path: root/miralib/ex/matrix.m
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1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/miralib/ex/matrix.m b/miralib/ex/matrix.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46abbaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miralib/ex/matrix.m
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+||very simple matrix package (DT)
+||note that to include this in one of your own scripts, you can say
+|| %include <ex/matrix>
+%export matrix idmat matadd matsub matmult scalmult mkrow mkcol det
+ adjoint inv
+matrix == [[num]]
+idmat :: num->matrix ||identity matrix of given size
+idmat n = [[delta i j|j<-[1..n]]|i<-[1..n]]
+ where
+ delta i j = 1, if i=j
+ = 0, otherwise
+matadd :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+matadd x y = map2 vadd x y
+ where
+ vadd x y = map2 (+) x y
+matsub :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+matsub x y = map2 vsub x y
+ where
+ vsub = map2 (-)
+matmult :: matrix->matrix->matrix
+matmult x y = outer inner x (transpose y) ||*
+inner x y = sum (map2 (*) x y)
+outer f x y = [[f a b|b<-y]|a<-x]
+||*note that transpose is already defined in the standard environment
+scalmult :: num->matrix->matrix ||multiply a matrix by a scalar
+scalmult n x = map (map (*n)) x
+mkrow :: [num]->matrix ||make vector into matrix with a single row
+mkrow x = [x]
+mkcol :: [num]->matrix ||make vector into matrix with a single column
+mkcol x = map (:[]) x
+det :: matrix->num ||determinant, of square matrix
+det [[a]] = a
+det xs = sum [xs!0!i*cofactor 0 i xs|i<-index xs], if #xs=#xs!0
+ = error "det of nonsquare matrix", otherwise
+cofactor i j xs = (-1)^(i+j) * det (minor i j xs)
+minor i j xs = [omit j x | x<-omit i xs]
+omit i x = take i x ++ drop (i+1) x
+adjoint :: matrix->matrix ||adjoint, of square matrix
+adjoint xs = transpose[[cofactor i j xs | j<-index xs] | i <- index xs]
+inv :: matrix->matrix ||inverse, of non-singular square matrix
+inv xs = transpose[[cofactor i j xs/h | j<-index xs] | i <- index xs]
+ where
+ h = det xs
+||The above is a literal transcription of the mathematical definition of
+||matrix inverse. A less naive version of the package would rewrite
+||this to use Gaussian elimination.
+||a few test matrices (these are not exported from the script, but will
+||be in scope if this is your current script)
+a = [[1,2],[3,4]]
+b = [[1,1,1],[1,2,3],[2,4,8]]
+c = [[0,1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,0],[3,4,0,1]]
+i2 = idmat 2
+i3 = idmat 3
+i4 = idmat 4
+test = matmult b (inv b)