given value.
+> repeat :: *->[*]
+> repeat x = xs
+> where xs = x:xs
+`reverse' applied to any finite list returns a list of the same elements
+in reverse order.
+> reverse :: [*]->[*]
+> reverse = foldl (converse(:)) []
+`rjustify' applied to a number and a string, right justifies the string
+in a field of the specified width.
+> rjustify :: num->[char]->[char]
+> rjustify n s = spaces(n - # s)++s
+`scan op r' applies `foldl op r' to every initial segment of a list.
+For example `scan (+) 0 x' computes running sums.
+> scan :: (*->**->*)->*->[**]->[*]
+> scan op = g
+> where
+> g r = (r:). rest
+> where
+> rest [] = []
+> rest (a:x) = g (op r a) x
+There is another way to explain `scan', which makes it clearer why it is
+useful. Let s0 be the initial state of an automaton, and
+f::state->input->state, its state transition function - then `scan f s0'
+is a function that takes a list of inputs for the automaton and returns
+the resulting list of states, starting with s0.
+`seq' applied to two values, returns the second but checks that the
+first value is not completely undefined. Sometimes needed, e.g. to
+ensure correct synchronisation in interactive programs.
+> seq :: *->**->** ||defined internally
+_s_h_o_w is a keyword denoting a family of functions for converting values
+of different types to their print representations. See manual section
+23 for more details.
+`shownum' applied to a number returns as a string a standard print
+representation for it. A special case of the operator `show'. Applied
+to fractional numbers `shownum' gives 16 significant figures (less any
+trailing zeros), using a format appropriate to the size of number. For
+more detailed control over number format see `showfloat', `showscaled'.
+> shownum :: num->[char] ||defined internally,
+`showhex', `showoct' applied to an integer return its hexadecimal or
+octal representation as a string. Note that showhex will also convert
+floating point numbers to hexdecimal format as per the C 2011 standard.
+ showhex pi => 0x1.921fb54442d18p+1
+the scale factor in p is a power of 2 (oddly, this part is in decimal).
+> showhex, showoct :: num->[char] ||defined internally
+`showfloat p x' returns as a string the number x printed in floating
+point format, that is in the form "digits.digits", where the integer
+p (>=0) gives the number of digits after the decimal point.
+> showfloat :: num->num->[char] ||defined internally,
+`showscaled p x' returns as a string the number x printed in scientific
+format, that is in the form "n.nnnnnne[+/-]nn", where the integer p
+(>=0) gives the number of digits required after the decimal point.
+> showscaled :: num->num->[char] ||defined internally,
+`sin' is the trigonometric sine function, argument in radians.
+> sin :: num->num ||defined internally
+`snd' returns the second component of a pair.
+> snd :: (*,**)->**
+> snd (a,b) = b
+`sort' applied to any finite list sorts the elements of the list into
+ascending order on the built in '<' relation. Note that you cannot sort
+a list of functions. Example
+ sort "hippopotamus" = "ahimoopppstu"
+The following definition uses merge-sort, which has n log n worst-case
+> sort :: [*]->[*]
+> sort x = x, if n<=1
+> = merge (sort(take n2 x)) (sort(drop n2 x)), otherwise
+> where
+> n = # x
+> n2 = n div 2
+`spaces' applied to a number returns a list of that many spaces.
+> spaces :: num->[char]
+> spaces n = rep n ' '
+`sqrt' is the square root function on (integer or fractional) numbers.
+The result is always fractional.
+> sqrt :: num->num ||defined internally
+`subtract' is a name for (converse) infix minus. Needed because you
+cannot form postsections in `-'. (See manual page 9 on `sections'.)
+ subtract 3
+is the function that subtracts 3.
+> subtract :: num->num->num
+> subtract x y = y - x
+`sum' applied to list of numbers returns their sum.
+> sum :: [num]->num
+> sum = foldl (+) 0
+`sys_message' is an algebraic type containing a family of constructors
+used to control output to UNIX files. See manual section 31/2 on Output
+to UNIX files. The binary versions Stdoutb etc are used to write binary
+data in a UTF-8 locale, see section 31/9 for more information.
+> sys_message ::= Stdout [char] | Stderr [char] | Tofile [char] [char] |
+> Closefile [char] | Appendfile [char] | System [char] |
+> Exit num | Stdoutb [char] | Tofileb [char] [char] |
+> Appendfileb [char]
+`system' applied to a string causes the string to be executed as a UNIX
+shell command (by `sh'). The result returned is a 3-tuple, comprising
+the standard_output, error_output, and exit_status respectively,
+resulting from the execution of the UNIX command. See manual section
+31/1 on Input from UNIX files etc for more details.
+> system :: [char]->([char],[char],num) ||defined internally
+`take' applied to a number and a list returns the specified number of
+elements from the front of the list. If the list has less than the
+required number of elements, `take' returns as many as it can get.
+ take 2 [1,2,3,4] = [1,2]
+ take 7 "girls" = "girls"
+> take :: num->[*]->[*] ||defined internally, as below
+ take (n+1) (a:x) = a:take n x
+ take n x = [], if integer n
+ = error "take applied to fractional number", otherwise
+`takewhile' applied to a predicate and a list, takes elements from the
+front of the list while the predicate is satisfied. Example:
+ takewhile digit "123gone" = "123"
+> takewhile :: (*->bool)->[*]->[*]
+> takewhile f [] = []
+> takewhile f (a:x) = a:takewhile f x, if f a
+> = [], otherwise
+`tinynum' is the smallest positive fractional number that can be
+distinguished from zero in this implementation (should be around 1e-324
+for IEEE standard 64 bit floating point).
+> tinynum :: num ||defined internally
+`tl' applied to a non empty list returns the list without its first
+element. Example, tl "snow" is "now".
+> tl :: [*]->[*]
+> tl (a:x) = x
+> tl [] = error "tl []"
+`transpose' applied to a list of lists, returns their transpose (in the
+sense of matrix transpose - rows and columns are interchanged). Example
+ transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] = [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
+The following definition is slightly more subtle than is at first sight
+necessary, in order to deal correctly with `upper triangular' matrices.
+ transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]] = [[1,4,6],[2,5],[3]]
+> transpose :: [[*]]->[[*]]
+> transpose x = [], if x'=[]
+> = map hd x':transpose(map tl x'), otherwise
+> where
+> x' = takewhile (~=[]) x
+It might be thought that this function belongs in a specialised library
+of matrix handling functions, but it has been found useful as a general
+purpose list processing function, whence its inclusion in the standard
+`undef' is a name for the completely undefined value. Any attempt
+access it results in an error message. Note that `undef' belongs to
+every type.
+> undef :: *
+> undef = error "undefined"
+`until' applied to a predicate, a function and a value, returns the
+result of applying the function to the value the smallest number of
+times necessary to satisfy the predicate. Example
+ until (>1000) (2*) 1 = 1024
+> until :: (*->bool)->(*->*)->*->*
+> until f g x = x, if f x
+> = until f g (g x), otherwise
+`zip2' applied to two lists returns a list of pairs, formed by tupling
+together corresponding elements of the given lists. Example
+ zip2 [0..3] "type" = [(0,'t'),(1,'y'),(2,'p'),(3,'e')]
+This function is often useful in list comprehensions, where it provides
+an idiom for traversing two lists in parallel. For example the
+following expression returns the scalar product of x and y (x,y::[num])
+ sum [ a*b | (a,b) <- zip2 x y ]
+> zip2 :: [*]->[**]->[(*,**)] ||defined internally, as below
+ zip2 (a:x) (b:y) = (a,b):zip2 x y
+ zip2 x y = []
+Note that if the lists being zipped are of different lengths, the length
+of the result is that of the shortest list (this holds for zip2 and all
+the following zip functions).
+The function `zip3' is analogous but takes three lists and returns a
+list of 3-tuples. Similarly for `zip4', `zip5', `zip6' - zip functions
+above zip6 are not provided in the standard environment.
+> zip3 (a:x) (b:y) (c:z) = (a,b,c):zip3 x y z
+> zip3 x y z = []
+> zip4 (a:w) (b:x) (c:y) (d:z) = (a,b,c,d):zip4 w x y z
+> zip4 w x y z = []
+> zip5 (a:v) (b:w) (c:x) (d:y) (e:z) = (a,b,c,d,e):zip5 v w x y z
+> zip5 v w x y z = []
+> zip6 (a:u)(b:v)(c:w)(d:x)(e:y)(f:z) = (a,b,c,d,e,f):zip6 u v w x y z
+> zip6 u v w x y z = []
+The following is included for compatibility with Bird and Wadler (1988).
+The normal Miranda style is to use the curried form `zip2'.
+> zip :: ([*],[**])->[(*,**)]
+> zip (x,y) = zip2 x y
+End of definitions of the standard environment