path: root/miralib/ex/edigits.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'miralib/ex/edigits.m')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/miralib/ex/edigits.m b/miralib/ex/edigits.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..216757f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/edigits.m
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+> ||note that this is a literate script
+Programming example - generating the digits of `e'
+We wish to write a program to generate the (decimal) digits of `e', as
+an infinite string. Fact - the value of `e', the base of natural
+logarithms, is given by the series
+e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ...
+where by n! we mean the factorial of n, = n*(n-1)...*2*1. Now, we can
+choose to represent fractional numbers using a peculiar base system, in
+which the weight of the i'th digit after the point is 1/i! (so note that
+the `carry factor' by which we must multiply a unit from the i'th digit
+when carrying it back to the i-1'th is i). Written to this funny base,
+`e' is just
+ 2.1111111111............
+so the string we require may be obtained by converting fractional part
+of the above numeral from the `funny base' to decimal. Thus
+> edigits = "2." ++ convert (repeat 1)
+The function `convert' takes for its argument a fraction in the funny
+base (here represented as an infinite list of numbers) and returns its
+value in decimal, as an infinite list of digits. The algorithm for
+converting a fraction from another base to decimal, is as follows: (i)
+multiply all digits by ten, and renormalise, using the appropriate carry
+factors (ii) the whole number part of the result gives the first decimal
+digit (iii) repeat the process on the fractional part of the result to
+generate the remaining digits. Thus
+> convert x = mkdigit (hd x'):convert (tl x')
+> where x' = norm 2 (0:map (10*) x)
+> mkdigit n = decode(n + code '0'), if n<10
+It remains to define the function `norm' which does renormalisation. A
+naive (and almost correct) definition is
+ norm c (d:x) = d + e' div c: e' mod c : x'
+ where
+ (e':x') = norm (c+1) x
+However, this is not a well-founded recursion, since it must search
+arbitrarily far to the right in the fraction being normalised before
+printing the first digit. If you try printing `edigits' with the above
+as your definition of norm, you will get "2." followed by a long
+We need a theorem which will limit the distance from which a carry can
+propagate. Fact: during the conversion of this fraction the maximum
+possible carry from a digit to its leftward neighbour is 9. (The proof
+of this, left as a (not very hard) exercise for the mathematically
+minded reader, is by induction on the number of times the conversion
+algorithm is applied.) This leads us to the following slightly more
+cautious definition of `norm'
+> norm c (d:e:x) = d + e div c: e' mod c : x', if e mod c + 9 < c
+> = d + e' div c : e' mod c : x', otherwise
+> where
+> (e':x') = norm (c+1) (e:x)
+Our solution is now complete. To see the results, enter mira with this
+file as the current script and say
+ edigits
+Hit control-C (interrupt) when you have seen enough digits.
+[Note: If nothing happens until you interrupt the evaluation, this may
+be because the output from Miranda to your terminal is being
+line-buffered, so the characters are not appearing on your screen as
+Miranda prints them, but being saved up until there is a whole line to
+print. Output from the computer to your terminal should not be line
+buffered when Miranda is running - ask someone how to disable the line
+buffering, if this is the case.]