_T_h_e_ _M_i_r_a_n_d_a_ _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_ _i_n_t_e_r_p_r_e_t_e_r

The Miranda system is invoked from unix by the command
        mira [script]
where `script' (optional parameter) is the pathname of a file containing
a  set of Miranda definitions.  If no script is specified a default name
`script.m' is assumed.  The named script (script.m by  default)  becomes
your _c_u_r_r_e_n_t _s_c_r_i_p_t, during the ensuing Miranda session.  You can change
your "current script" during a session, but  at  any  time  there  is  a
unique filename which is current.

Note that a file containing a Miranda script is expected to have a  name
ending  in  `.m'  and  the  `mira'  command  will  add this extension if
missing.  So `mira stuff' will be interpreted as `mira stuff.m'.  It  is
a  convenient  and  widely used convention that files containing program
sources should have names indicating which language they are written in.

The set of names in scope at any time are those of the  current  script,
together  with the names of any scripts which it `includes' (see library
directives) plus the names of the _s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d _e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t, which is  always
in  scope.   The  current script may be an empty or non-existent file if
you have not yet put any definitions in it.  In this case just the names
of the standard environment will be in scope.

The prompt `Miranda' indicates that  you  are  talking  to  the  Miranda
interpreter.   This  activity  is  called  a  Miranda ``session''.  Each
command should be typed on a single line, following the prompt,  and  is
entered  by  hitting  return.  Any command not beginning with one of the
special characters `/', `?', or `!' is assumed to be an expression to be
evaluated.  The following commands are available during a session.

 Any Miranda expression typed on a line by itself is evaluated, and  the
value  is  printed  on the screen.  If the value is of type [char] it is
printed literally, otherwise the special function `_s_h_o_w' is  applied  to
it to convert it to printable form.  Example
  Miranda sum[1..100]
  5050 (response)

There  is a special symbol $$ which is always set to the last expression
evaluated.  So after the above command $$ will have the value 5050,  and
this  can  be used in the next expression - e.g. `$$/2' will produce the
response 2525 (and the value of `$$' is now 2525).

exp &> pathname
 A background process is set up  to  evaluate  exp,  and  the  resulting
output (including error messages, if any) sent to the designated file.

exp &>> pathname
 As  above,  except  that the output is appended to the designated file,
instead of replacing its previous contents.

exp ::
 Print the type of the expression (instead of the  value).   Useful  for
investigating the type structure of a script.

 Lists  all  identifiers  currently in scope, grouped by file of origin,
starting with the standard environment.

 Gives more information about any  identifier  defined  in  the  current
environment  (namely  its  type  and the name of the file in which it is
defined).   This  command  will  also  accept  a  list  of  identifiers,
separated by spaces.

 Opens the relevant source file at the definition of  identifier,  which
may be any currently in scope.  Try for example ??map
 For  this and several other features to work Miranda must be configured
to use an appropriate editor - the default is vi,  but  you  can  change
this.   See  section  31 subheading 5 of this manual ("How to change the
default editor").

 Execute any UNIX shell command.

 Repeat last shell command.

Note that the character `%' can be used in any Miranda session  command,
including  a  `!'  command,  as  an abbreviation for the pathname of the
current script.  So for example
	!wc %
does a word count on the current script.  (If for some reason  you  need
to  include a literal % character in a command, you can escape it with a
preceding backslash.)

All  the  remaining  commands  begin  with  `/'.   Each of the following
commands can be abbreviated to its first letter.

/edit (also /e)
 Edit the current script.   Calls  up  the  currently  installed  editor
(default _v_i, to change this see remark under ?? above).  On quitting the
editor, if changes have been made  to  any  relevant  source  file,  the
Miranda system automatically recompiles the current script and any other
scripts on which it depends and which have been updated.

/edit pathname (also /e pathname)
 Edit arbitrary script.  Note that the pathname should end in  `.m'  and
that this will be added if missing.

Note by the way that (on most UNIX-like systems) Miranda understands the
commonly used `~' convention in pathnames.  That is ~/file means file in
your home directory, and ~jack/file means file in jack's home directory.

/file (also /f)
 Print the name of file containing the current script.

/file pathname (also /f pathname)
 Change to new current  script.   Equivalent  to  quitting  the  Miranda
system  and  reinvoking it with a new sourcefile.  Like /e, /f adds ".m"
to the end of the filename if missing.

Important special case - reselecting the current script, eg by saying
	/f %
forces the current script to be RECOMPILED - this is  useful  if  script
has errors and you wish to see the error messages again.

/help (also /h)
 Display summary of main available commands.  There are a few less used
auxiliary commands, not covered here /aux (or /a) will summarise these.

/man (also /m)
 Enter online manual system.

/quit (also /q)
 Quit the Miranda system.  Typing the end of file character  (control-D)
also has this effect.

Finally note that $- and $+ are allowed as notations  for  the  standard
input  in  Miranda  expressions.   The  standard  input  as  a  list  of
characters is denoted by `$-'.  As  a  simple  example,  evaluating  the
	reverse $-
causes  everything  typed  at the keyboard upto the next control-D to be
echoed backwards.

The notation `$+' also denotes the standard input, but as a sequence  of
Miranda  expressions (one per line), and returns their values as a list.
For example
	sum $+
reads a sequence of numeric expressions from  the  standard  input,  and
returns the sum of their values.  See the manual section on reading with
interpretation  (under  UNIX/Miranda  system  interface)   for   further