path: root/trans.c
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1 files changed, 1000 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trans.c b/trans.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d78c5cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trans.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+/* performs translation to combinatory logic */
+ * Copyright (C) Research Software Limited 1985-90. All rights reserved. *
+ * The Miranda system is distributed as free software under the terms in *
+ * the file "COPYING" which is included in the distribution. *
+ * *
+ * Revised to C11 standard and made 64bit compatible, January 2020 *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "data.h"
+#include "big.h"
+#include "lex.h"
+ /* miscellaneous declarations */
+extern word nill,Void;
+extern word listdiff_fn,count_fn,from_fn;
+extern word diagonalise,concat;
+extern word lastname,initialising;
+extern word current_id,echoing;
+extern word errs;
+word newtyps=NIL; /* list of typenames declared in current script */
+word SGC=NIL; /* list of user defined sui-generis constructors */
+#define sui_generis(k) (/* k==Void|| */ member(SGC,k))
+ /* 3/10/88 decision to treat `()' as lifted */
+static word abshfnck(word,word);
+static word abstr(word,word);
+static word combine(word,word);
+static void decl1(word,word);
+static word fixrepeats(word);
+static word getrel(word,word);
+static word here_inf(word);
+static word imageless(word,word,word);
+static word invgetrel(word,word);
+static word leftfactor(word);
+static word less(word,word);
+static word less1(word,word);
+static word liscomb(word,word);
+static word makeshow(word,word);
+static word mklazy(word);
+static word mkshowt(word,word);
+static word mktuple(word);
+static void nameclash(word);
+static int nclchk(word,word,word);
+static word new_mklazy(word);
+static word primconstr(word);
+static void respec_error(word);
+static word scanpattern(word,word,word,word);
+static word sort(word);
+static word translet(word,word);
+static word transletrec(word,word);
+static word transtries(word,word);
+static word transzf(word,word,word);
+word abstract(x,e) /* abstraction of template x from compiled expression e */
+word x,e;
+{ switch(tag[x])
+ { case ID:
+ if(isconstructor(x))
+ return(sui_generis(x)?ap(K,e):
+ ap2(Ug,primconstr(x),e));
+ else return(abstr(x,e));
+ case CONS:
+ if(hd[x]==CONST)
+ if(tag[tl[x]]==INT)return(ap2(MATCHINT,tl[x],e));
+ else return(ap2(MATCH,tl[x]==NILS?NIL:tl[x],e));
+ else return(ap(U_,abstract(hd[x],abstract(tl[x],e))));
+ case TCONS:
+ case PAIR: /* tuples */
+ return(ap(U,abstract(hd[x],abstract(tl[x],e))));
+ case AP:
+ if(sui_generis(head(x)))
+ return(ap(Uf,abstract(hd[x],abstract(tl[x],e))));
+ if(tag[hd[x]]==AP&&hd[hd[x]]==PLUS) /* n+k pattern */
+ return(ap2(ATLEAST,tl[hd[x]],abstract(tl[x],e)));
+ while(tag[x]==AP)
+ { e= abstract(tl[x],e);
+ x= hd[x]; }
+ /* now x must be a constructor */
+ default: ; }
+ if(isconstructor(x))
+ return(ap2(Ug,primconstr(x),e));
+ printf("error in declaration of \"%s\", undeclared constructor in pattern: ",
+ get_id(current_id)); /* something funny here - fix later */
+ out(stdout,x);
+ printf("\n");
+ return(NIL);
+word primconstr(x)
+word x;
+{ x=id_val(x);
+ while(tag[x]!=CONSTRUCTOR)x=tl[x];
+ return(x);
+ /* => constructor values are of the form TRY f k where k is the
+ original constructor value, and ! constructors are of the form
+ MKSTRICT i k */
+word memb(l,x) /* tests if x is a member of list "l" - used in testing for
+ repeated names - see rule for "v2" in rules.y */
+word l,x;
+{ if(tag[x]==TVAR) /* type variable! */
+ while(l!=NIL&&!eqtvar(hd[l],x))l= tl[l];
+ else while(l!=NIL&&hd[l]!=x)l= tl[l];
+ return(l!=NIL); }
+word abstr(x,e) /* "bracket abstraction" of variable x from code e */
+word x,e;
+{ switch(tag[e])
+ { case TCONS:
+ case PAIR:
+ case CONS: return(liscomb(abstr(x,hd[e]),abstr(x,tl[e])));
+ case AP: if(hd[e]==BADCASE||hd[e]==CONFERROR)
+ return(ap(K,e)); /* don't go inside error info */
+ return(combine(abstr(x,hd[e]),abstr(x,tl[e])));
+ case LAMBDA:
+ case LET:
+ case LETREC:
+ case TRIES:
+ case LABEL:
+ case SHOW:
+ case LEXER:
+ case SHARE: fprintf(stderr,"impossible event in abstr (tag=%d)\n",tag[e]),
+ exit(1);
+ default: if(x==e||isvar_t(x)&&isvar_t(e)&&eqtvar(x,e))
+ return(I); /* see note */
+ return(ap(K,e));
+}} /* note - we allow abstraction wrt tvars - see genshfns() */
+#define mkindex(i) ((i)<256?(i):make(INT,i,0))
+ /* will fall over if i >= IBASE */
+word abstrlist(x,e) /* abstraction of list of variables x from code e */
+word x,e;
+{ switch(tag[e])
+ { case TCONS:
+ case PAIR:
+ case CONS: return(liscomb(abstrlist(x,hd[e]),abstrlist(x,tl[e])));
+ case AP: if(hd[e]==BADCASE||hd[e]==CONFERROR)
+ return(ap(K,e)); /* don't go inside error info */
+ else return(combine(abstrlist(x,hd[e]),abstrlist(x,tl[e])));
+ case LAMBDA: case LET: case LETREC: case TRIES: case LABEL: case SHOW:
+ case LEXER:
+ case SHARE: fprintf(stderr,
+ "impossible event in abstrlist (tag=%d)\n",tag[e]),
+ exit(1);
+ default: { word i=0;
+ while(x!=NIL&&hd[x]!=e)i++,x=tl[x];
+ if(x==NIL)return(ap(K,e));
+ return(ap(SUBSCRIPT,mkindex(i))); }
+word rv_script=0; /* flags readvals in use (for garbage collector) */
+word codegen(x) /* returns expression x with abstractions performed */
+word x;
+{ extern word commandmode,cook_stdin,common_stdin,common_stdinb,rv_expr;
+ switch(tag[x])
+ { case AP: if(commandmode /* beware of corrupting lastexp */
+ &&x!=cook_stdin&&x!=common_stdin&&x!=common_stdinb) /* but share $+ $- */
+ return(make(AP,codegen(hd[x]),codegen(tl[x])));
+ if(tag[hd[x]]==AP&&hd[hd[x]]==APPEND&&tl[hd[x]]==NIL)
+ return(codegen(tl[x])); /* post typecheck reversal of HR bug fix */
+ hd[x]=codegen(hd[x]); tl[x]=codegen(tl[x]);
+ /* otherwise do in situ */
+ return(tag[hd[x]]==AP&&hd[hd[x]]==G_ALT?leftfactor(x):x);
+ case TCONS:
+ case PAIR: return(make(CONS,codegen(hd[x]),codegen(tl[x])));
+ case CONS: if(commandmode)
+ return(make(CONS,codegen(hd[x]),codegen(tl[x])));
+ /* otherwise do in situ (see declare) */
+ hd[x]=codegen(hd[x]); tl[x]=codegen(tl[x]);
+ return(x);
+ case LAMBDA: return(abstract(hd[x],codegen(tl[x])));
+ case LET: return(translet(hd[x],tl[x]));
+ case LETREC: return(transletrec(hd[x],tl[x]));
+ case TRIES: return(transtries(hd[x],tl[x]));
+ case LABEL: return(codegen(tl[x]));
+ case SHOW: return(makeshow(hd[x],tl[x]));
+ case LEXER:
+ { word r=NIL,uses_state=0;;
+ while(x!=NIL)
+ { word rule=abstr(mklexvar(0),codegen(tl[tl[hd[x]]]));
+ rule=abstr(mklexvar(1),rule);
+ if(!(tag[rule]==AP&&hd[rule]==K))uses_state=1;
+ r=cons(cons(hd[hd[x]], /* start condition stuff */
+ cons(ap(hd[tl[hd[x]]],NIL), /* matcher [] */
+ rule)),
+ r);
+ x=tl[x]; }
+ if(!uses_state) /* strip off (K -) from each rule */
+ { for(x=r;x!=NIL;x=tl[x])tl[tl[hd[x]]]=tl[tl[tl[hd[x]]]];
+ r = ap(LEX_RPT,ap(LEX_TRY,r)); }
+ else r = ap(LEX_RPT1,ap(LEX_TRY1,r));
+ return(ap(r,0)); } /* 0 startcond */
+ if(ispoly(tl[x]))
+ { extern word cook_stdin,ND;
+ printf("type error - %s used at polymorphic type :: [",
+ cook_stdin&&x==hd[cook_stdin]?"$+":"readvals or $+");
+ out_type(redtvars(tl[x])),printf("]\n");
+ polyshowerror=1;
+ if(current_id)
+ ND=add1(current_id,ND),
+ id_type(current_id)=wrong_t,
+ id_val(current_id)=UNDEF;
+ if(hd[x])sayhere(hd[x],1); }
+ if(commandmode)rv_expr=1; else rv_script=1;
+ return(x);
+ case SHARE: if(tl[x]!= -1) /* arbitrary flag for already visited */
+ hd[x]=codegen(hd[x]),tl[x]= -1;
+ return(hd[x]);
+ default: if(x==NILS)return(NIL);
+ return(x); /* identifier, private name, or constant */
+int lfrule=0;
+word leftfactor(x)
+/* grammar optimisations - x is of the form ap2(G_ALT,...)
+ G_ALT(G_SEQ a b) a => G_SEQ a (G_ALT b G_UNIT)
+ G_ALT(G_SEQ a b)(G_SEQ a c) => G_SEQ a (G_ALT b c)
+ G_ALT(G_SEQ a b)(G_ALT a d) => G_ALT(G_SEQ a (G_ALT b G_UNIT)) d
+ G_ALT(G_SEQ a b)(G_ALT(G_SEQ a c) d) => G_ALT(G_SEQ a (G_ALT b c)) d
+word x;
+{ word a,b,c,d;
+ if(tag[c=tl[hd[x]]]==AP&&tag[hd[c]]==AP&&hd[hd[c]]==G_SEQ)
+ a=tl[hd[c]],b=tl[c]; else return(x);
+ if(same(a,d=tl[x]))
+ { hd[x]=ap(G_SEQ,a), tl[x]=ap2(G_ALT,b,G_UNIT); lfrule++;
+ /* printob("rule1: ",x); */
+ return(x); }
+ if(tag[d]==AP&&tag[hd[d]]==AP)
+ c=hd[hd[d]]; else return(x);
+ if(c==G_SEQ&&same(a,tl[hd[d]]))
+ { c=tl[d],
+ hd[x]=ap(G_SEQ,a), tl[x]=leftfactor(ap2(G_ALT,b,c)); lfrule++;
+ /* printob("rule2: ",x); */
+ return(x); }
+ if(c!=G_ALT)return(x);
+ if(same(a,c=tl[hd[d]]))
+ { d=tl[d];
+ hd[x]=ap(G_ALT,ap2(G_SEQ,a,ap2(G_ALT,b,G_UNIT)));
+ tl[x]=d; lfrule++;
+ /* printob("rule3: ",x); */
+ return(leftfactor(x)); }
+ if(tag[c]==AP&&tag[hd[c]]==AP&&hd[hd[c]]==G_SEQ
+ &&same(a,tl[hd[c]]))
+ { c=tl[c],d=tl[d],
+ hd[x]=ap(G_ALT,ap2(G_SEQ,a,leftfactor(ap2(G_ALT,b,c))));
+ tl[x]=d; lfrule++;
+ /* printob("rule4: ",x); */
+ return(leftfactor(x)); }
+ return(x);
+word same(x,y) /* structural equality */
+word x,y;
+{ if(x==y)return(1);
+ if(tag[x]==ATOM||tag[y]==ATOM||tag[x]!=tag[y])return(0);
+ if(tag[x]<INT)return(hd[x]==hd[y]&&tl[x]==tl[y]);
+ if(tag[x]>STRCONS)return(same(hd[x],hd[y])&&same(tl[x],tl[y]));
+ return(hd[x]==hd[y]&&same(tl[x],tl[y])); /* INT..STRCONS */
+static word was_poly;
+int polyshowerror=0;
+word makeshow(here,type)
+word here,type;
+{ word f;
+ extern word ND;
+ was_poly=0; f=mkshow(0,0,type);
+ /* printob("showfn=",f); /* DEBUG */
+ if(here&&was_poly)
+ { extern char *current_script;
+ printf("type error in definition of %s\n",get_id(current_id));
+ sayhere(here,0);
+ printf(" use of \"show\" at polymorphic type ");
+ out_type(redtvars(type));
+ putchar('\n');
+ id_type(current_id)=wrong_t;
+ id_val(current_id)=UNDEF;
+ polyshowerror=1;
+ ND=add1(current_id,ND);
+ was_poly=0; }
+ return(f);
+word mkshow(s,p,t) /* build a show function appropriate to type t */
+word s,p,t; /* p is precedence - 0 for top level, 1 for internal */
+ /* s flags special case invoked from genshfns */
+{ extern word shownum1,showbool,showchar,showlist,showstring,showparen,
+ showvoid,showpair,showfunction,showabstract,showwhat;
+ word a=NIL;
+ while(tag[t]==AP)a=cons(tl[t],a),t=hd[t];
+ switch(t)
+ { case num_t: return(p?shownum1:SHOWNUM);
+ case bool_t: return(showbool);
+ case char_t: return(showchar);
+ case list_t: if(hd[a]==char_t)return(showstring);
+ return(ap(showlist,mkshow(s,0,hd[a])));
+ case comma_t: return(ap(showparen,ap2(showpair,mkshow(s,0,hd[a]),
+ mkshowt(s,hd[tl[a]]))));
+ case void_t: return(showvoid);
+ case arrow_t:return(showfunction);
+ default: if(tag[t]==ID)
+ { word r=t_showfn(t);
+ if(r==0) /* abstype without show function */
+ return(showabstract);
+ if(r==showwhat) /* dont apply to parameter showfns */
+ return(r);
+ while(a!=NIL)r=ap(r,mkshow(s,1,hd[a])),a=tl[a];
+ if(t_class(t)==algebraic_t)r=ap(r,p);
+ return(r);
+ /* note that abstype-showfns have only one precedence
+ and show their components (if any) at precedence 1
+ - if the latter is a problem could do parenthesis
+ stripping */
+ }
+ if(isvar_t(t)){ if(s)return(t); /* see genshfns */
+ was_poly=1;
+ return(showwhat); }
+ /* arbitrary - could be any strict function */
+ if(tag[t]==STRCONS) /* pname */ /* DEBUG */
+ { printf("warning - mkshow applied to suppressed type\n");
+ return(showwhat); }
+ else { printf("impossible event in mkshow ("),
+ out_type(t), printf(")\n");
+ return(showwhat); }
+ }
+word mkshowt(s,t) /* t is a (possibly singleton) tuple type */
+word s,t; /* flags special call from genshfns */
+{ extern word showpair;
+ if(tl[t]==void_t)return(mkshow(s,0,tl[hd[t]]));
+ return(ap2(showpair,mkshow(s,0,tl[hd[t]]),mkshowt(s,tl[t])));
+word algshfns=NIL; /* list of showfunctions for all algebraic types in scope
+ (list of pnames) - needed to make dumps */
+void genshfns() /* called after meta type check - create show functions for
+ algebraic types */
+{ word s;
+ for(s=newtyps;s!=NIL;s=tl[s])
+ if(t_class(hd[s])==algebraic_t)
+ { word f=0,r=t_info(hd[s]); /* r is list of constructors */
+ word ush= tl[r]==NIL&&member(SGC,hd[r])?Ush1:Ush;
+ for(;r!=NIL;r=tl[r])
+ { word t=id_type(hd[r]),k=id_val(hd[r]);
+ while(tag[k]!=CONSTRUCTOR)k=tl[k];/* lawful and !'d constructors*/
+ /* k now holds constructor(i,hd[r]) */
+ /* k=constructor(hd[k],datapair(get_id(tl[k]),0));
+ /* this `freezes' the name of the constructor */
+ /* incorrect, makes showfns immune to aliasing, should be
+ done at mkshow time, not genshfn time - FIX LATER */
+ while(isarrow_t(t))
+ k=ap(k,mkshow(1,1,tl[hd[t]])),t=tl[t]; /* NB 2nd arg */
+ k=ap(ush,k);
+ while(iscompound_t(t))k=abstr(tl[t],k),t=hd[t];
+ /* see kahrs.bug.m (this is the fix) */
+ if(f)f=ap2(TRY,k,f);
+ else f=k;
+ }
+ /* f~=0, placeholder types dealt with in specify() */
+ pn_val(t_showfn(hd[s]))=f;
+ algshfns=cons(t_showfn(hd[s]),algshfns);
+ }
+ else
+ if(t_class(hd[s])==abstract_t) /* if showfn present check type is ok */
+ if(t_showfn(hd[s]))
+ if(!abshfnck(hd[s],id_type(t_showfn(hd[s]))))
+ printf("warning - \"%s\" has type inappropriate for a show-function\n",
+ get_id(t_showfn(hd[s]))),t_showfn(hd[s])=0;
+word abshfnck(t,f) /* t is an abstype, is f right type for its showfn? */
+word t,f;
+{ word n=t_arity(t),i=1;
+ while(i<=n)
+ if(isarrow_t(f))
+ { word h=tl[hd[f]];
+ if(!(isarrow_t(h)&&isvar_t(tl[hd[h]])&&gettvar(tl[hd[h]])==i
+ &&islist_t(tl[h])&&tl[tl[h]]==char_t))return(0);
+ i++,f=tl[f];
+ } else return(0);
+ if(!(isarrow_t(f)&&islist_t(tl[f])&&tl[tl[f]]==char_t))return(0);
+ f=tl[hd[f]];
+ while(iscompound_t(f)&&isvar_t(tl[f])&&gettvar(tl[f])==n--)f=hd[f];
+ return(f==t);
+word transtries(id,x)
+word id,x; /* x is a list of alternative values, in reverse order */
+{ word r,h=0,earliest;
+ if(fallible(hd[x])) /* add default last case */
+ { word oldn=tag[id]==ID?datapair(get_id(id),0):0;
+ r=ap(BADCASE,h=cons(oldn,0));
+ /* 0 is placeholder for here-info */
+ /* oldn omitted if id is pattern - FIX LATER */ }
+ else r=codegen(earliest=hd[x]), x = tl[x];
+ while(x!=NIL)r=ap2(TRY,codegen(earliest=hd[x]),r), x=tl[x];
+ if(h)tl[h]=hd[earliest]; /* first line-no is the best marker */
+ return(r);
+word translet(d,e) /* compile block with body e and def d */
+word d,e;
+{ word x=mklazy(d);
+ return(ap(abstract(dlhs(x),codegen(e)),codegen(dval(x))));
+/* nasty bug, codegen(dval(x)) was interfering with abstract(dlhs(x)...
+ to fix made codegen on tuples be NOT in situ 20/11/88 */
+word transletrec(dd,e) /* better method, using list indexing - Jan 88 */
+word e,dd;
+{ word lhs=NIL,rhs=NIL,pn=1;
+ /* list of defs (x=e) is combined to listwise def `xs=es' */
+ for(;dd!=NIL;dd=tl[dd])
+ { word x=hd[dd];
+ if(tag[dlhs(x)]==ID) /* couldn't be constructor, by grammar */
+ lhs=cons(dlhs(x),lhs),
+ rhs=cons(codegen(dval(x)),rhs);
+ else { word i=0,ids,p=mkgvar(pn++); /* see note 1 */
+ x=new_mklazy(x); ids=dlhs(x);
+ lhs=cons(p,lhs),rhs=cons(codegen(dval(x)),rhs);
+ for(;ids!=NIL;ids=tl[ids],i++)
+ lhs=cons(hd[ids],lhs),
+ rhs=cons(ap2(SUBSCRIPT,mkindex(i),p),rhs);
+ }
+ }
+ if(tl[lhs]==NIL) /* singleton */
+ return(ap(abstr(hd[lhs],codegen(e)),ap(Y,abstr(hd[lhs],hd[rhs]))));
+ return(ap(abstrlist(lhs,codegen(e)),ap(Y,abstrlist(lhs,rhs))));
+/* note 1: we here use the alternative `mklazy' transformation
+ pat = e => x1=p!0;...;xn=p!(n-1);p=(lambda(pat)[xs])e|conferror;
+ where p is a private name (need be unique only within a given letrec)
+word mklazy(d) /* transforms local p=e to ids=($p.ids)e|conferror */
+word d;
+{ if(irrefutable(dlhs(d)))return(d);
+{ word ids=mktuple(dlhs(d));
+ if(ids==NIL){ printf("impossible event in mklazy\n"); return(d); }
+ dval(d)=ap2(TRY,ap(lambda(dlhs(d),ids),dval(d)),
+ ap(CONFERROR,cons(dlhs(d),here_inf(dval(d)))));
+ dlhs(d)=ids;
+ return(d);
+word new_mklazy(d) /* transforms local p=e to ids=($p.ids)e|conferror
+ with ids a LIST (not tuple as formerly) */
+word d;
+{ word ids=get_ids(dlhs(d));
+ if(ids==NIL){ printf("impossible event in new_mklazy\n"); return(d); }
+ dval(d)=ap2(TRY,ap(lambda(dlhs(d),ids),dval(d)),
+ ap(CONFERROR,cons(dlhs(d),here_inf(dval(d)))));
+ dlhs(d)=ids;
+ return(d);
+word here_inf(rhs) /* rhs is of form tries(id,val_list) */
+word rhs;
+{ word x=tl[rhs];
+ while(tl[x]!=NIL)x=tl[x]; /* find earliest alternative */
+ return(hd[hd[x]]); /* hd[x] is of form label(here_info,value) */
+word irrefutable(x) /* x built from suigeneris constr's and (unrepeated) names */
+word x;
+{ if(tag[x]==CONS)return(0); /* includes constants */
+ if(isconstructor(x))return(sui_generis(x));
+ if(tag[x]==ID)return(1);
+ if(tag[x]==AP&&tag[hd[x]]==AP&&hd[hd[x]]==PLUS) /* n+k pattern */
+ return(0);
+ return(irrefutable(hd[x])&&irrefutable(tl[x]));
+word combine(x,y)
+word x,y;
+{ word a,b,a1,b1;
+ a= tag[x]==AP&&hd[x]==K;
+ b= tag[y]==AP&&hd[y]==K;
+ if(a&&b)return(ap(K,ap(tl[x],tl[y])));
+ /* rule of K propagation */
+ if(a&&y==I)return(tl[x]);
+ /* rule 'eta */
+ b1= tag[y]==AP&&tag[hd[y]]==AP&&hd[hd[y]]==B;
+ if(a)if(b1)return(ap3(B1,tl[x],tl[hd[y]],tl[y])); else
+ /* Mark Scheevel's new B1 introduction rule -- adopted Aug 83 */
+ if(tag[tl[x]]==AP&&tag[hd[tl[x]]]==AP&&hd[hd[tl[x]]]==COND)
+ return(ap3(COND,tl[hd[tl[x]]],ap(K,tl[tl[x]]),y));
+ else return(ap2(B,tl[x],y));
+ a1= tag[x]==AP&&tag[hd[x]]==AP&&hd[hd[x]]==B;
+ if(b)if(a1)if(tag[tl[hd[x]]]==AP&&hd[tl[hd[x]]]==COND)
+ return(ap3(COND,tl[tl[hd[x]]],tl[x],y));
+ else return(ap3(C1,tl[hd[x]],tl[x],tl[y]));
+ else return(ap2(C,x,tl[y]));
+ if(a1)if(tag[tl[hd[x]]]==AP&&hd[tl[hd[x]]]==COND)
+ return(ap3(COND,tl[tl[hd[x]]],tl[x],y));
+ else return(ap3(S1,tl[hd[x]],tl[x],y));
+ else return(ap2(S,x,y)); }
+word liscomb(x,y) /* the CONSy analogue of "combine" */
+word x,y;
+{ word a,b;
+ a= tag[x]==AP&&hd[x]==K;
+ b= tag[y]==AP&&hd[y]==K;
+ if(a&&b)return(ap(K,cons(tl[x],tl[y])));
+ /* K propagation again */
+ if(a)if(y==I)return(ap(P,tl[x])); /* eta P - new rule added 20/11/88 */
+ else return(ap2(B_p,tl[x],y));
+ if(b)return(ap2(C_p,x,tl[y]));
+ return(ap2(S_p,x,y)); }
+/* B_p,C_p,S_p are the CONSy analogues of B,C,S
+ see MIRANDA REDUCE for their definitions */
+word compzf(e,qq,diag) /* compile a zf expression with body e and qualifiers qq
+ (listed in reverse order); diag is 0 for sequential
+ and 1 for diagonalising zf expressions */
+word e,qq,diag;
+{ word hold=NIL,r=0,g1= -1; /* r is number of generators */
+ while(qq!=NIL) /* unreverse qualifier list */
+ { if(hd[hd[qq]]==REPEAT)qq=fixrepeats(qq);
+ hold=cons(hd[qq],hold);
+ if(hd[hd[qq]]==GUARD)r++; /* count filters */
+ qq = tl[qq]; }
+ for(qq=hold;qq!=NIL&&hd[hd[qq]]==GUARD;qq=tl[qq])r--; /* less leading filters */
+ if(hd[hd[hold]]==GENERATOR)g1=tl[tl[hd[hold]]]; /* rhs of 1st generator */
+ e=transzf(e,hold,diag?diagonalise:concat);
+ /* diagonalise [ // ] comprehensions, but not [ | ] ones */
+ if(diag)
+ while(r--)e=ap(concat,e); /* see funny version of rule 3 below */
+ return(e==g1?ap2(APPEND,NIL,e):e); /* test in g1 is to fix HR bug */
+/* HR bug - if Rule 1 applied at outermost level, type info is lost
+ eg [p|p<-3] ==> 3 (reported by Ham Richards, Nov 89)
+word transzf(e,qq,conc) /* Bird and Wadler page 63 */
+word e,qq,conc;
+{ word q,q2;
+ if(qq==NIL)return(cons(e,NIL));
+ q=hd[qq];
+ if(hd[q]==GUARD)
+ return(ap3(COND,tl[q],transzf(e,tl[qq],conc),NIL));
+ if(tl[qq]==NIL)
+ if(hd[tl[q]]==e&&isvariable(e))return(tl[tl[q]]); /* Rule 1 */
+ else if(irrefutable(hd[tl[q]]))
+ return(ap2(MAP,lambda(hd[tl[q]],e),tl[tl[q]])); /* Rule 2 */
+ else /* Rule 2 warped for refutable patterns */
+ return(ap2(FLATMAP,lambda(hd[tl[q]],cons(e,NIL)),tl[tl[q]]));
+ q2=hd[tl[qq]];
+ if(hd[q2]==GUARD)
+ if(conc==concat) /* Rule 3 */
+ { tl[tl[q]]=ap2(FILTER,lambda(hd[tl[q]],tl[q2]),tl[tl[q]]);
+ tl[qq]=tl[tl[qq]];
+ return(transzf(e,qq,conc)); }
+ else /* funny [//] version of Rule 3 to avoid creating weak lists */
+ { e=ap3(COND,tl[q2],cons(e,NIL),NIL);
+ tl[qq]=tl[tl[qq]];
+ return(transzf(e,qq,conc)); } /* plus wrap result with concat */
+ return(ap(conc,transzf(transzf(e,tl[qq],conc),cons(q,NIL),conc)));
+ /* Rule 4 */
+word fixrepeats(qq) /* expands multi-lhs generators in zf expressions */
+word qq;
+{ word q = hd[qq];
+ word rhs = q;
+ qq = tl[qq];
+ while(hd[rhs]==REPEAT)rhs = tl[tl[rhs]];
+ rhs = tl[tl[rhs]]; /* rhs now contains the common right hand side */
+ while(hd[q]==REPEAT)
+ { qq = cons(cons(GENERATOR,cons(hd[tl[q]],rhs)),qq);
+ q = tl[tl[q]];
+ }
+ return(cons(q,qq));
+} /* EFFICIENCY PROBLEM - rhs gets re-evaluated for each lhs, fix later */
+ /* likewise re-typechecked, although this probably doesn't matter */
+word lastlink(x) /* finds last link of a list -- needed with zf body elision */
+word x;
+{ while(tl[x]!=NIL)x=tl[x];
+ return(x);
+#define ischar(x) ((x)>=0&&(x)<=255)
+word genlhs(x) /* x is an expression found on the lhs of <- and genlhs returns
+ the corresponding pattern */
+word x;
+{ word hold;
+ switch(tag[x])
+ { case AP:
+ if(tag[hd[x]]==AP&&hd[hd[x]]==PLUS&&isnat(tl[x]))
+ return(ap2(PLUS,tl[x],genlhs(tl[hd[x]]))); /* n+k pattern */
+ case CONS:
+ case TCONS:
+ case PAIR:
+ hold=genlhs(hd[x]); return(make(tag[x],hold,genlhs(tl[x])));
+ case ID:
+ if(member(idsused,x))return(cons(CONST,x));
+ if(!isconstructor(x))idsused=cons(x,idsused); return(x);
+ case INT: return(cons(CONST,x));
+ case DOUBLE: syntax("floating point literal in pattern\n");
+ return(nill);
+ case ATOM: if(x==True||x==False||x==NILS||x==NIL||ischar(x))
+ return(cons(CONST,x));
+ default: syntax("illegal form on left of <-\n");
+ return(nill);
+word speclocs=NIL; /* list of cons(id,hereinfo) giving location of spec for
+ ids both defined and specified - needed to locate errs
+ in meta_tcheck, abstr_mcheck */
+word getspecloc(x)
+word x;
+{ word s=speclocs;
+ while(s!=NIL&&hd[hd[s]]!=x)s=tl[s];
+ return(s==NIL?id_who(x):tl[hd[s]]); }
+void declare(x,e) /* translates <pattern> = <exp> at top level */
+word x,e;
+{ if(tag[x]==ID&&!isconstructor(x))decl1(x,e);else
+ { word bindings=scanpattern(x,x,share(tries(x,cons(e,NIL)),undef_t),
+ ap(CONFERROR,cons(x,hd[e])));
+ /* hd[e] is here-info */
+ /* note creation of share node to force sharing on code generation
+ and typechecking */
+ if(bindings==NIL){ errs=hd[e];
+ syntax("illegal lhs for definition\n");
+ return; }
+ lastname=0;
+ while(bindings!=NIL)
+ { word h;
+ if(id_val(h=hd[hd[bindings]])!=UNDEF)
+ { errs=hd[e]; nameclash(h); return; }
+ id_val(h)=tl[hd[bindings]];
+ if(id_who(h)!=NIL)speclocs=cons(cons(h,id_who(h)),speclocs);
+ id_who(h)=hd[e]; /* here-info */
+ if(id_type(h)==undef_t)addtoenv(h);
+ bindings = tl[bindings];
+ }
+word scanpattern(p,x,e,fail) /* declare ids in x as components of `p=e', each as
+ n = ($p.n)e, result is list of bindings */
+word p,x,e,fail;
+{ if(hd[x]==CONST||isconstructor(x))return(NIL);
+ if(tag[x]==ID){ word binding=
+ cons(x,ap2(TRY,ap(lambda(p,x),e),fail));
+ return(cons(binding,NIL)); }
+ if(tag[x]==AP&&tag[hd[x]]==AP&&hd[hd[x]]==PLUS) /* n+k pattern */
+ return(scanpattern(p,tl[x],e,fail));
+ return(shunt(scanpattern(p,hd[x],e,fail),scanpattern(p,tl[x],e,fail)));
+word get_ids(x) /* return list of names in pattern x (without repetitions) */
+word x;
+{ if(hd[x]==CONST||isconstructor(x))return(NIL);
+ if(tag[x]==ID)return(cons(x,NIL));
+ if(tag[x]==AP&&tag[hd[x]]==AP&&hd[hd[x]]==PLUS) /* n+k pattern */
+ return(get_ids(tl[x]));
+ return(UNION(get_ids(hd[x]),get_ids(tl[x])));
+word mktuple(x) /* extract tuple-structure of names from pattern x */
+word x;
+{ if(hd[x]==CONST||isconstructor(x))return(NIL);
+ if(tag[x]==ID)return(x);
+ if(tag[x]==AP&&tag[hd[x]]==AP&&hd[hd[x]]==PLUS) /* n+k pattern */
+ return(mktuple(tl[x]));
+{ word y=mktuple(tl[x]); x=mktuple(hd[x]);
+ return(x==NIL?y:y==NIL?x:pair(x,y));
+void decl1(x,e) /* declare name x to have the value denoted by e */
+word x,e;
+{ if(id_val(x)!=UNDEF&&lastname!=x)
+ { errs=hd[e]; nameclash(x); return; }
+ if(id_val(x)==UNDEF)
+ { id_val(x)= tries(x,cons(e,NIL));
+ if(id_who(x)!=NIL)speclocs=cons(cons(x,id_who(x)),speclocs);
+ id_who(x)= hd[e]; /* here-info */
+ if(id_type(x)==undef_t)addtoenv(x);
+ } else
+ if(!fallible(hd[tl[id_val(x)]]))
+ errs=hd[e],
+ printf("%ssyntax error: unreachable case in defn of \"%s\"\n",
+ echoing?"\n":"",get_id(x)),
+ acterror();
+ else tl[id_val(x)]= cons(e,tl[id_val(x)]);
+/* multi-clause definitions are composed as tries(id,rhs_list)
+ where id is included purely for diagnostic purposes
+ note that rhs_list is reversed - put right by code generation */
+word fallible(e) /* e is "fallible" rhs - if not sure, says yes */
+word e;
+{ for(;;)
+ { if(tag[e]==LABEL)e=tl[e];
+ if(tag[e]==LETREC||tag[e]==LET)e=tl[e]; else
+ if(tag[e]==LAMBDA)
+ if(irrefutable(hd[e]))e=tl[e];
+ else return(1); else
+ if(tag[e]==AP&&tag[hd[e]]==AP&&tag[hd[hd[e]]]==AP&&hd[hd[hd[e]]]==COND)
+ e=tl[e]; else
+ return(e==FAIL); /* test for nested (COND a b FAIL) */
+ }
+} /* NOTE
+ When an rhs contains FAIL as a result of compiling an elseless guard set
+ it is of the form
+ XX ::= ap3(COND,a,b,FAIL) | let[rec](def[s],XX) | lambda(pat,XX)
+ an rhs is fallible if
+ 1) it is an XX, as above, or
+ 2) it is of the form lambda(pat1,...,lambda(patn,e)...)
+ where at least one of the patterns pati is refutable.
+ */
+/* combinator to select i'th out of n args *//*
+word k(i,n)
+int i,n;
+{ if(i==1)return(n==1?I:n==2?K:ap2(B,K,k(1,n-1)));
+ if(i==2&&n==2)return(KI); /* redundant but saves space *//*
+ return(ap(K,k(i-1,n-1)));
+} /* not currently used */
+#define arity_check if(t_arity(tf)!=arity)\
+ printf("%ssyntax error: \
+wrong number of parameters for typename \"%s\" (%ld expected)\n",\
+ echoing?"\n":"",get_id(tf),t_arity(tf)),errs=here,acterror()
+void decltype(tf,class,info,here) /* declare a user defined type */
+word tf,class,info,here;
+{ word arity=0;
+ extern word errs;
+ while(tag[tf]==AP)arity++,tf=hd[tf];
+ if(class==synonym_t&&id_type(tf)==type_t&&t_class(tf)==abstract_t
+ &&t_info(tf)==undef_t)
+ { /* this is binding for declared but not yet bound abstract typename */
+ arity_check;
+ id_who(tf)=here;
+ t_info(tf)=info;
+ return; }
+ if(class==abstract_t&&id_type(tf)==type_t&&t_class(tf)==synonym_t)
+ { /* this is abstype declaration of already bound typename */
+ arity_check;
+ t_class(tf)=abstract_t;
+ return; }
+ if(id_val(tf)!=UNDEF)
+ { errs=here; nameclash(tf); return; }
+ if(class!=synonym_t)newtyps=add1(tf,newtyps);
+ id_val(tf)=make_typ(arity,class==algebraic_t?make_pn(UNDEF):0,class,info);
+ if(id_type(tf)!=undef_t){ errs=here; respec_error(tf); return; }
+ else addtoenv(tf);
+ id_who(tf)=here;
+ id_type(tf)=type_t;
+void declconstr(x,n,t) /* declare x to be constructor number n of type t */
+word x,n,t; /* x must be an identifier */
+{ id_val(x)=constructor(n,x);
+ if(n>>16)
+ { syntax("algebraic type has too many constructors\n"); return; }
+ if(id_type(x)!=undef_t){ errs=id_who(x); respec_error(x); return; }
+ else addtoenv(x);
+ id_type(x) = t;
+} /* the value of a constructor x is constructor(constr_tag,x)
+ where constr_tag is a small natural number */
+word block(defs,e,keep) /* semantics of "where" - performs dependency analysis */
+/* defs has form list(defn(pat,typ,val)), e is body of block */
+/* if `keep' hold together as single letrec */
+word defs,e,keep;
+{ word ids=NIL,deftoids=NIL,g=NIL,d;
+ extern word SYNERR,detrop;
+ /* return(letrec(defs,e)); /* release one semantics was just this */
+ if(SYNERR)return(NIL); /* analysis falls over on empty patterns */
+ for(d=defs;d!=NIL;d=tl[d]) /* first collect all ids defined in block */
+ { word x = get_ids(dlhs(hd[d]));
+ ids=UNION(ids,x);
+ deftoids=cons(cons(hd[d],x),deftoids);
+ }
+ defs=sort(defs);
+ for(d=defs;d!=NIL;d=tl[d]) /* now build dependency relation g */
+ { word x=intersection(deps(dval(hd[d])),ids),y=NIL;
+ for(;x!=NIL;x=tl[x]) /* replace each id by corresponding def */
+ y=add1(invgetrel(deftoids,hd[x]),y);
+ g=cons(cons(hd[d],add1(hd[d],y)),g);
+ /* treat all defs as recursive for now */
+ }
+ g=reverse(g); /* keep in address order of first components */
+/* g is list(cons(def,defs))
+ where defs are all on which def immediately depends, plus self */
+ g = tclos(g); /* now g is list(cons(def,ultdefs)) */
+ { /* check for unused definitions */
+ word x=intersection(deps(e),ids),y=NIL,*g1= &g;
+ for(;x!=NIL;x=tl[x])
+ { word d=invgetrel(deftoids,hd[x]);
+ if(!member(y,d))y=UNION(y,getrel(g,d)); }
+ defs=setdiff(defs,y); /* these are de trop */
+ if(defs!=NIL)detrop=append1(detrop,defs);
+ if(keep) /* if local polymorphism not required */
+ return(letrec(y,e)); /* analysis was solely to find unwanted defs */
+ /* remove redundant entries from g */
+ /* no, leave in for typecheck - could remove afterwards
+ while(*g1!=NIL&&defs!=NIL)
+ if(hd[hd[*g1]]==hd[defs])*g1=tl[*g1]; else
+ if(hd[hd[*g1]]<hd[defs])g1= &tl[*g1];
+ else defs=tl[defs]; */
+ }
+ g = msc(g); /* g is list(defgroup,ultdefs) */
+ g = tsort(g); /* g is list(defgroup) in dependency order */
+ g = reverse(g); /* reconstruct block inside-first */
+ while(g!=NIL)
+ { if(tl[hd[g]]==NIL &&
+ intersection(get_ids(dlhs(hd[hd[g]])),deps(dval(hd[hd[g]])))==NIL
+ )e=let(hd[hd[g]],e); /* single non-recursive def */
+ else e=letrec(hd[g],e);
+ g=tl[g]; }
+ return(e);
+/* Implementation note:
+ tsort will fall over if there is a non-list strong component because it
+ was originally written on assumption that relation is over identifiers.
+ Whence need to pretend all defs recursive until after tsort.
+ Could do better - some defs may be subsidiary to others */
+word tclos(r) /* fast transitive closure - destructive in r */
+word r; /* r is of form list(cons(x,xs)) */
+{ word r1;
+ for(r1=r;r1!=NIL;r1=tl[r1])
+ { word x= less1(tl[hd[r1]],hd[hd[r1]]);
+ /* invariant x intersect tl[hd[r1]] = NIL */
+ while(x!=NIL)
+ { x=imageless(r,x,tl[hd[r1]]);
+ tl[hd[r1]]=UNION(tl[hd[r1]],x); }
+ }
+ return(r);
+word getrel(r,x) /* r is list(cons(x,xs)) - return appropriate xs, else NIL */
+word r,x;
+{ while(r!=NIL&&hd[hd[r]]!=x)r=tl[r];
+ return(r==NIL?NIL:tl[hd[r]]);
+word invgetrel(r,x) /* return first x1 such that `x1 r x' error if none found */
+word r,x;
+{ while(r!=NIL&&!member(tl[hd[r]],x))r=tl[r];
+ if(r==NIL)fprintf(stderr,"impossible event in invgetrel\n"),exit(1);
+ return(hd[hd[r]]);
+word imageless(r,y,z) /* image of set y in reln r, less set z */
+word r,y,z;
+{ word i=NIL;
+ while(r!=NIL&&y!=NIL)
+ if(hd[hd[r]]==hd[y])
+ i=UNION(i,less(tl[hd[r]],z)),r=tl[r],y=tl[y]; else
+ if(hd[hd[r]]<hd[y])r=tl[r];
+ else y=tl[y];
+ return(i);
+word less(x,y) /* non-destructive set difference x-y */
+word x,y;
+{ word r=NIL;
+ while(x!=NIL&&y!=NIL)
+ if(hd[x]==hd[y])x=tl[x],y=tl[y]; else
+ if(hd[x]<hd[y])r=cons(hd[x],r),x=tl[x];
+ else y=tl[y];
+ return(shunt(r,x));
+word less1(x,a) /* non-destructive set difference x- {a} */
+word x,a;
+{ word r=NIL;
+ while(x!=NIL&&hd[x]!=a)r=cons(hd[x],r),x=tl[x];
+ return(shunt(r,x==NIL?NIL:tl[x]));
+word sort(x) /* into address order */
+word x;
+{ word a=NIL,b=NIL,hold=NIL;
+ if(x==NIL||tl[x]==NIL)return(x);
+ while(x!=NIL) /* split x */
+ { hold=a,a=cons(hd[x],b),b=hold;
+ x=tl[x]; }
+ a=sort(a),b=sort(b);
+ /* now merge two halves back together */
+ while(a!=NIL&&b!=NIL)
+ if(hd[a]<hd[b])x=cons(hd[a],x),a=tl[a];
+ else x=cons(hd[b],x),b=tl[b];
+ if(a==NIL)a=b;
+ while(a!=NIL)x=cons(hd[a],x),a=tl[a];
+ return(reverse(x));
+word sortrel(x) /* sort relation into address order of first components */
+word x; /* x is a list of cons(y,ys) */
+{ word a=NIL,b=NIL,hold=NIL;
+ if(x==NIL||tl[x]==NIL)return(x);
+ while(x!=NIL) /* split x */
+ { hold=a,a=cons(hd[x],b),b=hold;
+ x=tl[x]; }
+ a=sortrel(a),b=sortrel(b);
+ /* now merge two halves back together */
+ while(a!=NIL&&b!=NIL)
+ if(hd[hd[a]]<hd[hd[b]])x=cons(hd[a],x),a=tl[a];
+ else x=cons(hd[b],x),b=tl[b];
+ if(a==NIL)a=b;
+ while(a!=NIL)x=cons(hd[a],x),a=tl[a];
+ return(reverse(x));
+void specify(x,t,h) /* semantics of a "::" statement */
+word x,t,h; /* N.B. t not yet in reduced form */
+{ extern word showwhat;
+ if(tag[x]!=ID&&t!=type_t){ errs=h;
+ syntax("incorrect use of ::\n");
+ return; }
+ if(t==type_t)
+ { word a=0;
+ while(tag[x]==AP)a++,x=hd[x];
+ if(!(id_val(x)==UNDEF&&id_type(x)==undef_t))
+ { errs=h; nameclash(x); return; }
+ id_type(x)=type_t;
+ if(id_who(x)==NIL)id_who(x)=h; /* premise always true, see above */
+ /* if specified and defined, locate by definition */
+ id_val(x)=make_typ(a,showwhat,placeholder_t,NIL);/* placeholder type */
+ addtoenv(x);
+ newtyps=add1(x,newtyps);
+ return; }
+ if(id_type(x)!=undef_t){ errs=h; respec_error(x); return; }
+ id_type(x)=t;
+ if(id_who(x)==NIL)id_who(x)=h; /* as above */
+ else speclocs=cons(cons(x,h),speclocs);
+ if(id_val(x)==UNDEF)addtoenv(x);
+void respec_error(x) /* only one type spec per name allowed - IS THIS RIGHT? */
+word x;
+{ extern word primenv;
+ if(echoing)putchar('\n');
+ printf("syntax error: type of \"%s\" already declared%s\n",get_id(x),
+ member(primenv,x)?" (in standard environment)":"");
+ acterror();
+void nameclash(x) /* only one top level binding per name allowed */
+word x;
+{ extern word primenv;
+ if(echoing)putchar('\n');
+ printf("syntax error: nameclash, \"%s\" already defined%s\n",get_id(x),
+ member(primenv,x)?" (in standard environment)":"");
+ acterror();
+void nclashcheck(n,dd,hr) /* is n already bound in list of definitions dd */
+word n,dd,hr;
+{ while(dd!=NIL&&!nclchk(n,dlhs(hd[dd]),hr))dd=tl[dd];
+int nclchk(n,p,hr) /* is n already bound in pattern p */
+word n,p,hr;
+{ if(hd[p]==CONST)return(0);
+ if(tag[p]==ID)
+ { if(n!=p)return(0);
+ if(echoing)putchar('\n');
+ errs=hr,
+ printf(
+"syntax error: conflicting definitions of \"%s\" in where clause\n",
+ get_id(n)),
+ acterror();
+ return(1); }
+ if(tag[p]==AP&&hd[p]==PLUS) /* hd of n+k pattern */
+ return(0);
+ return(nclchk(n,hd[p],hr)||nclchk(n,tl[p],hr));
+word transtypeid(x) /* recognises literal type constants - see rules.y */
+word x;
+{ char *n=get_id(x);
+ return(strcmp(n,"bool")==0?bool_t:
+ strcmp(n,"num")==0?num_t:
+ strcmp(n,"char")==0?char_t:
+ x);
+/* end of MIRANDA TRANS */