||names defined in this file are not in scope for users - they are part ||of the internal mechanisms of the Miranda system. ||the following three identifiers are "untypeable" and defined internally ||changetype::*->** ||primitive function, semantically equivalent to id ||first::*->** ||gets first element of a tuple ||rest::*->** ||gets rest of a tuple (i.e. without first component) ||offside::[char] ||defined internally and used by indent, see below diagonalise :: [[*]]->[*] ||used by [//] comprehensions diagonalise x = diag 1 x ||when nested does "cantorian" diagonalisation diag n [] = [] diag n x = map hd px++diag (#px+1)rest, otherwise where px = filter (~=[]) (take n x) rest = map tl px ++ drop n x listdiff::[*]->[*]->[*] ||listdiff defines the action of "--" listdiff x [] = x listdiff x (b:y) = listdiff (remove b x) y remove b [] = [] remove b (a:x) = x, if a=b = a:remove b x, otherwise showbool::bool->[char] showbool True = "True" showbool False = "False" ||shownum defined internally base r x = "0", if x=0 ||base is used by charname = f x, otherwise where f 0 = [] f n = f(n div r) ++ [mkdigit(n mod r)] mkdigit n = decode(n + code '0'), if n<10 = decode(n - 10 + code 'a'), if 10<=n<36 showchar::char->[char] showchar x = "'" ++ charname x ++ "'" ||note - charname has the right conventions for showchar ||i.e. ' is escaped and " is not escaped - showstring inverts this charname '\\' = "\\\\" charname '\'' = "\\\'" charname x = [x], if 32 <= code x < 127 \/ 160 <= code x < 256 charname '\a' = "\\a" charname '\b' = "\\b" charname '\f' = "\\f" charname '\n' = "\\n" charname '\r' = "\\r" charname '\t' = "\\t" charname '\v' = "\\v" charname x = "\\" ++ pad 3 (base 10 n), if n<1000 ||H=this case only & no pad = "\\x" ++ pad 4 (base 16 n), if n<=0xffff = "\\X" ++ pad 6 (base 16 n), otherwise where n = code x pad w s = rep(w-#s)'0'++s rep n x = [], if n<=0 = x:rep (n-1) x, otherwise showlist::(*->[char])->[*]->[char] showlist f x = '[':rest where rest = "]", if x=[] = f(hd x)++foldr g "]" (tl x), otherwise g a s = ',':f a++s showstring::[char]->[char] showstring x = '"' : showstr x showstr [] = "\"" showstr ('"':x) = "\\\"" ++ showstr x showstr (a:x) = s ++ showstr x ||for Haskell style padding use s1 here where ||see also line marked H above s = charname a || s1 = s ++ "\\&", if clash s x || = s, otherwise || clash ('\\':c:cs) (d:ds) = digit c & digit d || clash s x = False digit c = '0' <= c <= '9' shownum1::num->[char] shownum1 n = "("++shownum n++")", if n<0 = shownum n, otherwise showparen::(*->[char])->*->[char] showparen f x = "("++f x++")" showpair::(*->[char])->(**->[char])->***->[char] showpair f1 f2 tup = f1(first tup)++","++f2(rest tup) showvoid::()->[char] showvoid () = "()" showfunction::(*->**)->[char] showfunction x = "<function>" showabstract::*->[char] showabstract x = "<abstract ob>" showwhat::*->[char] showwhat x = error "undeclared show-function", if x=x ||the following function is used to implement the offside rule (under %bnf) indent :: *->**->** || * is type of `col' function, ** is parser outdent :: *->* || * is a parser indent = changetype indent1 outdent = changetype outdent1 indent1 col f ((a,s):x) = f ((a,s):cutoff col (col s) x), if a~=offside indent1 col f x = f x cutoff col n = g where g ((a,s):x) = (a,s):g x, if col s>=n = (offside,s):(a,s):x, otherwise g [] = [] outdent1 f = reconstruct.f reconstruct (m:x) = m:g x where g ((a,s):x) = x, if a=offside g (t:x) = t:g x g [] = [] reconstruct fail = fail ||internal repn of failure is a non-CONS object ||offside is defined internally and differs from every string