_T_h_e_ _u_s_e_ _o_f_ _`_s_h_o_w_'_ _f_o_r_ _c_o_n_v_e_r_t_i_n_g_ _o_b_j_e_c_t_s_ _t_o_ _t_h_e_i_r_ _p_r_i_n_t_ _r_e_p_r_e_s_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n_s

The need often arises to convert  an  arbitrary  Miranda  value  to  its
printable   representation  as  a  string.   For  numbers  the  function
`shownum' (of type num->[char]) can be used for  this  purpose.   To  be
able  to  do  this  conversion  for  any  type of object would seemingly
require an infinite number of  functions,  one  for  each  type.   As  a
solution to this problem Miranda provides a special keyword, `_s_h_o_w'.

For any object x
	_s_h_o_w x
is  a string containing the printable representation of x.  For example,
if x is a number the above expression is equivalent to `shownum x'.   In
the  general  case, however, x could be a structured object of arbitrary
complexity.  Note that _s_h_o_w is a reserved word, not an identifier.

In fact `_s_h_o_w' behaves under most circumstances as  though  it  was  the
name  of a function, of type *->[char].  For example it can be passed as
a parameter, so that say,
	map _s_h_o_w [a,b,c,d,e]
is a legal expression of type [[char]].

There are three important restrictions on the universality of _s_h_o_w.

(i) You cannot `show' functions in any useful sense.  (That would  be  a
violation  of  referential transparency.) The result of applying _s_h_o_w to
any kind of function is just the string "<function>".

(ii)  You  cannot  `show'  an  abstract  object  unless  an  appropriate
show-function was included when the type was defined (see manual section
on Abstract types).  The result of applying _s_h_o_w to such an object is by
default just the string "<abstract ob>".

(iii)  When it occurs in a script the context in which _s_h_o_w is used must
be such as to determine its type _m_o_n_o_m_o_r_p_h_i_c_a_l_l_y.  An example:
	my_show x = "hello\n"++_s_h_o_w x++"goodbye\n"
In the absence of any other type information, the  compiler  will  infer
that  my_show has type *->[char], and that x is of type `*'.  The use of
_s_h_o_w is therefore polymorphic, and will be rejected as illegal.

If however we intend that my_show will be used only on objects  of  type
`tree',    say,   and   we   add   to   the   script   the   declaration
`my_show::tree->[char]', then the above use of _s_h_o_w becomes monomorphic,
and will be accepted.

The  essence of restriction (iii) is that _s_h_o_w is not a true polymorphic
function of type *->[char], but rather a family of monomorphic functions
with the types T->[char] for each possible monotype T.  The context must
be sufficient for the compiler to determine which member of  the  family
is required.

(For  technical  reasons  this  restriction applies only in scripts.  In
command-level  expressions  _s_h_o_w  behaves  as  if  it  were  a   genuine
polymorphic function.)