path: root/miralib/stdenv.m
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1 files changed, 761 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/miralib/stdenv.m b/miralib/stdenv.m
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+> ||The Miranda Standard Environment (C) Research Software Limited 1989
+We give here, in alphabetical order, a brief explanation of all the
+identifiers in the Miranda standard environment, each followed by its
+definition (except in a few cases where the definition cannot
+conveniently be given in Miranda). The lines marked with a `>' in
+column one are formal program text, the other lines in the file are
+comment. Note that a number of the functions given here are defined
+internally (for speed) even though their definitions could have been
+given in Miranda - in these cases the Miranda definition is given as a
+comment. This is the standard environment of Miranda release two.
+Added October 2019 - showhex, showoct - see below.
+`abs' takes the absolute value of a number - e.g. abs (-3) is 3, abs 3.5
+is 3.5
+> abs :: num->num
+> abs x = -x, if x<0
+> = x, otherwise
+`and' applied to a list of truthvalues, takes their logical conjunction.
+> and :: [bool]->bool
+> and = foldr (&) True
+`arctan' is the trigonometric function, inverse tangent. It returns a
+result in the range -pi/2 to pi/2. See also `sin', `cos'.
+> arctan :: num->num ||defined internally
+`bool' is the type comprising the two truthvalues.
+ bool ::= False | True ||primitive to Miranda
+`char' is the type comprising the Latin-1 character set (e.g. 'a',
+ char :: type ||primitive to Miranda
+`cjustify' applied to a number and a string, centre justifies the string
+in a field of the specified width. See also `ljustify', `rjustify',
+> cjustify :: num->[char]->[char]
+> cjustify n s = spaces lmargin++s++spaces rmargin
+> where
+> margin = n - # s
+> lmargin = margin div 2
+> rmargin = margin - lmargin
+`code' applied to a character returns its code number. Example
+ code 'a' = 97.
+See also `decode'.
+> code :: char->num ||defined internally
+`concat' applied to a list of lists, joins them all together into a
+single list with `++'. E.g.
+ concat [[1,2],[],[3,4]] = [1,2,3,4].
+> concat :: [[*]]->[*]
+> concat = foldr (++) []
+`const' is a combinator for creating constant-valued functions. E.g.
+(const 3) is the function that always returns 3.
+> const :: *->**->*
+> const x y = x
+`converse' is a combinator for inverting the order of arguments of a
+two-argument function.
+> converse :: (*->**->***)->**->*->***
+> converse f a b = f b a
+`cos' is the trigonometric cosine function, argument in radians.
+> cos :: num->num ||defined internally
+`decode' applied to an integer returns the character with that code.
+> decode :: num->char ||defined internally
+`digit' is a predicate on characters. True if the character is a digit.
+See also `letter'.
+> digit :: char->bool
+> digit x = '0'<=x<='9'
+`drop' applied to a number and a list returns the list with that many
+elements removed from the front. If the list has less than the required
+number of elements, `drop' returns []. Example
+ drop 2 [1,2,3,4] = [3,4]
+See also `take'.
+> drop :: num->[*]->[*] ||defined internally, as below
+ drop (n+1) (a:x) = drop n x
+ drop n x = x, if integer n
+ = error "drop applied to fractional number", otherwise
+`dropwhile' applied to a predicate and a list, removes elements from the
+front of the list while the predicate is satisfied. Example:
+ dropwhile digit "123gone" = "gone"
+See also `takewhile'.
+> dropwhile :: (*->bool)->[*]->[*]
+> dropwhile f [] = []
+> dropwhile f (a:x) = dropwhile f x, if f a
+> = a:x, otherwise
+`e' is a transcendental number, the base of natural logarithms.
+> e :: num
+> e = exp 1
+`entier' when applied to a number returns its integer part, meaning the
+largest integer not exceeding it. E.g.
+ entier 1.0 = 1
+ entier 3.5 = 3
+ entier (-3.5) = -4.
+Notice that for Miranda the number `1' and the number `1.0' are
+different values - for example they yield different results under the
+`integer' test. However `1=1.0' is True, because of the automatic
+conversion from integer to float.
+> entier :: num->num ||defined internally
+A useful fact about `entier', which relates it to the operators div and
+mod, is that the following law holds for any integers a, b with b~=0 and
+a/b within the range for which integers can be represented exactly as
+fractional numbers
+ a div b = entier (a/b)
+`error' applied to a string creates an error value with the associated
+message. Error values are all equivalent to the undefined value - any
+attempt to access the value causes the program to terminate and print
+the string as a diagnostic.
+> error :: [char]->* ||defined internally
+`exp' is the exponential function on real numbers. See also `log'.
+> exp :: num->num ||defined internally
+`filemode' applied to a string representing the pathname of a UNIX file,
+returns a string of length four giving the access permissions of the
+current process to the file. The permissions are encoded as (in this
+order) "drwx", any permission not granted is replaced by a '-'
+character. If there is no file at pathname p, filemode p returns the
+empty string. Example
+ member (filemode f) 'w'
+tests f for write permission. See also `getenv', `read', `system'.
+> filemode :: [char]->[char] ||defined internally
+`filestat' applied to a UNIX pathname returns three integers
+((inode,device),mtime), where mtime is the time-last-modified of the
+file, in seconds since 00.00h on 1 Jan 1970. The pair (inode,device)
+identifies a file uniquely, regardless of the pathname used to reach it.
+A non-existent file has inode & device (0,-1) and mtime 0.
+> filestat :: [char]->((num,num),num) ||defined internally
+`filter' applied to a predicate and a list, returns a list containing
+only those elements that satisfy the predicate. Example
+ filter (>5) [3,7,2,8,1,17] = [7,8,17]
+> filter :: (*->bool)->[*]->[*]
+> filter f x = [a | a<-x; f a]
+`foldl' folds up a list, using a given binary operator and a given start
+value, in a left associative way. Example:
+ foldl op r [a,b,c] = (((r $op a) $op b) $op c)
+But note that in order to run in constant space, foldl forces `op' to
+evaluate its first parameter. See the definitions of `product',
+`reverse', `sum' for examples of its use. See also `foldr'.
+> foldl :: (*->**->*)->*->[**]->* ||defined internally, as below
+ foldl op r [] = r
+ foldl op r (a:x) = strict (foldl op) (op r a) x
+ where
+ strict f x = seq x (f x)
+WARNING - this definition of foldl differs from that in older versions
+of Miranda. The one here is the same as that in Bird and Wadler (1988).
+The old definition had the two args of `op' reversed. That is:-
+ old_foldl op r = new_foldl (converse op) r
+the function `converse' has been added to the standard environment.
+`foldl1' folds left over non-empty lists. See the definitions of `max',
+`min' for examples of its use.
+> foldl1 :: (*->*->*)->[*]->* ||defined internally, as below
+ foldl1 op (a:x) = foldl op a x
+ foldl1 op [] = error "foldl1 applied to []"
+`foldr' folds up a list, using a given binary operator and a given start
+value, in a right associative way. Example:
+ foldr op r [a,b,c] = a $op (b $op (c $op r))
+See the definitions of `and', `concat', `or', for examples of its use.
+> foldr :: (*->**->**)->**->[*]->** ||defined internally, as below
+ foldr op r [] = r
+ foldr op r (a:x) = op a (foldr op r x)
+`foldr1' folds right over non-empty lists.
+> foldr1 :: (*->*->*)->[*]->*
+> foldr1 op [a] = a
+> foldr1 op (a:b:x) = op a (foldr1 op (b:x))
+> foldr1 op [] = error "foldr1 applied to []"
+`force' applied to any data structure, returns it, but forces a check
+that every part of the structure is defined. Example
+ hd(force x)
+returns the hd of x, but fully evaluates x first (so x must be finite).
+See also `seq'. Notice in particular the idiom `seq (force a) b' which
+returns `b' but only after fully evaluating `a'.
+> force :: *->* ||defined internally
+`fst' returns the first component of a pair. See also `snd'.
+> fst :: (*,**)->*
+> fst (a,b) = a
+`getenv' looks up a string in the user's UNIX environment. Example
+ getenv "HOME"
+returns the pathname of your home directory. [If you want to see what
+else is in your UNIX environment, say `printenv' as a UNIX command.]
+> getenv :: [char]->[char] ||defined internally
+`hd' applied to a non empty list, returns its first element. It is an
+error to apply `hd' to the empty list, []. See also `tl'.
+> hd :: [*]->*
+> hd (a:x) = a
+> hd [] = error "hd []"
+`hugenum' is the largest fractional number that can exist in this
+implementation (should be around 1e308 for IEEE standard 64 bit floating
+point). See also `tinynum'.
+> hugenum :: num ||defined internally
+`id' is the identity function - applied to any object it returns it.
+> id :: *->*
+> id x = x
+`index' applied to a (finite or infinite) list, returns a list of its
+legal subscript values, in ascending order. E.g. index "hippopotamus"
+is [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11].
+> index :: [*]->[num]
+> index x = f 0 x
+> where
+> f n [] = []
+> f n (a:x) = n:f(n+1)x
+`init' is dual to `tl', it returns a list without its last component.
+ init [1,2,3,4] = [1,2,3].
+See also `last'. [Note, by the `dual' of a list processing function we
+mean the function which does the same job in a world where all lists
+have been reversed.]
+> init :: [*]->[*]
+> init (a:x) = [], if x=[]
+> = a:init x, otherwise
+> init [] = error "init []"
+`integer' is a predicate on numbers. True if and only if the number is
+not fractional.
+> integer :: num->bool ||defined internally
+`iterate' - iterate f x returns the infinite list [x, f x, f(f x), ... ]
+Example: iterate (2*) 1 yields a list of the powers of 2.
+> iterate :: (*->*)->*->[*]
+> iterate f x = [y | y<-x, f y ..]
+Note use of ", .." to generate an arbitrary sequence (see manual section
+`last' applied to a non empty list returns its last element. This
+function is the dual of `hd'. Note that for any non-empty list x
+ (init x ++ [last x]) = x
+> last :: [*]->* ||defined internally, as below
+ last x = x!(#x-1)
+`lay' applied to a list of strings, joins them together after appending
+a newline character to each string. Example
+ lay ["hello","world"] = "hello\nworld\n"
+Used to format output thus,
+ lay(map show x)
+as a top level expression, causes the elements of the list x to be
+printed one per line. See also `layn', `lines'.
+> lay :: [[char]]->[char]
+> lay [] = []
+> lay (a:x) = a++"\n"++lay x
+`layn' is similar to `lay', but produces output with numbered lines.
+> layn :: [[char]]->[char]
+> layn x = f 1 x
+> where
+> f n [] = []
+> f n (a:x) = rjustify 4 (show n) ++") "++a++"\n"++f (n+1) x
+'letter' is a predicate on characters. True if the character is a
+> letter :: char->bool
+> letter c = 'a'<=c<='z' \/ 'A'<=c<='Z'
+`limit' applied to a list of values, returns the first value which is
+the same as its successor. Useful in testing for convergence. For
+example the following Miranda expression computes the square root of 2
+by the Newton-Raphson method
+ limit [x | x<-2, 0.5*(x + 2/x).. ]
+> limit :: [*]->*
+> limit (a:b:x) = a, if a=b
+> = limit (b:x), otherwise
+> limit other = error "incorrect use of limit"
+`lines' applied to a list of characters containing newlines, returns a
+list of lists, by breaking the original into lines. The newline
+characters are removed from the result. Example, `lines' applied to
+ "hello world\nit's me,\neric\n"
+returns ["hello world","it's me","eric"]. Note that `lines' treats
+newline as a terminator, not a separator (although it will tolerate a
+missing '\n' on the last line).
+> lines :: [char]->[[char]]
+> lines [] = []
+> lines (a:x) = []:lines x, if a='\n'
+> = (a:x1):xrest, otherwise
+> where
+> (x1:xrest) = lines x, if x~=[]
+> = []:[], otherwise
+> ||this handles missing '\n' on last line
+Note that the inverse of `lines' is the function `lay', in that applying
+`lay' to the output of `lines' will restore the original string (except
+that a final newline will be added, if missing in the original string).
+`ljustify' applied to a number and a string, left justifies the string
+in a field of the specified width.
+> ljustify :: num->[char]->[char]
+> ljustify n s = s++spaces(n - # s)
+`log' applied to a number returns its natural logarithm (i.e. logarithm
+to the base `e'). It is the inverse of the exponential function, `exp'.
+See also log10. Note that the log functions use a different algorithm
+when applied to integer arguments (rather than just converting to float
+first) so it is possible to take log, or log10, of very large integers.
+> log :: num->num ||defined internally
+`log10' applied to a number returns its logarithm to the base 10.
+> log10 :: num->num ||defined internally
+`map' applied to a function and a list returns a copy of the list in
+which the given function has been applied to every element.
+> map :: (*->**)->[*]->[**]
+> map f x = [f a | a<-x]
+`map2' is similar to `map', but takes a function of two arguments, and
+maps it along two argument lists. We could also define `map3', `map4'
+etc., but they are much less often needed.
+> map2 :: (*->**->***)->[*]->[**]->[***]
+> map2 f x y = [f a b | (a,b)<-zip2 x y]
+Note: the Bird and Wadler function `zipwith' is just an uncurried
+version of `map2', that is `zipwith f (x,y)' means `map2 f x y'.
+`max' applied to a list returns the largest element under the built in
+ordering of `>'. Examples
+ max [1,2,12,-6,5] = 12
+ max "hippopotamus" = 'u'
+See also `min', `sort'.
+> max :: [*]->*
+> max = foldl1 max2
+`max2' applied to two values of the same type returns the larger under
+the built in ordering of '>'. See also `min2'.
+> max2 :: *->*->*
+> max2 a b = a, if a>=b
+> = b, otherwise
+`member' applied to a list and a value returns True or False as the
+value is or not present in the list.
+> member :: [*]->*->bool
+> member x a = or (map (=a) x)
+`merge' applied to two sorted lists merges them to produce a single
+sorted result. Used to define `sort', see later.
+> merge :: [*]->[*]->[*] ||defined internally, as below
+ merge [] y = y
+ merge (a:x) [] = a:x
+ merge (a:x) (b:y) = a:merge x (b:y), if a<=b
+ = b:merge (a:x) y, otherwise
+`min' applied to a list returns its least member under `<'.
+> min :: [*]->*
+> min = foldl1 min2
+`min2' applied to two values of the same type returns the smaller under
+the built in ordering of '<'.
+> min2 :: *->*->*
+> min2 a b = b, if a>b
+> = a, otherwise
+`mkset' applied to a list returns a copy of the list from which any
+duplicated elements have been removed. A list without duplications can
+be used to represent a set, whence the name. Works even on infinite
+list, but (beware) takes a time quadratic in the number of elements
+> mkset :: [*]->[*]
+> mkset [] = []
+> mkset (a:x) = a:filter (~=a) (mkset x)
+`neg' is a function of one numeric argument, with the same action as the
+unary `-' operator.
+> neg :: num->num
+> neg x = -x
+`num' is the type comprising both integer and fractional numbers (such
+as 42, -12.73e8).
+ num :: type ||primitive to Miranda
+`numval' converts a numeric string to the corresponding number - accepts
+optional leading "-" followed by integer or floating point number, using
+same rules as the Miranda compiler. Strings containing inappropriate
+characters cause an error (exception - leading white space is harmless).
+> numval :: [char]->num ||defined internally
+`or' applied to a list of truthvalues, takes their logical disjunction.
+> or :: [bool]->bool
+> or = foldr (\/) False
+`pi' is the well known real number (the ratio of the circumference of a
+circle to its diameter).
+> pi :: num
+> pi = 4*arctan 1
+`postfix' takes an element and a list and adds the element to the end of
+the list. This is the dual of the prefix operator, `:'.
+> postfix :: *->[*]->[*]
+> postfix a x = x ++ [a]
+`product' applied to list of numbers returns their product. See also
+> product :: [num]->num
+> product = foldl (*) 1
+`read' returns the contents of file with a given pathname. Provides an
+interface to the UNIX filing system. If the file is empty `read'
+returns [], but if the file does not exist, or lacks read permission,
+`read' causes an error. See also `filemode', `getenv'.
+> read :: [char]->[char] ||defined internally
+`readb' reads a file as bytes - useful in a UTF-8 locale, where binary
+data may contain illegal characters if read as text. (In a non UTF-8
+locale the results of read and readb do not differ.) See manual section
+31/9 for more information.
+> readb :: [char]->[char] ||defined internally
+_r_e_a_d_v_a_l_s is a family of functions for reading a list of values from a
+file. See manual section 31/3.
+`rep' applied to a number and a value, returns a list containing the
+specified number of instances of the value. (The name is short for
+`replicate'.) Example
+ rep 6 'o' = "oooooo"
+See also `repeat'.
+> rep :: num->*->[*]
+> rep n x = take n (repeat x)
+`repeat' applied to a value returns an infinite list, all of whose
+elements are the given value.
+> repeat :: *->[*]
+> repeat x = xs
+> where xs = x:xs
+`reverse' applied to any finite list returns a list of the same elements
+in reverse order.
+> reverse :: [*]->[*]
+> reverse = foldl (converse(:)) []
+`rjustify' applied to a number and a string, right justifies the string
+in a field of the specified width.
+> rjustify :: num->[char]->[char]
+> rjustify n s = spaces(n - # s)++s
+`scan op r' applies `foldl op r' to every initial segment of a list.
+For example `scan (+) 0 x' computes running sums.
+> scan :: (*->**->*)->*->[**]->[*]
+> scan op = g
+> where
+> g r = (r:). rest
+> where
+> rest [] = []
+> rest (a:x) = g (op r a) x
+There is another way to explain `scan', which makes it clearer why it is
+useful. Let s0 be the initial state of an automaton, and
+f::state->input->state, its state transition function - then `scan f s0'
+is a function that takes a list of inputs for the automaton and returns
+the resulting list of states, starting with s0.
+`seq' applied to two values, returns the second but checks that the
+first value is not completely undefined. Sometimes needed, e.g. to
+ensure correct synchronisation in interactive programs.
+> seq :: *->**->** ||defined internally
+_s_h_o_w is a keyword denoting a family of functions for converting values
+of different types to their print representations. See manual section
+23 for more details.
+`shownum' applied to a number returns as a string a standard print
+representation for it. A special case of the operator `show'. Applied
+to fractional numbers `shownum' gives 16 significant figures (less any
+trailing zeros), using a format appropriate to the size of number. For
+more detailed control over number format see `showfloat', `showscaled'.
+> shownum :: num->[char] ||defined internally,
+`showhex', `showoct' applied to an integer return its hexadecimal or
+octal representation as a string. Note that showhex will also convert
+floating point numbers to hexdecimal format as per the C 2011 standard.
+ showhex pi => 0x1.921fb54442d18p+1
+the scale factor in p is a power of 2 (oddly, this part is in decimal).
+> showhex, showoct :: num->[char] ||defined internally
+`showfloat p x' returns as a string the number x printed in floating
+point format, that is in the form "digits.digits", where the integer
+p (>=0) gives the number of digits after the decimal point.
+> showfloat :: num->num->[char] ||defined internally,
+`showscaled p x' returns as a string the number x printed in scientific
+format, that is in the form "n.nnnnnne[+/-]nn", where the integer p
+(>=0) gives the number of digits required after the decimal point.
+> showscaled :: num->num->[char] ||defined internally,
+`sin' is the trigonometric sine function, argument in radians.
+> sin :: num->num ||defined internally
+`snd' returns the second component of a pair.
+> snd :: (*,**)->**
+> snd (a,b) = b
+`sort' applied to any finite list sorts the elements of the list into
+ascending order on the built in '<' relation. Note that you cannot sort
+a list of functions. Example
+ sort "hippopotamus" = "ahimoopppstu"
+The following definition uses merge-sort, which has n log n worst-case
+> sort :: [*]->[*]
+> sort x = x, if n<=1
+> = merge (sort(take n2 x)) (sort(drop n2 x)), otherwise
+> where
+> n = # x
+> n2 = n div 2
+`spaces' applied to a number returns a list of that many spaces.
+> spaces :: num->[char]
+> spaces n = rep n ' '
+`sqrt' is the square root function on (integer or fractional) numbers.
+The result is always fractional.
+> sqrt :: num->num ||defined internally
+`subtract' is a name for (converse) infix minus. Needed because you
+cannot form postsections in `-'. (See manual page 9 on `sections'.)
+ subtract 3
+is the function that subtracts 3.
+> subtract :: num->num->num
+> subtract x y = y - x
+`sum' applied to list of numbers returns their sum.
+> sum :: [num]->num
+> sum = foldl (+) 0
+`sys_message' is an algebraic type containing a family of constructors
+used to control output to UNIX files. See manual section 31/2 on Output
+to UNIX files. The binary versions Stdoutb etc are used to write binary
+data in a UTF-8 locale, see section 31/9 for more information.
+> sys_message ::= Stdout [char] | Stderr [char] | Tofile [char] [char] |
+> Closefile [char] | Appendfile [char] | System [char] |
+> Exit num | Stdoutb [char] | Tofileb [char] [char] |
+> Appendfileb [char]
+`system' applied to a string causes the string to be executed as a UNIX
+shell command (by `sh'). The result returned is a 3-tuple, comprising
+the standard_output, error_output, and exit_status respectively,
+resulting from the execution of the UNIX command. See manual section
+31/1 on Input from UNIX files etc for more details.
+> system :: [char]->([char],[char],num) ||defined internally
+`take' applied to a number and a list returns the specified number of
+elements from the front of the list. If the list has less than the
+required number of elements, `take' returns as many as it can get.
+ take 2 [1,2,3,4] = [1,2]
+ take 7 "girls" = "girls"
+> take :: num->[*]->[*] ||defined internally, as below
+ take (n+1) (a:x) = a:take n x
+ take n x = [], if integer n
+ = error "take applied to fractional number", otherwise
+`takewhile' applied to a predicate and a list, takes elements from the
+front of the list while the predicate is satisfied. Example:
+ takewhile digit "123gone" = "123"
+> takewhile :: (*->bool)->[*]->[*]
+> takewhile f [] = []
+> takewhile f (a:x) = a:takewhile f x, if f a
+> = [], otherwise
+`tinynum' is the smallest positive fractional number that can be
+distinguished from zero in this implementation (should be around 1e-324
+for IEEE standard 64 bit floating point).
+> tinynum :: num ||defined internally
+`tl' applied to a non empty list returns the list without its first
+element. Example, tl "snow" is "now".
+> tl :: [*]->[*]
+> tl (a:x) = x
+> tl [] = error "tl []"
+`transpose' applied to a list of lists, returns their transpose (in the
+sense of matrix transpose - rows and columns are interchanged). Example
+ transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] = [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]
+The following definition is slightly more subtle than is at first sight
+necessary, in order to deal correctly with `upper triangular' matrices.
+ transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]] = [[1,4,6],[2,5],[3]]
+> transpose :: [[*]]->[[*]]
+> transpose x = [], if x'=[]
+> = map hd x':transpose(map tl x'), otherwise
+> where
+> x' = takewhile (~=[]) x
+It might be thought that this function belongs in a specialised library
+of matrix handling functions, but it has been found useful as a general
+purpose list processing function, whence its inclusion in the standard
+`undef' is a name for the completely undefined value. Any attempt
+access it results in an error message. Note that `undef' belongs to
+every type.
+> undef :: *
+> undef = error "undefined"
+`until' applied to a predicate, a function and a value, returns the
+result of applying the function to the value the smallest number of
+times necessary to satisfy the predicate. Example
+ until (>1000) (2*) 1 = 1024
+> until :: (*->bool)->(*->*)->*->*
+> until f g x = x, if f x
+> = until f g (g x), otherwise
+`zip2' applied to two lists returns a list of pairs, formed by tupling
+together corresponding elements of the given lists. Example
+ zip2 [0..3] "type" = [(0,'t'),(1,'y'),(2,'p'),(3,'e')]
+This function is often useful in list comprehensions, where it provides
+an idiom for traversing two lists in parallel. For example the
+following expression returns the scalar product of x and y (x,y::[num])
+ sum [ a*b | (a,b) <- zip2 x y ]
+> zip2 :: [*]->[**]->[(*,**)] ||defined internally, as below
+ zip2 (a:x) (b:y) = (a,b):zip2 x y
+ zip2 x y = []
+Note that if the lists being zipped are of different lengths, the length
+of the result is that of the shortest list (this holds for zip2 and all
+the following zip functions).
+The function `zip3' is analogous but takes three lists and returns a
+list of 3-tuples. Similarly for `zip4', `zip5', `zip6' - zip functions
+above zip6 are not provided in the standard environment.
+> zip3 (a:x) (b:y) (c:z) = (a,b,c):zip3 x y z
+> zip3 x y z = []
+> zip4 (a:w) (b:x) (c:y) (d:z) = (a,b,c,d):zip4 w x y z
+> zip4 w x y z = []
+> zip5 (a:v) (b:w) (c:x) (d:y) (e:z) = (a,b,c,d,e):zip5 v w x y z
+> zip5 v w x y z = []
+> zip6 (a:u)(b:v)(c:w)(d:x)(e:y)(f:z) = (a,b,c,d,e,f):zip6 u v w x y z
+> zip6 u v w x y z = []
+The following is included for compatibility with Bird and Wadler (1988).
+The normal Miranda style is to use the curried form `zip2'.
+> zip :: ([*],[**])->[(*,**)]
+> zip (x,y) = zip2 x y
+End of definitions of the standard environment