path: root/data.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data.h')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data.h b/data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6975f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ * Copyright (C) Research Software Limited 1985-90. All rights reserved. *
+ * The Miranda system is distributed as free software under the terms in *
+ * the file "COPYING" which is included in the distribution. *
+ * *
+ * Revised to C11 standard and made 64bit compatible, January 2020 *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef long word;
+/* word must be an integer type wide enough to also store (char*) or (FILE*).
+ Defining it as "long" works on the most common platforms both 32 and
+ 64 bit. Be aware that word==long is reflected in printf etc formats
+ e.g. %ld, in many places in the code. If you define word to be other
+ than long these will need to be changed, the gcc/clang option -Wformat
+ will locate format/arg type mismatches. DT Jan 2020 */
+#define YYSTYPE word
+#define YYMAXDEPTH 1000
+extern YYSTYPE yylval;
+#include "" /* for tokens */
+#include "combs.h" /* for combinators */
+#include "utf8.h" /* for UMAX etc */
+#include ".xversion"
+ /* #define for XVERSION - we increase this by one at each non upwards
+ compatible change to dump format */
+/* all Miranda values are of type word
+ 0..ATOMLIMIT-1 are atoms, made up as follows
+ 0..255 the Latin 1 character set (0..127 ascii)
+ 256..CMBASE-1 lexical tokens, see rules.y
+ CMBASE..ATOMLIMIT-1 combinators and special values eg NIL
+ see combs.h
+ ATOMLIMIT is the first pointer value
+ values >= ATOMLIMIT are indexes into the heap
+ the heap is held as three arrays tag[], hd[], tl[]
+ word *hd,*tl are offset so they are indexed from ATOMLIMIT
+ char *tag holds type info and is indexed from 0
+ tag[0]..tag[ATOMLIMIT-1] are all 0 meaning ATOM
+ see setupheap() in data.c
+#define ATOM 0
+#define DOUBLE 1
+#define DATAPAIR 2
+#define FILEINFO 3
+/* FILEINFO differs from DATAPAIR in that (char *) in hd will be made relative
+ to current directory on dump/undump */
+#define TVAR 4
+#define INT 5
+#define CONSTRUCTOR 6
+#define STRCONS 7
+#define ID 8
+#define AP 9
+#define LAMBDA 10
+#define CONS 11
+#define TRIES 12
+#define LABEL 13
+#define SHOW 14
+#define LET 16
+#define LETREC 17
+#define SHARE 18
+#define LEXER 19
+#define PAIR 20
+#define UNICODE 21
+#define TCONS 22
+ /* ATOM ... TCONS are the possible values of the
+ "tag" field of a cell */
+#define isptr(x) (ATOMLIMIT<=(x)&&(x)<TOP)
+#define BACKSTOP (1l<<(__WORDSIZE-1))
+#define tlptrbit BACKSTOP
+#define tlptrbits (3l<<(__WORDSIZE-2))
+#define datapair(x,y) make(DATAPAIR,(word)x,(word)y)
+#define fileinfo(x,y) make(FILEINFO,(word)x,(word)y)
+#define constructor(n,x) make(CONSTRUCTOR,(word)n,(word)x)
+#define strcons(x,y) make(STRCONS,(word)x,y)
+#define cons(x,y) make(CONS,x,y)
+#define lambda(x,y) make(LAMBDA,x,y)
+#define let(x,y) make(LET,x,y)
+#define letrec(x,y) make(LETREC,x,y)
+#define share(x,y) make(SHARE,x,y)
+#define pair(x,y) make(PAIR,x,y)
+#define tcons(x,y) make(TCONS,x,y)
+#define tries(x,y) make(TRIES,x,y)
+#define label(x,y) make(LABEL,x,y)
+#define show(x,y) make(SHOW,x,y)
+#define readvals(x,y) make(STARTREADVALS,x,y)
+#define ap(x,y) make(AP,(word)(x),(word)(y))
+#define ap2(x,y,z) ap(ap(x,y),z)
+#define ap3(w,x,y,z) ap(ap2(w,x,y),z)
+/* data abstractions for local definitions (as in LET, LETREC) */
+#define defn(x,t,y) cons(x,cons(t,y))
+#define dlhs(d) hd[d]
+#define dtyp(d) hd[tl[d]]
+#define dval(d) tl[tl[d]]
+/* data abstractions for identifiers (see also sto_id() in data.c) */
+#define get_id(x) ((char *)hd[hd[hd[x]]])
+#define id_who(x) tl[hd[hd[x]]]
+#define id_type(x) tl[hd[x]]
+#define id_val(x) tl[x]
+#define isconstructor(x) (tag[x]==ID&&isconstrname(get_id(x)))
+#define isvariable(x) (tag[x]==ID&&!isconstrname(get_id(x)))
+/* the who field contains NIL (for a name that is totally undefined)
+hereinfo for a name that has been defined or specified and
+cons(aka,hereinfo) for a name that has been aliased, where aka
+is of the form datapair(oldn,0) oldn being a string */
+char *getaka();
+/* returns true name of an identifier, even after aliasing (data.c) */
+/* data abstractions for private names
+see also reset_pns(), make_pn(), sto_pn() in lex.c */
+#define get_pn(x) hd[x]
+#define pn_val(x) tl[x]
+#define the_val(x) tl[x]
+/* works for both pnames and ids */
+extern int compiling,polyshowerror;
+word *hd,*tl;
+char *tag;
+char *getstring();
+double get_dbl(word);
+void dieclean(void);
+#include <unistd.h> /* execl */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, calloc, realloc, getenv */
+#include <limits.h> /* MAX_DBL */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+typedef void (*sighandler)();
+#include <math.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define index(s,c) strchr(s,c)
+#define rindex(s,c) strrchr(s,c)
+#if IBMRISC | sparc7
+union wait { word w_status; };
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#define END 0
+ /* YACC requires endmarker to be zero or -ve */
+#define GENERATOR 0
+#define GUARD 1
+#define REPEAT 2
+#define is(s) (strcmp(dicp,s)==0)
+extern word idsused;
+#define BUFSIZE 1024
+/* limit on length of shell commands (for /e, !, System) */
+#define pnlim 1024
+/* limit on length of pathnames */
+word files; /* a cons list of elements, each of which is of the form
+ cons(cons(fileinfo(filename,mtime),share),definienda)
+ where share (=0,1) says if repeated instances are shareable.
+ Current script at the front followed by subsidiary files
+ due to %insert and %include -- elements due to %insert have
+ NIL definienda (they are attributed to the inserting script)
+ */
+word current_file; /*pointer to current element of `files' during compilation*/
+#define make_fil(name,time,share,defs) cons(cons(fileinfo(name,time),\
+#define get_fil(fil) ((char *)hd[hd[hd[fil]]])
+#define fil_time(fil) tl[hd[hd[fil]]]
+#define fil_share(fil) hd[tl[hd[fil]]]
+#define fil_inodev(fil) tl[tl[hd[fil]]]
+/* leave a NIL as placeholder here - filled in by mkincludes */
+#define fil_defs(fil) tl[fil]
+#define addtoenv(x) fil_defs(hd[files])=cons(x,fil_defs(hd[files]))
+extern word lastexp;
+/* representation of types */
+#define undef_t 0
+#define bool_t 1
+#define num_t 2
+#define char_t 3
+#define list_t 4
+#define comma_t 5
+#define arrow_t 6
+#define void_t 7
+#define wrong_t 8
+#define bind_t 9
+#define type_t 10
+#define strict_t 11
+#define alias_t 12
+#define new_t 13
+#define isarrow_t(t) (tag[t]==AP&&tag[hd[t]]==AP&&hd[hd[t]]==arrow_t)
+#define iscomma_t(t) (tag[t]==AP&&tag[hd[t]]==AP&&hd[hd[t]]==comma_t)
+#define islist_t(t) (tag[t]==AP&&hd[t]==list_t)
+#define isvar_t(t) (tag[t]==TVAR)
+#define iscompound_t(t) (tag[t]==AP)
+/* NOTES:
+user defined types are represented by Miranda identifiers (of type "type"),
+generic types (e.g. "**") by Miranda numbers, and compound types are
+built up with AP nodes, e.g. "a->b" is represented by 'ap2(arrow_t,a,b)'
+Applying bind_t to a type variable, thus: ap(bind_t,tv), indicates that
+it is not to be instantiated. Applying strict_t to a type represents the
+'!' operator of algebraic type definitions.
+#define hashsize 512
+/* size of hash table for unification algorithm in typechecker */
+#define mktvar(i) make(TVAR,0,i)
+#define gettvar(x) (tl[x])
+#define eqtvar(x,y) (tl[x]==tl[y])
+#define hashval(x) (gettvar(x)%hashsize)
+/* NB perhaps slightly wasteful to allocate a cell for each tvar,
+could be fixed by having unboxed repn for small integers */
+/* value field of type identifier takes one of the following forms:
+*/ /* suspicion - info field of typeval never used after compilation
+- check this later */
+#define make_typ(a,shf,class,info) cons(cons(a,shf),cons(class,info))
+#define t_arity(x) hd[hd[the_val(x)]]
+#define t_showfn(x) tl[hd[the_val(x)]]
+#define t_class(x) hd[tl[the_val(x)]]
+#define t_info(x) tl[tl[the_val(x)]]
+#define algebraic_t 0
+#define synonym_t 1
+#define abstract_t 2
+#define placeholder_t 3
+#define free_t 4
+/* function prototypes - data.c */
+word append1(word,word);
+char *charname(word);
+void dump_script(word,FILE *);
+void gc(void);
+void gcpatch(void);
+char *getaka(word);
+word get_char(word);
+word geterrlin(char *);
+word get_here(word);
+int is_char(word);
+word load_script(FILE *,char *,word,word,word);
+word make(unsigned char,word,word);
+void mallocfail(char *);
+int okdump(char *);
+void out(FILE *,word);
+void out1(FILE *,word);
+void out2(FILE *,word);
+void outr(FILE *,double);
+void resetgcstats(void);
+void resetheap(void);
+void setdbl(word,double);
+void setprefix(char *);
+void setupheap(void);
+word sto_char(int);
+word sto_dbl(double);
+word sto_id(char *);
+word trueheapsize(void);
+/* function prototypes - reduce.c */
+word head(word);
+void initclock(void);
+void math_error(char *);
+void out_here(FILE *,word,word);
+void output(word);
+void outstats(void);
+/* function prototypes - trans.c */
+word block(word,word,word);
+word codegen(word);
+word compzf(word,word,word);
+void declare(word,word);
+void declconstr(word,word,word);
+void decltype(word,word,word,word);
+word fallible(word);
+word genlhs(word);
+void genshfns(void);
+word get_ids(word);
+word getspecloc(word);
+word irrefutable(word);
+word lastlink(word);
+word memb(word,word);
+word mkshow(word,word,word);
+void nclashcheck(word,word,word);
+word same(word,word);
+word sortrel(word);
+void specify(word,word,word);
+word tclos(word);
+word transtypeid(word);
+/* function prototypes - steer.c */
+void acterror(void);
+word alfasort(word);
+void dieclean(void);
+word fixtype(word,word);
+word fm_time(char *); /* assumes type word same size as time_t */
+void fpe_error(void);
+word parseline(word,FILE *,word);
+word process(void);
+void readoption(void);
+void reset(void);
+word reverse(word);
+word shunt(word,word);
+word size(word);
+void syntax(char *);
+void yyerror(char *);
+/* function prototypes - types.c */
+word add1(word,word);
+void checktypes(void);
+word deps(word);
+word genlstat_t(void);
+word instantiate(word);
+word intersection(word,word);
+int ispoly(word);
+word member(word,word);
+word msc(word);
+word newadd1(word,word);
+void out_pattern(FILE *,word);
+void out_type(word);
+void printlist(char *,word);
+word redtvars(word);
+void report_type(word);
+void sayhere(word,word);
+word setdiff(word,word);
+word subsumes(word,word);
+void tsetup(void);
+word tsort(word);
+word type_of(word);
+word typesfirst(word);
+word UNION(word,word);
+/* function prototype - */
+int yyparse();
+extern int yychar; /* defined in */
+/* #include "allexterns" /* check for type consistency */