path: root/menudriver.c
diff options
authorJakob Kaivo <>2022-03-04 12:32:20 -0500
committerJakob Kaivo <>2022-03-04 12:32:20 -0500
commit55f277e77428d7423ae906a8e1f1324d35b07a7d (patch)
tree5c1c04703dff89c46b349025d2d3ec88ea9b3819 /menudriver.c
import Miranda 2.066 from upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'menudriver.c')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/menudriver.c b/menudriver.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a0847b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/menudriver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+/* general purpose menu driver */
+/* alternatively there is an equivalent shell script, */
+ * Copyright (C) Research Software Limited 1985-90. All rights reserved. *
+ * The Miranda system is distributed as free software under the terms in *
+ * the file "COPYING" which is included in the distribution. *
+ * *
+ * Revised to C11 standard and made 64bit compatible, January 2020 *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+typedef void (*sighandler)();
+#define pnlim 1024
+struct stat buf;
+char *menuviewer;
+char *viewer="less";
+#ifdef UWIN
+ "more -ne";
+ "more -d";
+#endif */
+/* this modifies default behaviour of menudriver to return straight to menu
+ after displaying section, to avoid two layers of prompt;
+ choice can be overriden by environment variable RETURNTOMENU=YES/NO */
+int fastback=1;
+int fastback=0;
+void callshell(char[]);
+void clrscr(void);
+void menudrive(char*);
+void pushlast(void);
+void poplast(void);
+void settings(void);
+void singleton(char*);
+int subdir(void);
+char next[40]="",cmd[80],last[40]=".";
+int val, ok=0;
+#include <string.h>
+#define index(s,c) strchr(s,c)
+int main(argc,argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+{ char *v=getenv("VIEWER"),*fb=getenv("RETURNTOMENU");
+ menuviewer=getenv("MENUVIEWER");
+ if(argc>2)fprintf(stderr,"menudriver: wrong number of args\n"),exit(1);
+ if(!menuviewer)menuviewer="cat";
+ if(!menuviewer)menuviewer=viewer;
+#endif */
+ if(v)viewer=v;
+ if(fb)fastback=!(*fb=='N'||*fb=='n');
+#ifdef CURSES
+ setupterm(0,1,&ok);
+ if(ok!=1)fprintf(stderr,"warning: cannot find terminfo entry\n");
+ menudrive(argc==1?".":argv[1]); }
+int lastval() /* checks if last is a number (and if so leaves value in val) */
+{ if(strcmp(last,".")==0&&subdir())
+ /* special case, have just entered subdir */
+ { poplast();
+ if(sscanf(last,"%d",&val)==1)
+ { chdir(".."); return(1); }
+ pushlast(); return(0); }
+ return(sscanf(last,"%d",&val)==1);
+void menudrive(dir)
+char *dir;
+{ char *np;int c,bad=0;
+ if(chdir(dir)==-1)singleton(dir); /* apparently not a directory */
+ while(stat("contents",&buf)==0)
+ { if(next[0]=='\0'||bad)
+ { clrscr();
+ /* invalid selection notified here, after clearing screen */
+ if(bad)
+ { if(strcmp(next,".")==0)
+ printf("no previous selection to substitute for \".\"\n");
+ else printf("selection \"%s\" not valid\n",next);
+ bad=0; }
+ strcpy(cmd,menuviewer);
+ strcat(cmd," ");
+ strcat(cmd,"contents");
+ system(cmd);
+ printf("::please type selection number (or return to exit):");
+ /* read remainder of line into next, less leading white space */
+ np=next; c=getchar();
+ while(c==' '||c=='\t')c=getchar();
+ while(c!='\n'&&c!=EOF)*np++=c,c=getchar();
+ if(c==EOF)exit(0);
+ /* remove trailing white space */
+ if(next[0]!='!')while(np[-1]==' '||np[-1]=='\t')np--;
+ *np='\0'; }
+ if(next[0]=='\0'){ chdir(".."); poplast(); continue; }
+ if(strcmp(next,".")==0)strcpy(next,last); /* repeat last option */
+ if(strcmp(next,"+")==0&&lastval())(void)sprintf(next,"%d",val+1);
+ if(strcmp(next,"-")==0&&lastval())(void)sprintf(next,"%d",val-1);
+ if(stat(next,&buf)==0)
+ { if(strcmp(next,".")==0||strcmp(next,"..")==0||index(next,'/'))
+ { bad=1; continue; } /* no pathnames - see below */
+ if(S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) /* directory */
+ { char hold[pnlim];
+ if(!getcwd(hold,pnlim))
+ fprintf(stderr,"panic: cwd too long\n"),exit(1);
+ if(chdir(next)==-1||stat("contents",&buf))
+ bad=1,chdir(hold);
+ else strcpy(last,next),pushlast(),next[0]='\0'; } else
+ if(S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) /* regular file */
+ { clrscr();
+#ifndef UWIN
+ if(buf.st_mode&S_IXUSR) /* executable (by owner) */
+ if(strcmp(next,"99")==0)
+ { strcpy(cmd,"./");
+ strcat(cmd,next);
+ system(cmd);
+ if(fastback)
+ { printf("[Hit return to continue]");
+ while(getchar()!='\n');
+ }
+ } else
+ { strcpy(cmd,viewer);
+ strcat(cmd," ");
+ strcat(cmd,next);
+ system(cmd); }
+ if(fastback)
+ { strcpy(last,next);
+ next[0]='\0';
+ }
+ else
+ { printf(
+ "::next selection (or return to go back to menu, or q to quit):"
+ );
+ /* read remainder of line into next, less leading white space */
+ strcpy(last,next);
+ np=next; c=getchar();
+ while(c==' '||c=='\t')c=getchar();
+ while(c!='\n'&&c!=EOF)*np++=c,c=getchar();
+ if(c==EOF)exit(0);
+ /* remove trailing white space */
+ if(next[0]!='!')while(np[-1]==' '||np[-1]=='\t')np--;
+ *np='\0';
+ }
+ } } else
+ if(strcmp(next,"???")==0) /* ask to see menudriver settings */
+ { settings();
+ printf("[Hit return to continue]");
+ while(getchar()!='\n');
+ next[0]='\0';
+ } else
+ if(strcmp(next,"q")==0||strcmp(next,"/q")==0)exit(0); else
+ if(next[0]=='!') /* shell escape - handy for editing manual! */
+ { static char syscm[80];
+ if(next[1]=='\0'||next[1]=='!')
+ if(syscm[0])
+ { if(next[1]=='!')strcat(syscm,next+2);
+ printf("!%s\n",syscm); }
+ else
+ printf("no previous shell command to substitute for \"!\"\n");
+ else strcpy(syscm,next+1);
+ if(syscm[0])callshell(syscm); /* `system' always gets /bin/sh */
+ printf("[Hit return to continue]");
+ while(getchar()!='\n');
+ next[0]='\0'; }
+ else bad=1;
+ }
+/* possibly a bug - can retreat above original dir, if parent contains a
+ "contents" file - difficult to detect this in a general way, however */
+/* pathnames banned because
+ (i) upward pathname will not return correctly if a directory (see above)
+ (ii) direct selection of a grandchild directory leads to
+ (a) returns via child, instead of directly
+ (b) meaning of "." is screwed up while in (a) */
+/* could fix all this by - rewrite handling of subdirectory to hold=getwd()
+ and exit by chdir(hold) instead of chdir("..") - will need to make this
+ recursive, or else have stack of holdwd's */
+void singleton(fil)
+char *fil;
+{ if(stat(fil,&buf)==0 && S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) /* regular file */
+ { clrscr();
+#ifndef UWIN
+ if(buf.st_mode&S_IXUSR) /* executable (by owner) */
+ { strcpy(cmd,"./");
+ strcat(cmd,fil);
+ system(cmd);
+ fastback=0; } else
+ { strcpy(cmd,viewer);
+ strcat(cmd," ");
+ strcat(cmd,fil);
+ system(cmd); }
+ if(!fastback)
+ { printf("[Hit return to continue]");
+ while(getchar()!='\n'); }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ else fprintf(stderr,"menudriver: cannot access \"%s\"\n",fil),
+ exit(1);
+void callshell(v)
+char v[];
+{ static char *shell=NULL;
+ sighandler oldsig; int pid;
+ if(!shell)
+ { shell=getenv("SHELL");
+ if(!shell)shell="/bin/sh"; }
+ oldsig= signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN);
+ if(pid=fork())
+ { /* parent */
+ if(pid==-1)
+ perror("UNIX error - cannot create process");
+ wait(0);
+ (void)signal(SIGINT,oldsig); }
+ else execl(shell,shell,"-c",v,(char *)0);
+void settings()
+{ printf("current values of menudriver internal variables are\n\n");
+ printf(" VIEWER=%s\n",viewer);
+ printf(" MENUVIEWER=%s\n",menuviewer);
+ printf(" RETURNTOMENU=%s\n",fastback?"YES":"NO");
+ printf("\n\
+These can be modified by setting environment variables of the same names\n\n\
+VIEWER is the program used to display individual sections\n\n\
+MENUVIEWER is the program used to display contents pages\n\n\
+RETURNTOMENU=NO/YES causes a second prompt to be given/not given after\n\
+displaying section (ie before returning to contents page). It should be\n\
+`YES' if VIEWER is a program that pauses for input at end of file, or\n\
+`NO' if VIEWER is a program that quits silently at end of file.\n\n");
+Symptoms of a wrong setting are (i) bottom part of manual section\n\
+disappears from screen before you have had a chance to read it - to cure\n\
+this set RETURNTOMENU=NO; or (ii) having to quit through two layers of\n\
+prompt at bottom of a manual section before getting back to the contents\n\
+page - to cure this set RETURNTOMENU=YES;\n\n");
+char lastvec[100],*lastp=lastvec+1;
+int giveup=0;
+int subdir()
+{ return(lastp>lastvec+1); }
+void pushlast()
+{ int n=strlen(last);
+ if(last[0]=='.')
+ /* pathological cases */
+ if(last[1]=='\0')return; else
+ if(last[1]=='.'&&last[2]=='\0')
+ { poplast(); return; }
+ if(lastp+n>lastvec+100) /* overflow */
+ { giveup=1; return; }
+ /*if(strcmp(lastp,last)==0)
+ lastp+=n+1,strcpy(last,lastp); else /* here we were */
+ /* suppressed 'cos interferes with special case in lastval() */
+ strcpy(lastp,last),lastp+=n+1,strcpy(last,".");
+void poplast()
+{ strcpy(lastp,last); /* just in case we come back immediately */
+ lastp--;
+ if(giveup||lastp<=lastvec)return; /* underflow */
+ while(*--lastp);
+ strcpy(last,++lastp);
+#ifndef CURSES
+/* to clear screen */
+void clrscr()
+{ printf("\x1b[2J\x1b[H"); fflush(stdout);
+/* alternative method needs curses lib, compile with -DCURSES, or -DUWIN
+ and -lncurses */
+#ifdef UWIN
+#include <ncurses/curses.h>
+#include <ncurses/term.h>
+#include <curses.h>
+#include <term.h>
+void clrscr()
+{ if(ok!=1)return;
+ putp(clear_screen);
+ fflush(stdout);
+/* end of clrscr method using curses */